I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 138: Tsunade's persuasion

Seeing that he had suppressed the old man of three generations, Tsunade turned back, took a few deep breaths to suppress the anger on his face, and then forced a harmless smile on his face, and patiently persuaded Yun Ting:

"Yunting, not killing the third generation is also for the good of the current situation. Although I am also very unhappy with the foreign strategy of the third generation old man these years, it cannot be denied that during his decades of being Hokage, not only the village, but the entire Hokage The network of relationships established in the country is very huge. Now that you are the first to take power in the country of fire, many people in the country will definitely hesitate, wait and see, test, etc. If it is revealed that the third generation of Hokage in Konoha village is against you And being killed, no matter it is the objection or the killing, it will cause turmoil in the villagers, and the entire Kingdom of Fire will also be turbulent."

"Right now is the transitional time for you to hold power. Compared with turmoil, stability is the most suitable for the current requirements. In addition, the third-generation old man was the one who finally appointed you as the fourth-generation Hokage. No matter what you think, From other people's point of view, the former is your kindness. In addition, Konoha has never had a fight between Hokage before. If this incident breaks out, not only Konoha's reputation will be greatly affected, but you, Yunting Your own reputation will also be greatly damaged."

Listening to Tsunade's persuasion, Yun Ting's face was originally unchanged, but in the end he subconsciously changed after hearing the other party's words "his own reputation will also be damaged".

After discovering this, Tsunade, who was staring at him all the time, was excitedly preparing to take advantage of the victory and chase after him, when he suddenly thought of what Yun Ting said at the beginning, and quickly suppressed his impatience.

I kept saying "gentle" and "gentle" in my heart, and soon saw her tone become soft again:

"Yun Ting, you are determined to be the most successful and loudest Hokage in the history of Konoha. If you kill three generations of old men at this time, no matter what your future achievements are, this thorn will never be removed. Let the three-generation old man die. Of course, the death penalty is inevitable, and the living crime cannot be escaped. As long as the situation is not too embarrassing, I think the three-generation old man will accept it."

"Even if he doesn't accept it, I will make him accept it with my fist!"

When it came to the end, Tsunade's nature finally couldn't be suppressed.

I saw her staring at Hiruzaru Sarutobi, saying every word, with a high-pitched voice.

This also relieved Yun Ting, whose ears had returned to normal.

I have to say that Tsunade still worked hard.

To be able to make the opponent who has always been averse to politics speak out such a long speech, the points are for his own consideration, and many of the words are indeed reasonable, but it is difficult for the opponent to be so quick-witted.

But what does it mean when she speaks like a live slug?

Although it is not a human being, listening to its gentle voice is like listening to a mature older sister with a virtuous and docile temperament whispering in the ear, and it does not feel disobedient at all.

But Tsunade wanted to say that all the time, Yun Ting could only tremble with embarrassment.

Can you imagine a heroic, majestic, hot-tempered woman suddenly whispering in your ear like a docile woman?

It seems that he made a mistake before.

It shouldn't be said that Tsunade is "gentle"!

It's better to keep it as it is.

Thinking of this, Yun Ting sighed deeply.

Tsunade didn't know what Yun Ting was thinking.

In order to be able to save three generations of old men, now she is willing to bow her head in front of Yun Ting and beg for mercy, and even become "gentle" as the other party said.

Although she also felt very uncomfortable, she was still able to grit her teeth and persevere.

But at this time, after she had finished talking a lot, Yun Ting not only did not express, but suddenly gave an inexplicable sigh, she finally couldn't help but asked irritablely:

"What the **** do you mean by that sigh?"


Yun Ting shook his head.

He could say that he was feeling over and over again, and there was not a single tender and amiable woman who was close to him.

Seeing this, Tsunade couldn't force him to ask any more questions, while continuing to meditate "gentle" and "gentle" in his heart, while returning to the original question, he said: "Finally, I hope Yunting will forgive the three-generation old man for my sake." It’s a death penalty. This stubborn and stupid old guy is my teacher after all. This time, I owe you a big favor.”

"Favour? It seems that Tsunade owed me once!" Yun Ting muttered after hearing the words.

Tsunade's face froze, and then he waved his hand again and said, "It's okay to have another one!"

"If there are too many lice, don't you itch?" Yun Ting smiled and shook his head.

As if he didn't hear it, Tsunade directly ignored this point, and asked the final answer: "So, Yunting, what is your answer?"

"My answer..."

At this moment, under Tsunade's intense attention, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's complicated gaze, Yun Ting said these words calmly, and then...

There will be no more!

One minute...two minutes...five minutes...

Waited for ten minutes!

For the final result, Tsunade kept silent patiently, not daring to interrupt Yun Ting's meditation.

Even if the other party's so-called contemplation is staring at his face all the time.

