I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 140: The most wonderful reminder

First, he was beaten up by Yunting; then when Tsunade arrived, Yunting used him to block flying stones; when he was about to wake up, he was kicked unconscious by the former; finally, Tsunade shook him back and forth dozens of times.

Adding all these things together, when Jiraiya finally woke up, it was normal to find that he had many more injuries than before he fell into a coma.

"Tsunade, when did you come?"

Jiraiya, who didn't care much about his own injuries, stood up grinning, and greeted Tsunade in surprise after noticing Tsunade.

Tsunade folded his hands over his chest, and just hummed twice in response.

I didn't even care about it.

Then, after seeing that the three generations of teachers were safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next second he noticed that Yun Ting was still there, Ji Lai, who was getting more and more painful all over, shrank slightly.

He looked around, and when he found that there were no other people except himself, his face darkened.

He understood that the other people who came with him did not have the good fortune to seek their lives from Yun Ting.

Now the only ones alive are him and the three generations of teachers.

"Ji Lai Ye, what I said before still counts. It won't kill you, and it will give you a good ending. Just obey now." Yun Ting said at this time.

Jiraiya also now has no strength and ideas to resist Yunting, so he can only nod secretly when he heard this.

On the side, Tsunade did not plead for mercy, and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not speak again.

They know that they will inevitably be punished.

After all, after he did something against Yun Ting, who is the fourth-generation target, if there is no punishment at all, that would be taken for granted.

The fact that Yun Ting could pardon his capital crimes was due to his attitude towards himself in the fight, and the fact that he himself is a very good fighter and can contribute to Konoha in the future. one side.

At this moment, Yunting looked at Jiraiya and announced: "As a punishment, Jiraiya will still retain your Konoha ninja status, but from now on, you are not allowed to return to the Kingdom of Fire without my order. , directly treat it as a traitor. At the same time, in foreign countries, you must accept the task assigned by the Konoha Intelligence Department, and in the future, use the intelligence collection of various countries to atone for yourself.”

"Can't even go back to the Land of Fire?"

As for intelligence gathering, Zilai also has no opinion, because in the past, he would do this by the way when he was gathering people outside.

The only change is that I will not be able to follow my own will in the future, and the work will be more arduous.

It's nothing.

Only the fact that he couldn't even go back to the Land of Fire made him feel a little worried.

Unlike Tsunade who is used to wandering outside, he returns to his beloved Konoha Village from time to time.

Now not only can't even return to Konoha Village, even the country of fire can't enter.

This kind of punishment really cared about him.

Seeing this, Yunting smiled slightly, and changed his words: "If you don't want to, you can also be punished by being imprisoned at home forever like the three generations."

Jilai also changed his face in an instant, and waved his hands again and again: "Forget it, my house in Konoha has already sold it. I'd better accept the former punishment."

Compared with not being able to return to the country, being imprisoned at home made him even more reluctant.

He's not an old man looking after his life.

Zilai, who feels that his body is full, has been doing good deeds of saving stumbled women and benefiting men. He can't stop doing this.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go now. The intelligence department will contact you later."

After the matter was settled, Yun Ting immediately began to chase people away.

As for Jiraiya, since he is not going to be killed, then he should be driven far away, so as not to get in the way of the subsequent transformation of the Kingdom of Fire.

After hearing the words, Jiraiya with a dark face nodded heavily, and said goodbye to Hiruzaru Sarutobi: "Three generations of teachers, you have done what you should do. Since things cannot be changed, then don't bother. This time After that, just enjoy your retirement with peace of mind and don't think about anything else."

"I understand, I will stop asking about other things in the future, and truly be a retired old man."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi patted his disciple's shoulder with a smile, and then said earnestly, "It's the same with you, since things cannot be changed, then accept all of this calmly. Maybe in the hands of Yun Ting next, you can really give Konoha, give The Land of Fire has brought different and wonderful changes. After Jiraiya, you should collect information abroad. This is also contributing to Konoha."

"I understand." Jiraiya nodded solemnly.

Now that I can't change the status quo, let's go with the flow and see what kind of development Konoha and the Land of Fire will usher in in the hands of the new generation like Yun Ting.

Anyway, he would not be a **** of some forces with malicious intentions, to do something to disturb the latter's process.

No matter what, he is always a member of Konoha!

In the end, Jiraiya came to Tsunade and looked at this woman who had occupied an important place in his heart since he was a child. He wanted to say something, but when he really wanted to speak, he found that he didn't know what to say. Saying goodbye with a smile: "Tsunade, take care."

"Take care too. Don't let me hear the news of your death in the outside world." Tsunade waved his hand freely.

"Hahaha! I am the white-haired boy Miaomushan Toad Immortal! There is no one in this world who wants to take me in!"

