I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 151: Watch the lively Orochimaru

"I repeat again, Scorpion of Red Sand, join the Akatsuki organization and help us."

While the papers were flying all over the sky, Xiao Nan, who spoke again, floated in the air, and the pieces of white paper formed on his body swayed with the wind.

Scorpion tried to contact the puppet Three Generations of Kazekage to no avail, then looked at the few puppets around him after many battles, and shook his head slightly.

He was also straightforward, making a seal with one hand: "Release!"

In an instant, with the white smoke of "bang bang bang", all the puppets present were collected into scrolls.

After finishing all this, Xie looked at Xiao Nan and said calmly: "I have no choice for losing, you can take me wherever you want."

"It's reasonable to be surprised!" Xiao Nan, who didn't expect Xie to admit defeat so simply, was slightly surprised.

"The road to eternity has just been halfway through, and now I don't want to die halfway at this time!" Scorpion touched his chest and explained.

Then, I saw him looking at the papers all over the sky, and said with a sigh on his face: "In addition, I also want to meet other members of the Xiao organization. Maybe it can be like your art, and let me feel the artistic inspiration that I have never had before." .”

For Xie, who is committed to the way of eternal art, after seeing Xiaonan's unique paper ninja, he also has a lot of inspiration.

If he can't resist, he doesn't mind joining the so-called Akatsuki organization.

After all, since the Xiao organization has this woman in front of it, other people will not be weak.

It might give him new inspiration.

There was a faint expectation in Scorpio's heart.

In this regard, Xiaonan's face remained flat and said: "If you have such expectations, I will be confused. But since you want to join us, so be it. Two people, now it's time to follow me to the Xiao organization base, go to Meet the leader of Akatsuki."

"Okay! Okay!"

Beliuhu, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, hurriedly responded after hearing the words.

He didn't expect that a woman who appeared out of nowhere could defeat the scorpion who had almost driven him to a dead end so easily.

And this woman is just one of the members of the organization named "Xiao".

If he was just pretending to be a snake before, then now that he has truly seen his strength, he has a bit of sincerity.

After a lot of tossing in the Konoha camp before, Konoha will find out his identity and start a new pursuit before long.

If it was at his peak, he would naturally not need to care about the latter given his strength.

But in the battle with the scorpion just now, all his synthetic beasts have been completely consumed, and his strength has dropped to the lowest point.

This had to worry him.

Now that the Akatsuki organization seems to be very powerful, he might as well join it, so that his own safety can be guaranteed.

At this time, Xie, who heard Beiliuhu's speech, looked over coldly.

If it is said that he is still looking forward to the other members of the Akatsuki organization.

But he didn't have the slightest interest in the defeated general who joined with him in front of him.

‘In the future, let’s find a chance to make this human-animal **** into a puppet. ’ Scorpion was full of murderous thoughts.

Beiliuhu naturally sensed Xie's undisguised killing intent, and said coldly in his heart: "This time, I'll introduce you to your arrogance. When my ghost bud Luo technique is perfect, I will definitely tear you down, this wooden lump." ! '

There was an undisguised conflict between the two, Xiao Nan looked into his eyes and only lightly warned that "members of the Akatsuki organization must not fight each other", and then took the two of them back to the Land of Rain.

Seriously speaking, the rule that "members of the Akatsuki organization are not allowed to fight each other" does not need to be taken too seriously.

After all, it is obviously untrue to gather a group of traitors who have no loyalty at all, and to ask them to abide by the rules.

Just like how many accomplices who formed a team with Jiaodu in the future were murdered by him, and the corpses were brought into the underground black market and turned into bundles of banknotes.

In the end, the corners are different and there's nothing wrong with it.

For Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, useful tools are good tools.

If it's dead, it's worthless.

Of course, the premise of all this is that it will not affect the tail beast weapon plan.

If the official business is delayed due to personal enmity, then Payne's anger will be borne.

Therefore, Xiao Nan, who is well aware of his rebellious character, didn't say much, but just warned him publicly.

As rebellious old fritters, Xie and Beiliuhu naturally don't take it too seriously. After the two sides looked at each other coldly, they each followed Xiaonan with their own ulterior motives.

Soon, the battlefield, which had been extremely fierce before, became quiet.

Only the broken flesh and blood left on the ground attracted more and more beasts to eat.

At this moment, a long snake that looked very ordinary nearby suddenly opened its mouth.

Then, a pale arm covered with a lot of mucus protruded from it, and then another arm, the head, the whole body, and finally the feet.

Such a weird and disgusting way of appearing on the stage is naturally the only Orochimaru in the entire ninja world.

This is Tian Country.