This was the first time in her life that she felt so powerless.

But even so, after waiting for so long, she still couldn't hold back and said: "I said Yunting, you should finish your sentence after all!"


Yun Ting finally opened his mouth and said, "My answer is, let me think again."


Incomparable silence.

If the scene at this moment is a manga, Tsunade should have drawn a big "well" sign on his temple at this time very aptly.


In an instant, a huge explosion sounded from Tsunade's feet, breaking the silence.

"Think! Think! Think! I've been thinking about it for so long! I've already thought about what I should think about! One sentence, you're such a mother-in-law, Yun Ting, you are here to amuse me!"

At this moment, Tsunade finally abandoned the "gentle" posture she had always insisted on. The huge chakra burst out from within her body, her fists crackled, and the ground under her feet continued to crack like an earthquake. ,

As if the female tyrannosaurus finally woke up, Tsunade looked at Yun Ting with a pair of bright brown eyes fiercely at this time, and said with a broken jar:

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, this is what I said here. If you really want the life of the three-generation old man, Yun Ting, you must step over my corpse!"

"If you want to do it, do it quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Tsunade stood in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, ready to fight.

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to speak, although his heart was warm, but his face was still extremely anxious, but was interrupted by Yunting's sudden burst of applause.

"This is the Tsunade I am familiar with."

Facing the opponent who bared his teeth and claws, Yun Ting said with a smile on his face.

Then I saw him again and said: "Since you have said so, Tsunade, then I will pardon the capital crimes of the third generation."

As soon as these words came out, Tsunade and Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who were preparing to fight to the death, couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Just because the result came too lightly.

It's as if you're ready to pay a great price for something, only to find that the latter actually only needs to bend down to pick it up, and you can't react for a while.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ting shook his head slightly.

In fact, as early as Tsunade's arrival, he had already planned to kill the killer.

What else?

With Tsunade's character, he would never sit back and watch his teacher get killed right in front of his eyes.

Could it be that he really fought against Tsunade, stepping over his corpse first as the other party said?

Even if he was subdued for a while, the two of them would definitely turn their faces afterward.

It is related to his future happiness, Yun Ting will not spoil all this because of a bad old man.

In addition, it is true that as Tsunade said, killing the third generation now does more harm than good.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's prestige is not at the same level as those of Danzo, Mitomon Yan, and Zhuanju Koharu.

Yun Ting can simply kill these latter people, but as the former of the Three Hokages, it is really difficult to deal with.

Therefore, after Tsunade arrived, he also let go of his hand.

As for why it took so long in the middle, who made Tsunade's rare desire to be angry but dare not be angry, and his attitude of being courteous to others is really hard to see.

Especially Yun Ting himself, who has never seen Tsunade like this before, so naturally he has to appreciate it.

Just like when Tsunade was stared at by him for ten minutes just now, he kept aggrieved and had to maintain a kind appearance, he swore he would never forget it in his life.

At this moment, after repeatedly confirming that what Yun Ting said is true, Tsunade finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If she had no other choice, she really didn't want to fight Yun Ting.

Fortunately, the result is developing in a good direction after all.

Tsunade didn't think much about Yun Ting's delay for so long before, and stepped forward, patted the latter's shoulder happily several times, and said with a hearty smile: "Yun Ting, thank you for your mercy! This time I owe you a big favor!"

Feeling the numbness on one side of her body~www.readwn.com~ and looking at Tsunade who is so close at hand, smiling like a flower, it is difficult for Yun Ting to guess whether she is intentional or not. In the end, he just shook his head and said:

"Let's continue to accumulate favors that are already worthless. However, Tsunade, you have said before that you are willing to go back to Konoha. If this is the case, then you will do what you say, and you can't change your mind! Otherwise, I will change my mind too."

As soon as this remark came out, Tsunade, who had a bright smile on his face, burst into a forced smile.

But the situation is like this, she can only nod slowly.

Seeing it, Yun Ting smiled coldly in his heart.


After finally seizing this extremely rare and precious opportunity, if he still misses it, then he himself will not forgive himself.

After wandering outside for so long, it's time for this woman to go home.

You know, his desire to collect money is beyond words.

the other side.

Seeing that the only two members of the Senju Clan were reconciled, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was still **** and unable to move, heaved a sigh of relief.

Now that the facts are established, he doesn't want Tsunade, who is of great use to Konoha, to fall out with Yun Ting because of him.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two remains.

And myself...

To be honest, who would want to take the initiative to die if they could live.

Not into the hands of the enemy.

I just don't know what punishment will be waiting for me next.

After all, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes are inevitable, he is still clear.

Also, Danzo......

Thinking of the most important person in his life, Sarutobi Hiruzawa didn't even have any interest in thinking about his own future end at this time, instead his eyes fell into deep memories with complicated eyes.


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