Hearing what Tsunade said, Jiraiya would habitually laugh, and then put on a handsome pose like a toad sage.

It's just that Tsunade's next words, "Didn't Yun Ting catch you just now?" broke his defense in an instant.

He almost forgot about Chi Chi!

Jilai also scratched his head in embarrassment, put aside the topic rationally and finally said: "Then everyone, I will bid farewell."

After speaking, he waved his hand vigorously, and the subject did not forget that there was always a small transparent silence.

Then, he left under the gaze of everyone.

But just as he passed by with Yun Ting shoulder to shoulder, the latter overwhelmed his voice, and the words that he was the only one who could hear made his eyes shine instantly.

"Remember to release the follow-up of "Intimate Paradise" as soon as possible."

This is the most beautiful reminder that Jiraiya has ever heard in his life.

Since the fourth generation likes his novel so much, if he can complete another one with the same quality as "Intimate Paradise", no! Even more winning novels are coming, and they will be handed over to the fourth generation to read. So if the latter is satisfied, will he revoke his punishment?

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's face was very excited.

It will work for sure!

Otherwise, the fourth generation would not have specifically said these words at this time.

It seems that I have to hurry up and rush to draft.


After the novel is finished, be sure to give the fourth generation a collector's edition that is not available on the market and has more private content.

In this way, the fourth generation will undoubtedly be more satisfied.

At this moment, the originally gloomy life once again found the light coming, and if it wasn't for the wrong timing, I would like to cheer immediately.

However, even so, when he noticed that he suddenly became less depressed after not walking far, and his steps were extremely brisk, both Tsunade and Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help looking at Yunting, wondering what the latter had just done. What did you say.

Regarding this, Yun Ting naturally looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and kept silent.

He never admits that the reason why he is willing to put his own life on the line is also the reason why he never forgets the series of "Intimate Paradise".

"It's not too early. There are many things waiting for me to deal with in the Land of Fire. Don't delay any longer. I will send Tsunade directly. You three generations, go back to Konoha." Seeing the curious Tsunade, he thought Asked, Yun Ting took the lead.

"Send us back to Konoha?" Tsunade's attention was suddenly diverted.

She came late, but she didn't notice that Yunting could fly Shenlei.

After she knew it, she looked at the latter again with surprise.

She didn't notice much before, but after Yunting became Hokage, how could she feel that the other party's eight meridians had been opened up, and the speed of progress was beyond her imagination.

Has there been such a big improvement since becoming Hokage?

Tsunade was very puzzled.


Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

When Yun Ting brought Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shi Yin and Tontou teleported back to the office where he had already left the mark of Fei Rai Shen with the Flying God Thunder, they quickly alarmed the staff on duty outside.

After a rush of footsteps became stable again, Yun Ting, who was sitting on the seat of Hokage, ordered Nara Shikoku who came: "Send a team to **** the third generation home."

Nara Shiji's heart moved when he heard the words.

Noticing that Sarutobi Hiruzen had no objection to this, he quickly guessed the result, didn't say anything, and immediately took action.

"Master Sandai, please." Nara Shikahisa still remained respectful.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled peacefully when he heard the words, and then said to Yunting and Tsunade finally: "Yunting, Konoha's future is up to you. And Tsunade, remember to come and see me sometimes old man."

"Tell my wife to buy more wine at home, and I will go naturally." Tsunade waved his hand.

Yun Ting nodded calmly ~www.readwn.com~ After that, seeing Sarutobi Hiruzani no longer in the back, Yun Ting turned to Tsunade and said, "I have always had Tsunade your home in Senju Clan Land." Tell someone to clean it up, now that you are back, you can just move in."

Hearing this, Tsunade nodded in gratitude and said, "Then thank you, Yun Ting."

Yun Ting: "It should be. By the way, your house is too big, and you will live there permanently in the future. Do you want me to send some servants to help you clean up the house?"

"No need, let's just live with Shizune and I. I'm not used to having other people around me. You have to know Shizune is a good manager of the house. With her around, everything at home can be at ease." Tsunade refused.

On the side, Shizune, who came to Xindi and wanted to prove her worth as soon as possible, nodded after hearing the words, saying that she would definitely serve Tsunade-sama well.

In this way, Yun Ting couldn't say anything more, and could only look at the small Jing Yin with pitiful eyes.

This little girl probably doesn't know how big the Tsunade family is supposed to be.

It's no wonder that Shizune was too young when Tsunade took her away from Konoha, and the memory of the latter's family may have long since faded away.

However, if the little girl doesn't know it, don't the grown-ups know it?

At this moment, Yunting seriously suspects that Tsunade likes to bully child labor.

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