Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the battlefield where the puppet army and the synthetic beast army fought, there was no temptation, and the two sides immediately began to fight fiercely.


When a puppet holding a sharp blade descended from the sky and was about to slash at the neck of a synthetic beast, the latter reacted in time and moved its body so that the sharp blade had to slash on the hard shell of its back, making a crisp sound.

Without giving the puppet a chance to get away, the synthetic beast turned around and bit back at a speed far beyond its own size.

Seeing that its body was about to be crushed severely, the synthetic beast's pupils were about to show joy.

The puppet, who seemed caught off guard before, suddenly moved.

In an instant, dozens of sharp blades were stretched out from its two arms, and then they were projected into the open mouth of the synthetic beast at an extremely fast speed.


The vital parts were injured, and the composite beast that turned from joy to sorrow had time to cry out, and then fell down like a pillar of heaven.

The puppet who had killed this synthetic beast was about to continue hunting expressionlessly, when suddenly two extremely thick crossbow arrows shot from the shoulders of another synthetic beast like lightning.

This time the puppet was not so lucky. After being hit by two arrows in a row, the parts of his body were shattered into pieces.

However, before the composite beast with crossbows on its shoulders was happy, another puppet lurked in front of it silently. Taking this opportunity, long sharp needles stretched out from the palm of its hand and pierced straight into the synthetic beast's chest. Inside the head brain.

The battle continues.

The screams from the dying synthetic beast and the silent broken sound of the puppets can be heard endlessly.

But overall, it was Scorpion's puppet army that had the upper hand.

Just because under his command, the puppet army is more like a real army with strict discipline and incomparable cooperation.

The reason for this is that all the actions of the puppets under the Red Secret Technique·Hundred Machines Exercise are directly based on the will of the scorpion, and the timing is even more accurate.

In this way, under the rigorous and effective coordinated attacks of a hundred puppets, the synthetic beasts who were just scattered soldiers and did their own thing undoubtedly suffered heavy casualties.

Beiliuhu naturally also noticed this phenomenon.

With a dignified face, his hands quickly formed seals.

Soon, all the remaining synthetic beasts quickly gathered together in groups of four or five with loud roars, and then fused with each other at an extremely fast speed, splicing them into larger synthetic beasts with increasingly strange shapes.

Beiliuhu's ghost budara technique can not only fuse psychic beasts and even blood successors into one's own body, but also allow synthetic beasts to fuse with each other.

At this moment, a newly synthesized beast that was four or five times bigger than before and covered in bone armor like a giant tiger rushed out at a faster speed, smashed the two puppets that couldn't dodge, and took advantage of the victory. When it opened, hot flames spewed out suddenly, turning into a wave of fire and flying towards the many puppets in mid-air, rolling away.

"Hmph! The trapped beast is still fighting!"

Xie snorted coldly, and after manipulating the nearby puppets to dodge, he ordered a special puppet to come in front of Huo Lang.

I saw the latter with one hand, and two pipes stretched out from the palm of his hand quickly. In an instant, a terrifying suction force came out from the pipes, and all the flames ejected by the synthetic beast were sucked in. Not to mention, this puppet is even more Nothing at all.

Not only that, but it didn't take long for the fierce fire wave to spew out from the mouth of the puppet's two-handed pipe. As the original owner, the synthetic beast couldn't dodge for a while, and turned into coke.

There are many more examples like this in the future.

Although the fused and more powerful synthetic beast brought some troubles to the scorpion at first.

But after all, this is just a trouble, at most it will cost him more puppets and waste some effort.

Soon, under the scorpion's artful manipulation of the puppet army, the hundreds of synthetic beasts that Beliuhu had originally channeled were depleted.

Beiliuhu looked very ugly at the moment.

Since defecting to Muye Village, this was the first time in many years that he really felt that death was coming.

Taking advantage of the few synthetic beasts left to delay time, he quickly took out four scrolls of sealing corpses from his body one after another, and unsealed them all.

Four corpses of ninjas with blood succession limits appeared in front of them.

Things have come to this point, Beiliuhu can no longer tolerate the great risk of the undeveloped technique of Guiyaluo, and no longer thinks that these four blood succession boundary symbols do not meet his requirements.

All he can do now is fight for the last chance.

Even if it doesn't succeed, the technique of Oni Luoya under the rampage can also take away the **** guy in front of him!

Beliuhu began to seal his face with a stern face.

Almost at the same time, Xie, who noticed this scene, said nothing, and immediately manipulated many puppets to kill him.

Time becomes extremely slow at this moment.

At the speed of Beryuhu's seal, the puppets holding sharp knives are far away from each other.

Just when the two sides were about to decide who was faster, the arrival of an unexpected guest broke the situation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sky filled with pieces of paper were folded into shuriken shapes as they were constantly rotating, and they shot at the many puppets who were coming towards Belyuhu at an extremely fast and extremely sharp speed.

bang bang bang bang...

In an instant, a puppet was shattered.


Xie's tone changed suddenly, and he turned to look to the right.

At the same time, Beiliuhu, who saw someone helping him by accident, also stopped making seals in his hands, and looked at the same with a look of rejoicing.

