I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 147: ulterior motives

Three days later, an army of more than 5,000 Konoha ninjas escorted 3,000 Yunin prisoners of war back to the Land of Fire.

It stands to reason that ninja captives are not very easy to manage when the difference in the number of the two sides is not very large.

But who told Konoha that the leader of this legion is Namikaze Minato known as the "Golden Flash", and during this period of time, Konoha Village has not been idle and sent a large number of Chakra restraints for Yun Nin to capture The middle ninja and the upper ninja are put on, and when the chakra in the latter's body cannot be used, it is useless to talk about the lower ninja among the captives.

As for the two-tailed Jinchuriki and the eight-tailed Jinchuriki, they were not only sealed by the Konoha Sealing Squad, but they were also sent back to Konoha by Fei Leishen.

Under such a heavy insurance, this batch of cloud ninja captives, which can be called a huge number in the history of the ninja world, failed to make any waves.

Yunting placed great trust in these Yunnin captives.

You know, the Kingdom of Fire in his hands will undoubtedly develop in all aspects.

During this period, large-scale construction projects are naturally indispensable.

The physical strength of ninjas is much stronger than that of ordinary people. With the addition of a group of fresh troops like cloud ninja captives, it will naturally speed up the construction of the country of fire.

Build roads, dig pits, build bridges, build houses, open up wasteland and so on.

Yunting has already planned the future work for the upcoming batch of Yunnin captives.

After all, he would never agree to spend the life of a captive in a prison with free food and drink.

Even captives must use their own hands in exchange for daily living expenses!

And at that time, it may not be appropriate to call Yun Nin a prisoner.

Yun Ting thought for a while,

Why not call it the Cloud Ninja Construction Corps!


The Yunin prisoners of war, who don't know their next tragic fate, are now in a very sluggish state.

It's not that Konoha is harsh on them or anything.

This is not the case.

Under Yunting's instructions, everyone in Yunin will be a valuable labor resource in the future. The Konoha ninjas will not deliberately make things difficult unless they are looking for a fight.

The reason why the Yunin prisoners of war are like this is, in the final analysis, a psychological effect.

Especially when he found that he and others were far away from the country of thunder, and the resistance was ineffective, the mood became more and more decadent.

On the contrary, as they got closer to Konoha Village, the smiles on the faces of Konoha's ninjas became brighter and brighter.

This is the difference between the winner and the loser.

As a member of the former, Namikaze Minato was not immersed in joy at this time, but still carefully arranged all the big and small things on the march.

The matter of three thousand cloud ninja captives is very important, even if he has returned to the country of fire, he must be more cautious.

After all, Jinzhuli is very important, so he can use Fei Leishen to bring him back to Konoha at the expense of Chakra.

But with these three thousand people, even if he lay down for a while, he couldn't take him back.

You know, the longer the transmission distance and the more people you bring, the more Chakra it will consume to fly Thunder God.

With this time, he might as well **** him all the way back.

Anyway, it took only two or three days.

As for letting Yunting, who now also has Flying Thunder God and has a huge chakra, do it.

Ha ha.

Not to mention that the latter is busy at the moment.

Besides, if even this matter had to be handled by Hokage himself, then what's the use of their subordinates.

Therefore, under Minato's meticulous actions, although the Konoha ninjas were in a good mood, they did not let go.

The movement caused by the march of an army of nearly ten thousand people was huge.

Ordinary people will naturally flee away in fear after seeing it.

And those who harbored ulterior motives, after noticing that Konoha Ninja's military appearance was still rigorous, could only let go of their thoughts with a sigh.

Of course, this does not include those real powerhouses.

Right now, hovering near Konoha's army, there are two people whose hearts are just about to move.


On a rather high hill, he hid himself in the crimson amber that was specially built for this operation, and the scorpion, who was only wearing an ordinary black robe outside, was looking down thoughtfully. Like ants, the Konoha army marched densely.

