I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 146: Minato and Kushina

Country of Tang, formerly Tangyin Village.

After experiencing the battle between Konoha and Yun Nin, Tang Nin who was forced to join suffered heavy losses. Later, under the order of the Fourth Hokage Yunting, Tang Nin, who was seriously injured, was directly removed from the name. The name Tangyin Village is natural also no longer exists.

It's just that the village hasn't had time to get the new name of Konoha, so the original name is still temporarily used.

Regarding the fact that their own Tang Ren no longer exists, the vast majority of people in Tangyin Village accepted the fact that they were not used to it at first, but later accepted it casually.

After all, as a village that has always enjoyed "forgetting the war", they really don't pay much attention to armaments.

No way, the geographical location of Tangyin Village is very superior, coupled with the well-known hot spring resources and natural beauty in the entire ninja world, the tourism income alone is enough to make the people in the village live comfortably.

In terms of per capita income alone, I am afraid they are higher than the people in Muye Village.

Now that life is happy, then naturally he doesn't want to get involved in other troubles.

The villagers were very annoyed by the matter of Yunin pulling the strong man before.

Afterwards, the notices of war death came back one after another, causing many families to suffer unceasingly, and for the first time they deeply realized the cruelty of war.

It's all right now, Tang Ren lives up to his existence, and no one will recruit them in the future.

Coupled with the number one Konoha ninjas in the ninja world to guard Tangyin Village, they can enjoy life in comfort and peace of mind.

Therefore, the people of Tangyin Village quickly adapted to the changes in the status quo.

As for the fact that Tang Ninja died at the hands of Konoha Ninja many times. Rather than resenting this, they hated Yun Nin who used his own people as cannon fodder even more.

In the final analysis, the former is just fighting on the battlefield without any prejudice.

The latter's starting point is to deliberately let them block the gun and die.

Coupled with Yun Nin's continuous squeeze on Tangyin Village over the years.

Under such new and old hatred, when they heard that a large number of Yun Ren's prisoners of war stayed in Tang Ren Village, many villagers in Tang Yin Village refused to sell food to Yun Ren's captives, and even boldly touched the edge of the latter's camp, While scolding Yun Nin, he threw stones at him vigorously.

This made Konoha ninjas very embarrassed.


"Then, Mr. Shigeki, I will entrust you with the next logistics procurement."

In Hara Yugakushi's office, Minato Namikaze, who is now in charge of Konoha's army abroad, thanked a very ordinary-looking old man.

The latter is indeed an ordinary person, but his original identity is astonishing. It is the original owner here, Tang Ying from Tangyin Village.

According to the tradition, the people who can serve as Tang Ying are ordinary people with high morals and high prestige in the village.

Therefore, when faced with the arrival of Konoha Bingfeng, this Tang Ying gave up resistance very rationally, and accepted Konoha's transformation in its entirety.

For this person, Minato respects him very much.

Not only because of the other party's attitude towards Konoha, but also because of his high reputation in the village, Konoha also needs his help in many things.

Like just the logistical thing.

After the war with Yunin ended, because of Yunting's order, Konoha's army did not even return with Yunin's 3,000 prisoners of war. Instead, they were transferred to Tangyin Village to imprison the latter.

Originally, it was expected that the background of Tangyin Village was enough to support the logistics of the nearly ten thousand army.

But what I didn't expect was that although there were these, they ignored the hatred of the villagers of Tangyin Village towards Yun Nin, so that they were not willing to sell them at all.

Konoha can never buy or sell by force.

Otherwise, the little reputation that was finally established will stink.

In this way, there is now Namikaze Minato's request to Hara Yukage named Shigeru.

Only the latter can suppress the current turbulent atmosphere in Tangyin Village and allow Konoha's army to replenish logistics in time.

At this moment, Shigeki nodded and said: "The current logistics supply, in the face of the old man, the villagers will barely nod, you don't need to worry, Mizumon. But the longer the Yunin prisoner of war stays in Tangyin Village, the more the villagers The resentment is getting heavier. If possible, Minato-dono should let these cloud ninja prisoners stay away as soon as possible."

Minato nodded and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shigeki, we have received the transfer order from Konoha Village, and the army will return with the Yunin captives in three days. The purchase in the village this time is also for consumption on the way back. .”

"That would be great." Mao Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only Konoha was worried, but he was actually also worried about what the villagers would do when they were agitated.

"So Minato-dono, do you want to leave too?" Shigeki asked another question at this moment, who was relieved.

"Yes." Minato nodded.

"That would be a pity. In fact, the old man and many villagers of Tangyin Village really hope that you can stay here, Lord Minato."

Not getting along for a long time has already made Maoshu very fond of this Konoha manager who is powerful, superb in handling methods, but very gentle in temper, and treats the villagers of Tangyin Village equally. The speech just now is definitely out of sincerity.

Of course, he also knew that the young man in front of him, as the right-hand man next to Hokage, had great political prospects, so he couldn't possibly be the manager of the small Tangyin Village.

So it's just a feeling.

Afterwards, after the two had another friendly exchange, Mao Shu offered to leave.

Water Gate sent the gift to the door.