Under the sunlight, a woman wearing a black-bottomed red cloud windbreaker and spreading a pair of huge white wings was slowly falling from the sky.

"Who are you? Why do you want to stop me from making a move?" Xie asked with an uneasy expression.

Konan from Nature is Akatsuki.

Hearing this, she lowered her head indifferently, and said with her lips pierced with studs: "I am the envoy of the 'Xiao' organization, and I have been ordered to recruit you, the red sand scorpion, to join the organization. Your future activities will need your help. Strength, help us."

"Hehe... Look at your tone, you're quite contemptuous. Xiao? I'm not interested in an organization I've never heard of." Scorpion mocked, "Besides, if you really want to recruit me , shouldn’t have blocked my actions just now.”

"Originally, my target for coming this time is only you." Xiaonan said as he landed, and then put his eyes on Beiliuhu and said, "It's just that after seeing that this person's strength is also good, Xinqi also included him. The idea of ​​organization."

"You can regard 'Xiao' as a refuge for those who betrayed the ninja village. After joining, as long as you successfully complete the mission, no one will control what you want to do."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Nan turned his eyes on the two of them, waiting for a reply.

Faced with such an invitation, Beiliuhu, who was already at the end of his strength, nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

"Sounds good, I joined!"

For Beryuhu now, the most important thing is how to save his own life.

If the woman in front of him can protect him, she can let him join any organization.

As for the future, when he completes the technique of ghost budding, it's not a matter of retreating as he wants or simply becoming the boss.

"If this kind of person can join your so-called Xiao organization, then I have no interest in participating." Scorpion on the other side still firmly refused.

Not only that, but he even looked at Xiaonan with fiery eyes: "Your physique is very special, it seems that today I am lucky enough to harvest a good corpse again!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as the words fell, Xie couldn't wait to manipulate the nearest puppet holding a machete, and slashed at Xiaonan's waist.

Tear! Tear!

Without any hindrance, Xiao Nan's body was cut into several pieces immediately.

However, in the next second, several pieces of her body instantly turned into countless pieces of paper and floated into the air.

Not long after, behind the scorpion, these pieces of paper flying everywhere gathered together again, condensing Xiao Nan's figure again.

"Paper again? What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Scorpion turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

Xiao Nan didn't answer, but said indifferently: "I really can't do anything about you...Since that's the case, you can only be taken away by force."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand and pressed it, and thousands of pieces of paper were quickly peeled off from all parts of her body, one by one continued to turn into paper shurikens, and shot at the many puppets manipulated by the scorpion overwhelmingly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Attacked by the impenetrable paper shuriken, the puppets of the scorpion quickly shattered.

"Damn it!"

Scorpion immediately manipulated many puppets to dodge with difficulty, and at the same time manipulated the human puppet Sandai Kazekage to do it.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Shigure!

The huge sea of ​​sand quickly offset countless paper shurikens.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Scorpion continued to use the full power of the human puppet Three Generations of Kazekage.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Giant Needle!

Magnetic Escape Sand Iron Triangular Pyramid!

Magnetic escape sand iron top!

All kinds of magnetic escape ninjutsu hit Xiao Nan's body, but the result was still the same as at the beginning. All the opponent paid was just breaking up his body and reassembling it.

Xiao Nan in the state of Shiki Paper Dance can completely turn herself into pieces of paper, immune to damage from physical attacks.

Although Sandai Kazekage's magnetic escape is a, it relies more on the impact force brought by the sand and iron, so she can naturally ignore it.

"So, what about poison?"

With a twitch in the heart of the scorpion, a thousand arms were summoned from the charm on the left arm of the human puppet III Kazekage, and while stretching towards Konan, the poisonous mist mechanism inside was opened.

In an instant, a large amount of purple poisonous mist submerged Xiao Nan.

But still useless.

Xiao Nan, whose whole body has been reduced to pieces of paper, will naturally not be poisoned if he does not need to breathe.

"It's really a strange technique!" Seeing that another attack method was ineffective, even as an enemy, Xie couldn't help but sigh for Xiaonan's technique at this time.

But he didn't stop there.

Any technique needs the support of Chakra, and he doesn't believe that the other party has been maintaining this state.

Magnetic Escape·Sand and Iron Realm......

Just when Scorpion was about to manipulate the human puppet Three Generations Kazekage to amplify his move, Xiao Nan took the lead in making a new move.

She stretched out her arms, and countless pieces of paper scattered from her body.

Then, under conscious mobilization, many pieces of paper quickly pasted towards the three-generation Kazekage, the puppet in the air.

Soon, sheets of white paper were pasted all over the body of the latter who couldn't dodge.

These pieces of paper seem to have a sealing effect.

The ninjutsu of the human puppet Three Generations of Kazekage had to be interrupted. After a large number of pieces of paper completely wrapped the other party, Scorpion found that he had completely lost contact with the former.


The human puppet Three Generations Kazekage fell from the sky, blasting a hole in the ground.

The pupils of the scorpion couldn't help shrinking sharply.

And Xiao Nan, who once again had a large number of pieces of paper condensing his upper body in midair, looked at him, and said in a still indifferent tone:

"I repeat again, Scorpion of Red Sand, join the Akatsuki organization and help us."


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