I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 148: air threat

The two men with ulterior motives made a trial and found that they could not take each other down in a short time, so they rationally chose to stop and began to collect the corpses.

The corpse scrolls that can be placed in this camp are all valuable corpses that were killed by Yun Nin in the previous war.

Among them are not only blood-stained limit ninjas, but also many powerful non-blood-stained limit ninjas.

For Beiliuhu, all he cares about is the boundary of Blood Succession, and he is naturally not interested in looking at the latter.

On the other hand, the scorpion accepted all comers without rejecting them.

You must know that if he wanted to capture every corpse lying in the scroll, he would have to spend a lot of time.

Now that there are so many good materials that can be obtained by rubbing hands, it is not in vain for him to take the risk of going to the Konoha camp.

However, something that belongs to me has been divided by another person. It's still very uncomfortable to think about it!

Looking at the figure of Beiliuhu, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the scorpion, and quietly opened a slight gap from the Feiliuhu, from which a wisp of colorless and odorless gas spewed out.

This is not toxin, but a method he specially uses to track his prey.

No matter who it is, once it touches this gas, it will be attached to it for a full three days.

The gas that only they can perceive allows scorpions to easily catch up with their prey and kill them.

Similarly, when the scorpion made its own little moves, Beiliuhu also quietly assigned a flea-sized synthetic beast to lurk on the scorpion's black robe.

Both of them have the same plan to cheat.

It's just that at this moment, the siren that suddenly sounded in the Konoha camp shocked them instantly.

After all, Beiliuhu's methods were too rough.

Not long after, the Konoha guard lying outside was discovered by other Konoha ninjas.

Soon, the originally quiet Konoha camp immediately boiled.

In an instant, I saw a series of sharp piercing sounds coming towards here quickly.

Xie and Beiliuhu's complexion changed drastically, and then they ran out without saying a word, no longer caring that there were still a lot of corpse sealing scrolls left.

It's just that it's too late now.

The Konoha ninjas who had just returned from the battlefield responded very quickly.

Seeing that the outside has been surrounded heavily.

Beiliuhu let out a disdainful cold voice, whistled, and a huge strange bird swooped down extremely fast.

I saw him jumping onto the bird's back, and after flying up, he gloated at the scorpion beside him and said, "Unknown guy, I wish you good luck in the future!"

stab stab stab!

Shooting sharp poisonous needles one after another, Beiliuhu, who had been prepared for a long time, commanded the strange bird to flap its wings, easily dodged it, and quickly flew into the sky.

"Hahahaha! Goodbye everyone!"

The voice of Beiruhu laughing sounded from high above.

Accompanying it was a batch of strange bird feathers that fell from the sky.


Scorpion, who was unsuccessful in one blow, snorted coldly, and was about to turn his attention back to the Konoha ninja who was getting closer, when he suddenly noticed the strangeness of the feathers falling one by one.

"This is... Chakra gathered on the feathers, is it an explosive?"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Sure enough, the feathers that fell in the next second exploded like detonating charms, and many Konoha ninjas who hadn't noticed for a while were overturned to the ground.

Scorpion, who was already on guard, was not only fine, but also took this opportunity to call out the puppet of the third generation of Kazekage.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron is the Wing!

In an instant, the puppet Three Generations Kazekage summoned sand and iron to form a pair of giant bird wings on his shoulders.

Scorpion manipulated Fei Liuhu and the human puppet Third Kazekage to clasp their backs tightly. The latter took off as if he couldn't feel the weight, just like the previous Beiliuhu, he rose rapidly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Kunai shurikens and even ninjutsu flew from the ground to the sky, but were easily dodged one by one by the puppet Sandai Kazekage.

The scorpion who saw it was relieved.

For today's ninja world, ninety-nine percent of ninjas have no effective means to deal with air targets.

This is why Didara dared to break into Sand Ninja Village alone in the original book to capture Gaara.

This is also the reason why Beiliuhu, after coming to the high altitude, laughed without saying a word, and dared to release the attack and provoke Konoha.

The reason why Scorpion chose the human puppet Three Generations Kazekage at the first time was precisely to take advantage of the flying ability of magnetic escape.

Otherwise, he might really fall here this time.

In any case, today's harvest is still very rich.

Feeling that there are many corpse sealing scrolls in Feiliuhu, and thinking that he will have a large number of human puppets with extraordinary strength in the future, Xie is in a good mood.

However, at this moment, an extremely fast Kunai suddenly shot at him from below.

"The accuracy is good, and the power is also very strong, but it is still useless."

Scorpion calmly waved the tail of Feiliuhu and knocked it into the air.

It was at this moment that he noticed that there was something different about Kunai who had just been sent flying.

It looks like a trident, and there is a yellow talisman paper on the handle of the kunai.

Where does it seem to have been heard?

