I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 142: Naruto assistant?

After finishing all the affairs in the northern part of the Kingdom of Fire, Yun Ting used Flying Thunder God to go one step ahead and came to the capital again.

There is no need to say much about what happened after that.

As with the previous orders issued in Konoha, those dignitaries who were connected with Konoha’s old-fashioned faction all confiscated all the confiscated houses, beheaded those who had their heads beheaded, and those who served hard labor.

Yunting's fishing operation allowed him to stand on the basis of legal principles and righteousness from beginning to end, and even uprooted those forces in Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire who were trying their best to oppose him.

Since then, in the land of Fire Nation, no one can oppose him anymore.

This also means that in the coming time, the blueprint of the Land of Fire can be left to him to paint!

With the joy of success, Yunting returned to Muye Village again.

He didn't forget to invite Tsunade to drink at night.

As for Tsunade's bold words about drinking him poor, he just laughed.

He is so rich, let alone Tsunade, even if he pulls everyone in the Akimichi clan to drink it for a whole month, he will not break...

Forget it, it's better not to use this metaphor.

The stomach of the Qiudao family is like Schrödinger's cat, you will never know how big it is until you open it.

Back at his home, because Ritsuko Yamanaka and the Konoha army stayed in the land of frost, this banquet could only be arranged by Yunting himself.

You can't travel thousands of miles to bring back people who are busy with business affairs to work on your own private affairs.

This is too unkind!

After Yunting has prepared all the preparations,

It didn't take long before Tsunade arrived with Shiute in a hurry.

It can be seen that Jing Yin, who is embracing Dolphin at this moment, looks unloved in life, and he no longer has the high fighting spirit when he first came.

Obviously, she has fully realized how big the Tsunade family is.

Yun Ting could imagine that this little girl who was ill-fated since she was a child must have been blinded and desperate.


Who made Tsunade this woman so out of tune.

It seems that the children must not be brought up by her in the future.

Yun Ting looked at Tsunade, and the thoughts in his heart had drifted far away.

Tsunade, who didn't know what Yun Ting was thinking at this time, only felt that the former looked at him strangely.

The sixth sense from a woman made her feel very uncomfortable.


Tsunade slapped Yunting heavily on the shoulder, and his bright brown eyes were full of scrutiny: "Yunting, what are you thinking in your heart? Are you talking bad about me?"

Yun Ting once again experienced the numb state of half of his body.

This is what Tsunade pulled back at the end.

Even with his current strength, he really didn't want to take a slap from this seemingly weak and slender authority.


When I have time later, I must ask Tsunade for the method of cultivating strange power.

Otherwise, if the two of them fight close to each other in the future, if she slaps her excitedly, she won't be able to block it by herself.

I can't still turn on the fairy mode at that time.

At this moment, Yunting thought of many things again.

However, with the lesson from that slap just now, he quickly came back to his senses, still biting his teeth in pain and said: "I didn't think about anything, I just suddenly realized that Tsunade, you are very beautiful today."

Tsunade grinned, and stretched out his hand with normal force to pat Yun Ting's shoulder with a picture of "you're pretty **** good".

She is not stupid, how can she not know that what the guy in front of her is telling is not the truth, but if she pursues it to the end, there will be no results.

And there will be a banquet next, so I can't turn my face now, right?

In addition, since she will live in Muye Village for a long time in the future, she must find a long-term meal ticket based on her consumption level.

In this way, the big dog in front of her naturally caught her eyes.

At this moment, Tsunade looked at Yun Ting with bright eyes.

Yunting, who didn't know that he was being taken advantage of, led Tsunade and Shizune into the house.

Along the way, Tsunade looked around curiously, obviously noticing a lot of changes in the place she used to come to frequently.

Jing Yin at the side looked enviously at the many servants who shuttled through it, and then looked at his two little hands, feeling a lot depressed again.

The banquet will begin soon.

Seeing the plates of dishes that looked exquisite in appearance and all kinds of ingredients were extremely precious were brought and placed on the table by a famous servant, the face of Jing Yin, who had never experienced such things before, was full of stupefaction.

She followed the poor Tsunade since she was a child, and she was good at filling her stomach. She never thought that the rich people's dinner would be so delicate.

Tsunade was not surprised.

Before she left Konoha, the food at home had always been like this.

In fact, she doesn't pay much attention to these, otherwise she wouldn't be willing to sleep outside for so many years.

In comparison, having wine to drink and dice to gamble on is the most important thing to her.

At the banquet, it was different from Shizune who was gobbling after Yun Ting nodded, put his hands together and said cutely "I'm starting", Tsunade first smelled the wine in the glass, his eyes lit up, and then he took a sip drink up.

