I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 280: Result and Curtain

, update me as soon as possible, the latest chapter of Konoha's new Hokage!

after one day.

On an unnamed beach in the land of water.

Amidst the sharp whistle, a flying ninja from Konoha was routinely hovering in the air at this time, searching for possible targets.

After a few minutes of investigation, it was found that there was no sign of life here, as if literally nothing.

The member of the Konoha Flying Squad who was manipulating the flying ninja shook his head slightly, then the target turned and flew towards another place.

Soon, except for the sound of waves rushing towards the beach, this unnamed beach regained its former calm.

Until a quarter of an hour later.

After waiting cautiously for a while, and finding that the Konoha flying ninja would not return, two waves suddenly rose from the water near the beach.

The bodies belonging to Terumi Mei and Chojuro poked out from under the sea surface little by little.

When the feet finally landed on the ground.

Looking very embarrassed, Chojuro, who didn't even have the standard black-rimmed glasses, stuck one of the double knives called flounder flounder on the ground, and lay down on the beach, panting Qi said: "Finally escaped back! It's really not easy!"

On the side, grabbing another flounder flounder that was used as a floating board when the chakra was exhausted before, although Terumi Mei did not fall down like Chojuro, her tense face also stepped on the ground In an instant, he finally showed his deep exhaustion without concealing it.

After hearing Chojuro's emotion, Terumi Mei couldn't help but glanced at the ocean behind him, nodded heavily and said, "It's really not easy!"

A day ago, nearly a hundred elites from Wuyin Village went to sea in high spirits.

Up to now, the only ones who can come back now are the two of them.

Shikura, Yu Gao, Qing, the group of Mist ninjas, and even the younger generation who deliberately followed her in the end, all willingly stopped in order for her, Mizukage, to escape.

Now I have fulfilled part of their wish.

Next, there is the last part of the more important wish to be fulfilled.

Terumi Mei turned around and looked into the depths of the huge island called the Land of Water.

There, Wuyin Village, which has experienced **** storms and has been hit hard now, is still waiting for her.

Pain, self-blame, sadness, remorse, etc. have endured too much in the previous day.

Up to now, although he will not be indifferent, Terumi Mei, who knows what he should do now, suppresses all these in his heart with a strong will, and continues to walk without delay:

"It's time to go, Chojuro. It's not time to relax yet!"

"Sorry, Mizukage-sama!" Chojuro got up quickly after hearing the words, scratched his head in embarrassment, and then carried the double-knife flounder plaice on his back, and followed Terumi Mei's footsteps firmly as before.

The surprise battle between Konoha and Mist Shinobi ended here.

And on the other side.

As early as before, he hadn't found Terumi Mei's trace for a long time, and Shisui, who knew in his heart that there might be no fruit, was no longer greedy, except to send some people to continue searching like a wide net and try his luck.

He himself has already returned, and he is going to take down the two Renzhuli from Wuyin Village first.

But somewhat unexpectedly, in the fight between Liuwei Jinzhu Riki Yugao and Yumuren, after paying the price of a broken arm, he escaped early.

In the end, Konoha's side just seized the lost position.

But the result is okay.

As Mizukage's perfect Jinchuriki, who also has the more important name of the Four Generations of Mizukage, he lost his position and was captured, which was also a major blow to Wuyin Village.

In addition, with Terumi Mei, almost all Mist ninja elites, including the high-ranking Ao, were wiped out.

Calculated in this way, Konoha definitely won an incomparably fruitful victory.

Since then, for at least a month or two, Mist Ninja has never been able to make any movement again.

"Perhaps, it's time to tell the village that we can send another batch of reinforcements back."

Afterwards, on the aircraft carrier on the return journey, although he failed to do his best, Shishui was still in a good mood and thought about the overall situation.


On the battlefield between Konoha and Mist Ninja, Mist Ninja who was backstabbed by Mist Ninja suffered heavy losses.

Just when Terumi Mei, who was full of resentment, returned to Kirigakure Village, she was about to inform other allies of the news immediately.