Before Xie could react, someone had already given him the answer.


Beside Sancha Kunai, a brilliant golden figure flashed over.

It was Namikaze Minato who performed the flying thunder **** technique.

Accompanied by a huge blue chakra ball.

"Dayu Spiral Pill!"

Under Bo Feng Shuimen's icy gaze, the Helix Pill in his hand hit Xie Liuhu's body without any pause.


Before there was any time to respond, the Ten Feiliuhu was shattered into thousands of pieces, and the scrolls of sealing corpses that were finally obtained in it were also scattered everywhere.

Xie didn't have time to worry about these things, not only because his real body had been exposed, but also because he finally recognized the identity of the visitor.

Namikaze Minato!

An existence that even he is extremely afraid of.

Although he has not experienced the Three Wars himself, the information he has collected over the years has given him a general understanding of it.

I didn't expect the other party to come so fast.

Also, I almost forgot that the three-pronged Kunai belonged exclusively to the other party.

After all, it has not gone through the three battles, and because he is in a place he thinks is safe, Xie relaxes for a while, so that his beloved Feiliuhu is completely damaged.

However, there was only this blow, and it was in the air!

Scorpion instructed the human puppet Three Generations Kazekage to quickly distance itself.

Without a point of focus, Minato, who had to fall rapidly, did not forget to throw out a few specially made kunai, and shot at the scorpion again.

Scorpion will not make any more mistakes this time, and immediately directs the human puppet Sandai Kazekage to release ninjutsu.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Shigure!

In an instant, sand and iron like sea waves condensed in mid-air, and after turning into thin needles, they shot out overwhelmingly, not only destroying Minato's specially made kunai, but also flying towards him. Come.

Seeing this scene, Minato could only shake his head helplessly.

With his means, it is very weak to deal with powerful air enemies.

All he could rely on was the initial sneak attack from the Flying Thunder God.

But who ever wanted to hit only the outer puppet.

Minato calmly looked at the sky full of sand needles, then set his sights on the scorpion and the flying puppet under his feet.

"Puppeteer? There is also the puppet under the other party's feet. Not to mention the magnetic escape sand iron, it looks familiar in appearance, very similar to the third Kazekage who disappeared a few years ago! What's going on? Why is the puppet Can you also use Blood Succession Boundary?"

Minato took a deep look at the young-looking Xie, although he knew that the other party was a big fish, but he couldn't do anything under the current situation.

Sighing slightly, his figure disappeared without a trace when the iron rain came.

The scorpion who saw it in his eyes didn't say much. After dispelling the ninjutsu, he didn't care about the many corpse scrolls that fell to the ground, but quickly flew towards a specific direction.

For him, instead of taking great risks to compete with many Konoha ninjas and the elusive Namikaze Minato for the dropped scroll, it is better to focus on the far-off Helihu.

He remembered very clearly that he had temporarily placed the corpse scroll on the latter's body from beginning to end.


In the Konoha camp, Minato, who had returned, looked at the camp that had calmed down, and asked his subordinates, "How about the casualties tonight?"

A Konoha Ninja Hui reported: "After the timely rescue by the medical ninja, fortunately no one died. Now a total of seven people were seriously injured, 24 people were slightly injured, and the injuries are all stable. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It's just us Most of the sealed Yunin corpse scrolls have been lost."

‘Did the two sneak into the Konoha camp late at night just to steal the corpse? It is understandable that one person is a puppet master, but what about the other person? '

There is some distance from my camp here, and after the incident, I must prevent any changes in the captives of Yunin as soon as possible, so as to avoid possible turmoil.

Namikaze Minato was a little slower to rush to the scene of the accident.

When he arrived, all he saw was the flying figure of Scorpion, but there was no information about the other person.

Minato learned a little about Konoha's appearance and the fact that he has a flying psychic beast from the Konoha ninja who arrived first.

It's just that he, who is not from Tsunade's generation, doesn't have much impression of Beiruhu.

After that, I can only send the information back to Konoha to see what information is available in the village.

While Minato was thinking, he did not forget to send ninjas to collect the many corpse scrolls he had dropped before.

Although fortunately no one was killed this time, most of the lost bodies of Yun Nin were recovered with his efforts.

But it was ultimately negligent.

Minato sighed deeply.

Who would have thought that the two bold men lurking in both had the extremely rare flying ability in the ninja world.

Without air supremacy, it is a big disadvantage to the ninja and the village after all.

After this battle, he has a deep understanding of the advantage of air dominance.

After recovering the dropped corpse scroll, Minato, who returned to the camp, recorded everything that happened tonight, and at the same time wrote another letter, hoping that the Konoha scientific research department will increase the development of aerial ninja tools letter.

Since then, Konoha's air force plan has taken the first step under the impetus of Namikaze Minato.


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