I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 143: who goes to hell

"Me? Hokage...assistant?"

Tsunade pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Yes, it's Tsunade you."

Yun Ting nodded with great certainty, expressing that he was definitely not drunk and talking nonsense.

Seeing Yunting is indeed true.

In an instant, Tsunade's head shook violently from side to side like a rattle and said:

"No no no no no..."

She never thought that she would be given such a big surprise when she came here to have a good meal.

Assistant Hokage is definitely a very desirable position for 99% of the people in Konoha Village.

But for her who is not even willing to do Hokage, why would she want to be Hokage's assistant?

Plus, your family knows your family.

I have always liked to do things with my fists.

It is definitely a huge torture for her to sit in the office to deal with documents.

Therefore, in order not to mislead others and herself, she naturally strongly refused.

Yun Ting was not surprised by Tsunade's reaction.

After all, if the former is really keen on power, then the position of the Fourth Hokage would not belong to him in the first place.

It's just that the current situation is like this, and he really needs Tsunade's help.

Not caring about the expression of resistance on Tsunade's face, Yun Ting patiently explained:

"Tsunade, you are also aware that the situation in the Land of Fire is undergoing unprecedented changes, and Konoha, which is closely related to it, will also change accordingly. Although I have great confidence in the results of this change, it does not mean that the situation has changed. Many people in Konoha Village who are used to living under the old system can feel at ease."

"Coupled with the rebellion of the Muye Advisory Elders, although the village has consciously minimized its influence, there will still be some gossip. Adding all these together, Muye Village seems to be as usual, but the fluctuations in people's hearts are not. Much bigger than ever."

"If you want the reform of the Fire Country to proceed smoothly, there must be no problems with Konoha, the most important basic board. I want Tsunade to serve as Hokage's assistant, and I also want to use your high reputation in the village to appease the people in the village. People's hearts."

As the granddaughter of the first generation, the disciple of the third generation, the founder of the Konoha Medical System, one of the Konoha Sannin, and even the Princess Ji officially canonized by the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, Tsunade not only has the envy of Yun Ting in Konoha Village Extremely popular, in the country of fire, her prestige is also great.

The reason why Yunting wanted Tsunade to be his assistant Hokage was because of this.

With Tsunade returning and serving as Hokage's assistant in Konoha, the fluctuations in the hearts of the people in the village will be able to settle down faster under the influence of both of them.

Especially the elders of Konoha.

If it is said that the younger generation of Konoha Village respects the current four generations of Hokage Yunting like never before.

Then in Konoha's previous generation, after decades of accumulation, Tsunade's reputation is undoubtedly greater.

In addition, for Yun Ting, his work will undoubtedly be even more busy after he has the entire Fire Nation in his hands.

Tsunade became the assistant of Hokage, and he can also help him share some affairs.

The other party is his closest person, coupled with his indifferent attitude towards power, he can naturally be 100% at ease.

As for what Tsunade himself said about his lack of ability to do things, it doesn't matter.

Ability is forced out.

In the original book, Tsunade became the Fifth Hokage, although laziness and sleep are indispensable, but Konoha Village is still well managed.

Of course, right now, I can't tell Tsunade that.

I saw Yun Ting said again: "Let Tsunade serve as Hokage's assistant, not to ask you to do anything. After all, I just treat you as a mascot to stabilize Konoha's people's hearts. Wait for Konoha And the Nation of Fire is on the right track, if you want to resign, there is absolutely no problem."

"Really?" Tsunade asked doubtfully.

What Yun Ting said is business after all, and the starting point of everything is for Konoha. Now that she has returned to Muye Village, she can no longer be a person who throws her hands away like before.

No matter how unwilling, you can only listen to it.

If it was true what Yun Ting said was just to be a Hokage assistant who didn't have to do anything, then she could still accept it reluctantly.

But can this guy really be trusted?

"Of course it's more real than real gold!" The other party replied.

At this moment, looking at Yunting's "incomparably sincere" face, Tsunade hesitated for a moment, the sixth sense from a woman always made her feel bad.

In the end, she still shied away and said, "Let's forget Naruto Assistant. It's better for me to be the dean of Konoha Hospital or to teach medical ninja students."

"No!" Yun Ting shook his head and said firmly, "Tsunade Hime, one of the dignified Konoha Sannin, returns to Konoha, if I give you such a position, there may be many people who will think that I am doing it on purpose. Suppressing you! Tsunade, you have disappointed many people by not becoming Hokage. Hokage's assistant is already the lowest standard, and it cannot be lowered any further!"

Hearing this, Tsunade fell into hesitation again.

On the side, Shizune looked at all this with great interest while eating.

Being able to push and push the position of Assistant Hokage, but being forced to take it, the entire Five Great Ninja Villages can't find such an existence.