It turned out that she didn't need to remind her anymore, because the other Three Kingdoms, especially Yan Ren, already knew about it.

Move the time forward a little bit.

Just when Konoha and Mist Shinobi were fighting over the aircraft carrier.

On the battlefield of the Country of Grass on the other side, through remote communication, Minato Namikaze, who found out about the matter a few hours later, no longer hesitated.

Under the pressure of more than 20,000 rock ninja attacks, he finally turned over his first hole card.

After an order was issued, an army composed of 2,000 former cloud ninjas and 2,000 Konoha ninjas formally headed for the land of earth in a fleet near the sea area of ​​the land of earth.

The leader this time is the former Raikage Novomi Toyo.

The country of thunder is located in a remote place, with a thousand Konoha ninjas and a small number of former cloud ninjas staying behind, enough to deal with all the troubles in the country.

In order for the cloud ninja family to gain a good position in Konoha, this time Toshiro specially personally personally led the 4,000 ninja troops to raid the coast of the country of land without Iwanin's investigation, and went straight to the hinterland, disrupting the rear of Iwanin, Attract the attention of Iwanin to achieve the ultimate goal after Konoha.

Facts have proved that he has done a good job.

The 4,000 ninja army led by him quickly defeated a small number of Yannin coastal garrison troops, and after landing smoothly, they turned the coastal cities of the land of land upside down without stopping, and continued to deepen.

Soon, the distress letter from the back of the Land of Land, and even the orders from the Daming House were sent to Onoki of the Iwanin army like snowflakes.

It was too late to scold Yun Nin for being shameless and idiot, and Onogi, who was also afraid that the logistics line would be cut off, hurriedly jumped over the wall and was about to send an army of Iwa Ninja back immediately, but saw the Konoha army on the opposite side who had been defending for the first time launched a full-scale attack.

Obviously, the latter didn't want Iwanobu to go back as he wished.

After the two thousand reinforcements that were initially planned to be sent to the Mist Ninja battlefield arrived, even Iwa Ninja did not dare to take it lightly under the fierce offensive launched by Konoha, who had narrowed the gap with Iwa Ninja in strength.

In the end, Onoki could only reduce and reduce, squeezing out 2,000 troops to return.

But even so, coupled with the fact that there are not many remaining troops under the front line after repeated reinforcements in the country, its strength cannot be enough to expel those four thousand ninjas.

Just when the crowd headed by Onoki was frowning, someone suddenly said:

"I remember that there are two thousand rock ninjas on the border of the country of rain?"


Onoki's eyes lit up.

"Almost forgot about this one!" He clapped his hands vigorously, and then asked Huangtu, "What's the latest answer from Yuyin Village?"

Huangtu replied: "In the latest communication, Yuyin Village stated that it will take some time to prepare materials and mobilize personnel, but they promise to officially launch an offensive in two days. In addition, they rejected our proposal to join the Kingdom of Grass or the Kingdom of Sichuan. Instead, he chose to attack the Nation of Fire by himself."

"Unprepared? Hmph! The old boy Hanzo just wants to see us and Konoha shed more blood. He also attacked the country of fire by himself. Isn't it because Konoha is short of troops now, so he wants to take this opportunity to eat by himself?" Take a big gulp instead of bleeding to us!"

Onoki said disdainfully.

Of course ~www.readwn.com~ Having said so much, after noticing the selfish behavior of Yuyin Village, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the various performances of Urenin at the moment, he would never choose to join the enemy with the idiots of Yunnin.

If this is the case, the two thousand iwa nin who were originally on guard against the rain were dispatched, and in cooperation with the other iwa nin dispatched, they were enough to clean up the four thousand enemies in the rear.

"Damn cloud ninja!"

At this moment, while Ohnoki gave the order, he cursed Kumo Shinobi who was a traitor and the fourth Raikage Ai who had been unable to tell the truth from the death so far.

And with the two thousand Yanren who were stationed on the border of the Kingdom of Rain, they left.

A long-awaited curtain is about to begin.

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, happy family!

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