Naturally, it was not a coincidence that he met the latter, but after learning of Konoha's victory over Kumo Shinobi, he came here on purpose after collecting many corpses of blood successors.

As the creator of human puppets, Scorpion has been looking for ninja corpses with blood succession limits.

It's just that the ninjas who had the blood succession limit in the past were all precious powers of the major ninja villages, and their whereabouts were kept extremely secret.

In the case of limited intelligence, although he is powerful, he does not dare to forcibly break into Ninja Village.

Therefore, the high-value ninja corpses he has harvested over the years are very few.

Now there is a good chance.

Through the modified machine eyes that can be adjusted from far and near, Scorpion recorded all the organizational structure of the Konoha army below, and finally looked at the captives below who were obviously decorated differently from Konoha ninjas.

The Konoha side is short of manpower, and it takes a lot of strength to guard Sanqian Yunnin.

In this case, the guard force responsible for guarding the corpse will undoubtedly be much weaker.

This is a great opportunity!

Scorpion looked at the sky and decided to wait until midnight before making a move.


At this time, on the other side of the scorpion, Beiliuhu, who was wearing a high-necked jacket, had long white hair, and red eyes, looked at the army not far away with complicated eyes.


His mouth was full of emotion, and his mind soon fell into memories.

It's just that these memories are not very good for him.

Soon, Beiliuhu snorted coldly and said: "Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochi...huh! Forget about the dead! Sooner or later, I will let you open your eyes to see, the one who used to How powerful the people you look down on will be!"

After speaking, he looked at his hands.

Although the technique of ghost sprouting that I rely on most has not been developed yet, it has reached a critical time.

Right now, he also needs experimental products to help verify one or two.

It just so happened that Lan Dun was one of the five blood-successor boundaries that he planned to devour, and there was the body of Lan Dun ninja among the trophies collected by Konoha.

In addition, there are other good blood follower limit corpses, which can be wiped out in one go.

In this way, he can not only meet his own needs, but also use it to attack Konoha, which is a double-winner, so he naturally wants to do it.

Click! Click!

In an instant, dozens of mosquito-sized insects broke through Beiliuhu's fingers and sneaked towards Konoha's army without a sound.

"Go! Go! Bring me all the information about Konoha!" Belyu said with fiery eyes.

At the same time, his broken finger quickly returned to normal under the piles of granulation visible to the naked eye.

Although the technique of Guimaluo has not been fully developed, it also endows Beiliuhu with many extraordinary abilities.

For example, the powerful regeneration of the physical body, such as the fusion of synthetic beasts that he is most proud of.

This is also the reason why he dared to **** things under Konoha's nose right now.



In the Konoha camp that was established not long ago, except for a few patrolling guards, most of the Konoha ninjas and cloud ninja captives have fallen asleep.

At this time, Xie and Beiliuhu, who didn't know each other, started to act at the same time.

Practice·Personal Kung Fu!

Before the team of Konoha ninjas who were guarding the outermost area could react, they were controlled by extremely tiny chakra lines, and could no longer make any movement, but could just watch a short, bloated Shi Shiran, a strange man, walked into the camp.

It was the scorpion who came.

Dealing with a few ordinary Konoha ninjas, he was naturally extremely relaxed.

Scorpion did not want these people to die at this time, but just used the chakra line to make them unable to speak and act for the next few hours. Outsiders looked like they were still doing their duty, and then continued to move forward in the intended direction.

In the middle of the journey, he did not forget to use the transformation technique to disguise himself as a Konoha ninja who was able to walk in the camp during the previous observation.

The subsequent situation was indeed as he expected, Konoha's strength to guard the corpse was much weaker than usual.

With his ability, he was able to reach the large tent where Konoha was responsible for storing the corpses without any alarm.

It's just that he is fast, Beiliuhu's speed is even faster.

The latter rode a flying synthetic beast and flew over from the sky without a sound, and arrived at the sky above the target tent without any hindrance.