When he came back, he kept a bright smile, but he sighed deeply, and took out the letter written by Yun Ting sent by Ritsuko Yamanaka this morning with a complex expression.

He also heard about the great changes in the country of fire and Konoha during his time in the country of soup.

He was not too surprised by the comparison, after all, he had more or less contact with these things under Yun Ting in the past.

It's just that because he is too deeply involved with the third generation, sometimes he can't make a decision.

Fortunately, the Fourth Hokage saw his embarrassment, so he didn't participate this time.

Otherwise, Minato himself really doesn't know how he should respond if the Third Hokage and his own teacher ask him to help.

He had just read the handwritten letter of the Fourth Hokage.

In the letter, apart from the fact that the daimyo was controlled by other gods, Yunting basically told the whole story one by one, including the results of the three generations of Hokage and Jiraiya.

To be treated like this, to be honest, Minato was very moved.

Counting the life-saving grace of Nine-Tails Night, and this time deliberately keeping him neutral, it can be said that he already owes the Fourth Hokage two great favors.

Now that everything has been decided, the Third Hokage and Jiraiya-sensei have also lenient, and he can let go of his worries.

Then it's time to express your heart.

Minato thought about it seriously, and then quickly wrote a reply to Yunting.

In the middle of the journey, he couldn't help thinking of his wife who was specially sent by Yun Ting to Turtle Island to conduct the Perfect Manpower Pillar test, away from all troubles, and couldn't help feeling more grateful to his master Hokage.

By the way, I don't know how Kushina is doing now.


Meanwhile, Turtle Island floating above the ocean.

Before the real waterfall.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Kushina, who was missed by her husband, was bombarding the surrounding water with a face of rage.

"Damn it! How did this real waterfall pass! And that impostor, if you are real, I won't beat you to death! My old lady is not like that!"

After failing again and again, Kukina's temper could no longer be controlled.

Different from her own son in the original book, although Kukuna can now perform the Perfect Inchūriki Trial, after all, it was forcibly taken from Yun Ninja, and naturally she cannot get the latter's experience and teaching.

Everything can only be groped by Kukina himself.

But it was undoubtedly difficult for her.

Unlike his own son who can treat tailed beasts like a true friend without any prejudice.

Kukunai is still a lot worse in this respect.

Although she can call Nine Tails and Nine Trumpets affectionately, the two cannot fully communicate with each other.

Because in terms of love, her heart has been completely given to Minato and her own son.

As for the nine tails in the body, it will never be able to be in the forefront.

Under such circumstances, coupled with the mediocre talent of mouth escape, it is normal for Kushina to suffer setbacks in the perfect jinzhuli test.

Fortunately, Yunting didn't really expect Kushina to become a perfect Jinjuriki in one step.

The reason why he sent him here was more of a reason for him to send the other party away from the vortex.

If it is so easy to become the perfect Jinchuriki, there will not be only Kibila who passed the test of Turtle Island in history, and Mizukage Yakura who also achieved this achievement not only because of any method.

I am lucky to have it, and it doesn't matter if I lose it.

Therefore, when Yun Ting sent Jiu Xinnai away, he also gave him a time limit to come back.

Otherwise, with this dead-brained person, I don't know how long I'll be here.

After a while, another failure caused Kushina to lay down on the rock exhaustedly, and couldn't help recalling what she said on the dark side just now in her mind.

All kinds of cold eyes and taunts when I came to Konoha; the heavy surveillance after becoming Nine-Tails Jinchuriki; and most importantly, the destruction of Uzumaki Village.

The latter had already been suppressed in the deepest part of her heart~www.readwn.com~ but she did not expect to be exposed by the dark side this time.

As the closest ally of Uzumaki Village, when the former died, why didn't Konoha, who was so close, rescue him in time?

Why didn't you avenge your allies afterwards?

Why didn't Konoha take in the survivors of the Uzumaki clan in the Uzumaki country scattered all over the ninja world?

When Kuoyin Village was destroyed, did Konoha participate in it?

All kinds of things that Jiu Xinnai didn't want to think about, but now they keep lingering in her heart.

Kushina was very restless and kept scratching her long wine red hair.

In the end, when Minato and Naruto's brilliant smiles appeared in her mind, the aroused darkness quickly disappeared like snow.

In any case, now she has a loving husband and wife, and many warm and friendly Konoha colleagues and friends. Although the current Hokage-sama is out of tune, he also considers many things for himself.

So what is there to be dissatisfied with in such a raw language?

As for the shadows in my heart, after all, it is only a matter of the previous generation.

Even most of the previous generation has entered the dust, so time has passed, and some things should be let go.

Kushina, who thought so in her heart, felt relieved for a moment, and then came to the real waterfall again with confidence.

But soon, she left with a dejected look on her face.

After all, she overestimated her ability to escape with words.

"Ah~~ Why is this ghost test so difficult!" Jiu Xinnai yelled unwillingly, and finally asked for help blindly, "I said Jiuba, you can help me too!"


Inside the sealed space, Kyuubi glanced disdainfully after hearing what the stupid woman outside said.

It's not bad if it doesn't hold you back.

Still helping you?

Think beautifully!


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