"Good wine!" She said excitedly instantly.

Tsunade knew very well that the wine he was drinking right now was the most precious wine that the Senju Clan had kept for many years.

At that time, she searched all the wine cellars of the Qianshou Clan but couldn't find it, and she was hidden very deep by those old stubborn Qianshou who had been prepared for a long time.

Even if she plucked off the beards of those old guys, the latter still didn't let go.

I didn't expect to drink here after many years.

"That's interesting! Yunting!" At this moment, Tsunade's favorability for Yunting skyrocketed.

Originally, she thought that this time the other party's treat would be like the same as the last Nine Tails Night, but she didn't expect the other party to be so generous this time.

It is precisely because of this that Tsunade's idea of ​​using Yunting as a long-term meal ticket is getting stronger and stronger.

'We have to find a way to trap this kid! '

While drinking happily, Tsunade kept thinking in his heart.

At this moment, a drop of fragrant wine inadvertently leaked from her mouth, and under the action of gravity, it quickly dripped into the deep groove in her skirt.

Tsunade lowered his head, then his eyes lit up.

If it really doesn't work, I can only let her 106 do it!


The rules of the Senju Clan are not as great as those of the Hyuga Clan.

There is no such rule as eating without speaking.

And even if there is, judging by Yun Ting and Tsunade's character who is now in charge, it must be erased 100%.

Because of this, Yun Ting and Tsunade continued to talk as usual at this kind of formal feast of thousands of hands.

About his location and actions in the Fire Nation, his starting point and even his purpose, etc., after eating and drinking, Yun Ting told in detail to the woman in front of him, who was closest to him both in terms of blood and emotion.

Especially the other party's grandfather was also the maker of the "one country, one village" system.

He didn't want a secret rift between the two of them.

Although Tsunade is not interested in politics and has stated in advance that he will not interfere with Yun Ting's actions, she is very happy that the latter can take the initiative to explain to her and let her truly understand the meaning of what he does.

No, although Tsunade said he was not interested, at this moment, whether it was drinking or eating, Tsunade was much slower than before.

After Yun Ting finished speaking, she thought about it very seriously, then nodded and said:

"To be honest, Yun Ting, I don't have as much ambition as you, and I don't quite understand the many changes you mentioned. But I can feel that your starting point is right. In addition, Konoha has been in your hands all these years I have also seen the development with my own eyes.”

"So, although I don't understand those principles. But as a person with thousands of hands, I will still stand by your side both in public and in private. As for those so-called traditions, Yun Ting, when did you realize that I am following the rules? People? As long as everything is developing for the better, those **** traditions will be changed!"

"Don't worry! Even if my grandfather returns from the underworld and runs here to object, I will ruthlessly grab his beard and kick him back."

"Who made our relationship strong!"

Tsunade patted his chest, feeling extremely proud and ambitious at this moment.

All these words really came from her true meaning.

In her opinion, it is also the wood escape + fairy mode, and there is nothing wrong with Yun Ting using the power in her hands like her grandfather to create a new world that is different from the previous one, as long as it does not go on an evil path.

Of course, there is also her intention to win over relationships so that Yunting will be willing to treat her as a long-term meal ticket in the future.

It's just that she didn't expect that her reward would come so soon.

I didn't even expect that this return was much greater than the long-term meal ticket.

"It's very kind of you to support me, Tsunade."

Yun Ting happily replied that it was not beyond Tsunade's expectations, but what the other party said next shocked her extremely.

"...As Tsunade said, our relationship is the strongest both in public and in private, and now I happen to need your help with one thing." Yun Ting, who had been talking for a while, finally said Out of the ultimate goal~www.readwn.com~ Tsunade, will you be my Naruto Suzuo? "


It wasn't Tsunade who reacted first when he heard this, but his stomach was bulging from eating, but his mouth was still silent.

Although she was willing to be transparent during the whole process of chatting between Yun Ting and Tsunade, and focused her energy on food, it doesn't mean she didn't hear what she said just now.

Although she left the village with Master Tsunade when she was very young, she still knows the term "Hokage Fuzuo".

That is a position that is only under Hokage in Konoha Village and is above 10,000 people.

Tsunade-sama? Naruto Fuzuo?

Although it is a bit offensive, Shizune, who has followed Tsunade-sama for so many years, really can't imagine that the other party, who has always been inconspicuous, can have anything to do with the word "Hokage Fuzuo".

will this work?

At this moment, not only Shizune, but Tsunade himself doubted it even more.

When she heard Yun Ting's unexpected speech, the wine she just poured into her mouth spit out immediately.

No time to wipe it off, Tsunade pointed at himself with disbelief on his face for a second and said:

"Me? Hokage... Fuzuo?"

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