Orochimaru, who has been rooted here for several years, naturally knows the situation in the territory very well.

When he discovered that Konoha Ninja was secretly investigating Tian Zhiguo, he, who was always cautious, chose to avoid the edge temporarily, but he did not expect to see such a good show in the middle of the road.

"Beliuhu...hehe! I never thought that the classmate who was unwilling to be mediocre is still alive, and his strength is also extraordinary. Is that the forbidden technique he developed? It looks interesting!"

Orochimaru came to a broken corpse of a synthetic beast, stretched out his finger to dip in its blood, then licked his finger with his long tongue, savoring it carefully.

"It's good, but it's just good. If it's just these things, then the new wind you brought to me, old classmate, is not enough."

Orochimaru shook his head, then looked at it again.

It can be seen that there are still many sand and iron left on the field.

Seeing this, Orochimaru said with a playful smile: "I didn't expect that! The third Kazekage, who was so difficult on the battlefield, was killed by the Renren in his own village, and even turned into a puppet that can display the limit of blood succession. This can be regarded as the saddest movie in history! Is it the red sand scorpion? Hehe!"

"In addition, the woman who can defeat the Red Sand Scorpion is also very good! But I always feel like I've seen her before?"

The blue hair, the paper flowers, and that face...

Orochimaru stroked his chin, thinking.

As a master who studies the soul, if you think about the piece of memory, Orochimaru, you can still easily recall bits and pieces of the past.

Soon, during World War II, he and Jiraiya, Tsunade finished the battle with Sansho Hanzo, and after being awarded the title of Konoha Sannin, the memory of his return emerged.

"I remember, isn't that little girl who was one of the three orphans of the Rain Country that Jilai left behind to teach her at the time, isn't that the woman just now?" Orochimaru excitedly stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips. He said in his usual hoarse voice, "Interesting! It's so interesting! I remember that I was planning to kill these three orphans!"

In addition, when he formed a team with Jiraiya later, he saw that the latter received information from Toad, saying that the three apprentices of the Land of Rain had died.

I still remember that Zilai was sad for a long time.

So what's going on now?

Not only did the information show that the dead girl was still alive, but her strength had grown to such an extent that he had to face it squarely.

If this is the case, are the other two still alive?

Was that Akatsuki organization established by them?

What is the purpose of recruiting these rebel masters?

At this moment, Dashemaru had many questions in his mind.

And as time passed, the eagerness on his face became more solemn.

It just so happens that Konoha Ninja is constantly searching in Tianzhi Country for some unknown reason.

Originally, he also planned to use Tian Zhiguo's ambition to obtain more funds and personnel for his experiment, and at the same time, he planned to establish a ninja village on the bright side.

Now it seems that this plan can only be delayed.

Why don't you take advantage of your free time to explore the roots of the Xiao organization and see if you can find anything interesting.

Orochimaru thought for a while, and quickly made a decision.

His figure, whose eyes were full of novelty, flickered, and then quickly followed in the direction of Xiaonan and the others.


Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

The news of the attack on Konoha's army was quickly sent to Tsunade's office, who currently holds the highest position in Konoha Village.

As the host, Tsunade was sleeping soundly on the table at this time~www.readwn.com~ When she heard the knock on the door, she woke up instantly, wiped the corners of her mouth skillfully, and then said angrily: "Come in !"

"Master Tsunade." Shige, holding the newly sent document, immediately pushed the door open and entered.

The visitor is no longer Lu Jiu.

The reason for this is mainly because the other party found that Tsunade's face was getting darker and darker as he came more frequently, and he was afraid that he would be used as a punching bag, so he chose to change in time after being hospitalized for a month.

As the mute of the people around Tsunade, it is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Facts have proved that this is indeed a good way.

No matter how angry Tsunade is, he won't take it out on the little girl he watched grow up for no reason.

In the following time, she also gradually got used to this office rhythm of sleeping when there is nothing to do and getting up when there is something to do.

"I haven't slept for long, why is there another batch?"

Tsunade yawned, looking impatiently at the top file from Konoha Dajun.

Soon her complexion changed.

It was only because she saw a person she used to be very familiar with in the documents and information.


Tsunade said with a serious face and a faint memory.

"Helyuho? Tsunade-sama, who is this person?" After sorting out the documents before, it was clear that this person was one of the people who attacked the Konoha camp, but Shizune who didn't know his identity was a little curious when Tsunade blurted out his words. road.

"A former classmate, Konoha's rebellious ninja, a person who went to extremes." Tsunade sighed slightly, shook his head and said, "I thought that the other party had no news for so many years, and he should have died in some accident. I didn't expect to show up at this time."

"It's really... I don't know how to live or die!"


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