Tsunade-sama is amazing!

In the past, Shizune, who had been hiding from debts all day long, didn't know the power of Master Tsunade.

However, when she returned to Konoha Village, she really felt the prestige that Tsunade-sama has here.

Even Hokage-sama has to seek help from Tsunade-sama!

At this moment, Shizune turned into Tsunade-sama's senior fan girl again.

As for the fact that she was miserably tricked by him before, she has habitually ignored it as a submissive.

Tsunade was still hesitating at this moment.

Seeing this, Yun Ting shrugged and said: "Actually, Tsunade, it's fine if you don't want to be Hokage's assistant. There is another way here."

"Another way?" Tsunade was shocked, and looked over with burning eyes.

"Actually, in the final analysis, I let you serve as Hokage's assistant because I want to use your personal reputation to stabilize the villagers together with me. If this is the case, there is another better way to say it."

Having said that, Yunting looked at Tsunade meaningfully.

It was also this gaze that made Tsunade suddenly feel terrified.

It's just that the words have come to this point, but she still let Yun Ting continue to speak with the same curiosity in her heart.

"Hey!" Yunting sighed first, as if he had endured a lot, "If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell. For Konoha, for the kingdom of fire, another way here is... Tsunade You marry me."


In an instant, Tsunade smashed the wine bottle with one hand.

Regardless of spilling her favorite wine, she stared at Yun Ting in disbelief.

Then, the face, which was shameless or angry at first, quickly turned red visible to the naked eye.

After that, her pupils that were so shocked and dilated quickly recovered.

At the same time, in it, bits and pieces of manic murderous intent quickly gathered.


Jing Yin, who dropped his chopsticks to the ground again, opened his mouth wide in shock, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

‘Hokage-sama... is this a proposal to Tsunade-sama? ? ? '

'Okay... so exciting! '

‘Should I applaud and cheer at this time to set off the atmosphere? '

Just when Shizune's two little hands merged and wanted to do what he could do, Tsunade suddenly broke out!

Boom! Boom!

The table, chairs, and even the floor were instantly shattered by the explosion of Tsunade's huge chakra.

Without saying anything, Tsunade faced her extremely flushed face and rushed towards Yun Ting in embarrassment.

In the next second, there was a thunderous fighting sound.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed the surrounding Anbu ninjas.

It's just that after seeing that the people who made the shots were Hokage-sama and Tsunade-sama, they all tacitly did not step forward to disturb them, and even dispersed around to prevent outsiders from entering.

It is related to the reputation of the two adults, what they can do now is to minimize the impact.

On the other side, Mute, who witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, still kept his hands in the posture of applauding.

How could it suddenly become like this?

Shizune couldn't understand how a good marriage proposal turned into a fight all of a sudden.

Obviously this pair is very suitable in terms of status, strength, and appearance.

This is completely in line with the images of male and female characters in many romance novels she has read before!

In the end, the unwilling Jing Yin clapped her hands stubbornly.

Although the sound is so light that it is insignificant.

At this moment, the fight between Tsunade and Yunting continued.

They are both old acquaintances. When the two sides are not serious, the two of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com fight back and forth.

This also allows both parties to have energy to talk to each other.

"I said Tsunade, why did he suddenly do it without a word? The other plan I proposed is indeed reasonable! After all, marriage will undoubtedly allow you and me to play a greater role than serving as Hokage's assistant." Yun Ting quickly explained while fighting.

"Hehe." Tsunade sneered directly.

"Hehe, what do you mean? Don't tell me Tsunade doesn't object?" Yun Ting asked with a smile.

"Hehe!" Tsunade continued to sneer, but this time the punch was much stronger.

"Hehe again, so Tsunade, you agreed?" Yun Ting shook his numb right hand and continued to pretend to be confused.

This time Tsunade didn't laugh anymore, who knows if Yun Ting will brazenly call her wife in the next sentence.

"Who will go to **** if I don't go to hell? Yunting, you really think highly of yourself! You think of me as hell?" Tsunade, who was so angry, finally said a long sentence while gnashing his teeth.

Yun Ting listened, and the smile on his face was even thicker: "Listening to Tsunade, it seems that the focus of your attention is not on the point of marrying or not, but on the question of 'who is hell'! Could it be... ...."


Before Yun Ting could speak, he was interrupted by Tsunade's urgent roar.

If you look at her face at this time, you will find that it is much redder than before.

"Damn Yunting! I'm going to tear your mouth off!"

Furious, Tsunade wanted to move his real hand desperately.

Seeing this, Yun Ting hurriedly stopped and said:

"Hey... Take it easy! Tsunade, keep your hands steady! This is my home! You heard it wrong before! I am hell! You are the one to enter!"


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