Although he was very careful when he fell, he still alarmed the Konoha guards who were in charge of guarding.

Fortunately, he had deliberately ambushed many small but extremely poisonous contract beasts here before. After a swift attack, the Konoha ninjas all fell before they had time to react.

Unavoidably the smell of blood attracted attention, Beiliuhu did not go up to make up the knife, but entered the camp at the last speed to collect the corpse.

Not long after he entered the tent, Xie finally arrived.

When he saw a row of fallen Konoha ninjas, he guessed that someone had stepped up first, and he was instantly furious.

Which idiot is this?

The means are so rough!

Doesn't he know that there are white-eyed ninjas in the Konoha camp?

Without any further hesitation, he was afraid that the scorpion with many nights and dreams would rush into the camp immediately, and after finding someone, he manipulated the scorpion tail on the back of Feiliuhu without saying a word, and stabbed at him fiercely.

Beiliuhu, who had just found it and was about to put away the corpse scroll with the word "Lan" written on it in front of him and sealed with the Ninja Corpse Scroll of Lan Dunxue Jijie Boundary, suddenly changed his face when he felt the attack from behind.

He stretched out his hands as he quickly turned around, and in an instant, he saw long purple snakes with strange shapes protruding from his arms, biting towards the person who came.

The scorpion flicked its tail without looking at it, and dozens of purple snakes snapped off at the waist.

Immediately afterwards, Fei Liuhu opened his mouth.

Crimson Flowing Hu · Needle Eight Waves!

prick! prick! prick! prick!

Countless poisonous needles and stingers spewed out from the mouth, and shot towards the front at high speed.

Beiliuhu reacted in time and placed a beastly and inflated giant hand in front of him.

The poisonous needles and stingers hit it, but it didn't have the expected effect.

The scorpion who saw it narrowed his eyes, and when he continued to take action, he saw Beiliuhu shouted in a low voice: "Stop! If you beat the leaves again, you will find that there will be nothing to gain by then. The corpses here are so Big, you and I can split it equally~www.readwn.com~ Hearing this, the scorpion paused slightly, looked around, and then retracted the scorpion tail.

Although I hate this weird guy who sneaks in without the slightest aesthetic feeling.

But the opponent is not an ordinary miscellaneous fish, if you really want to make a move, it will take too much time.

If this is the case, then divide the sealed corpse scroll equally according to what the other party said.

As for after.

Naturally, kill the opponent and gain everything!

Coincidentally, Bei Liuhu, who was the first to compromise at this moment, also looked at this person who suddenly came out, obviously a puppet master, with a murderous peripheral vision.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, with his character, he would have already regarded his small body as food for synthetic beasts.

just wait!

After leaving the Konoha Camp, there will be some good fruits for you!

-----Off Topic-----

Thank you for the reward of "The pretty boy with Rem Ram passing by" and "Sunday is cloudy";;;

Thanks to "Lingfeng Piaoliu", "Dushuhang", "Ha Afraid of the Dark", "Dawn Rise", "Lost

"" "Fighting" "It turns out that my name can be so long" "I'm full of monsters" "I'm too young and no longer frivolous" "Enthusiasm like fire 0" "Tiantian Guardian" "Danyue Takiaki" monthly pass;;;

Thanks to "Human Feelings", "Bo Luoru", "Pick your feet and pick your feet and pick your feet", "YifengΨLinyue", "Consort qwer6", "Mo Xiao", "Break up to experience happiness", "Hide your name!", "Ji Xuanyuan Haotian ""Potatoes vs Potato Chips", "The Big Bad Wolf That Loves Ice", "Bohan", "I changed my name for the first time", "Jeffsam", "Third Brother Wudi L", "Creation", "yeshenwuyue", "Feng Guishen", "Book Friends 534 ***866", "Xuan?", "Wind Sweeping." and other recommended tickets from book friends! !


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