I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 281: Embarrassed Obito

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As an ally of Iwa Ninja, Uchiha Shisui, who also did a lot of work on the battlefield of the Country of Grass, learned of Iwa Ninja stationed on the border of the Land of Rain through the conversation between the Iwa Ninjas the next day. The news of the departure of the army.

As for why he didn't receive the information in the first place.

This is due to the delicate relationship between Yixiao and the five countries... no, now it should be said that the four-nation alliance.

Although they are allies and have fought with each other for a period of time, the vigilance of both sides has not diminished in the slightest.

Especially when Uchiha Madara obviously didn't really make a move in order to preserve his strength, it made Iwa Shinobi headed by Onogi even more wary of Akatsuki.

The specific manifestation is that whenever Iwanin holds a meeting to formulate various combat plans, Obito is basically not invited, and the latter is often notified to leave together when the preparations are completed and ready for action.

To put it bluntly, it is to treat Obito as a thug.

Obito is also well aware of this.

Yan Ren kept it from him, didn't he also tell the former many things.

Both sides have the same thoughts.

Obito also used Iwanin and Shikoku as tools to deal with Konoha.

As long as the goal can be achieved, he doesn't care how many "allies" die in the middle, anyway, he will turn his face afterward.

Because of this, Yuyin Village has already changed the head of the family, and Obito has ignored it and has not told Iwa Shinobi.

And only when Iwanin of the former Yuyin Village was evacuating the army, because it had nothing to do with the battlefield of the Country of Grass, Obito was not notified.

The result of this is a big mistake.

At first, Obito, who inadvertently heard the news about the Land of Rain from Yan Ninja's conversation, didn't think much about it.

But soon, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Only at this time, Obito remembered that the current leader of Yuyin Village should still be the woman who played with paper.

Although I had stayed in Yuyin Village for a long time because of the incident before.

But after Nagato, the biggest tool, has no value, and the eyes of reincarnation are withdrawn.

As for Yuyin Village, he has already ignored it.

As for the so-called hatred of Xiaonan, who always thought that he would only follow Nagato, be a respondent, and never have his own ideas, he didn't take it to heart.

But now, after hearing the news that the Iwanin troops had withdrawn from the border of the Land of Rain, Obito finally remembered that he still had such an enemy and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Yuyin Village...Xiaonan...

The opponent wouldn't want to stab Iwa Shinobi.

If Akatsuki hadn't made an alliance with the Four Kingdoms, from the standpoint of Xiaonan and Yuyin Village, apart from being neutral, it is very likely that they would attack Konoha.

but now......

Obito can't guarantee that Konoha, who knows the details, won't tell Xiaonan about the current situation of him and Madara.

Given the depth of the latter's hatred for him, it was quite normal to really do something.


This matter must be reported to Onoki!

Thinking of this, Obito's face tightened.

He who also understands the current battle situation knows that once the unsuspecting Yuren joins the whole battle situation, it will definitely be a disaster for Iwanin.


five minutes later.

In Iwanin's main account, after hearing the Obito words coming, he felt a bolt from the blue for an instant, Onogi's head went blank, and his whole body shook involuntarily.

When he regained his senses, he jumped up from the chair in a hurry and roared at Obito:

"The change of leader in Yuyin Village is such a big deal, why didn't you tell me earlier???"

It was a little embarrassing to hear the words.

Although he is not as arrogant as Madara, but as a member of the Uchiha clan, he has opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and his arrogance is still there.

Can he say that he didn't pay attention to the mere Yuren and Xiaonan before, that is, he just remembered it suddenly.

Besides, with Urenin's strength, putting two thousand Iwanin there is more than enough to deal with it.

But who would have thought that Yan Ren's situation was so difficult that even these two thousand people were transferred away.

Not entangled in this issue, Obito coughed at this moment, and quickly changed the subject: "Ahem! The point now is not this, let's reconsider Uyu Shinobu's position."

Although he wished to strangle the guy in front of him to death with both hands at the moment, Ohnoki, who knew the seriousness of the current situation, could only suppress his anger reluctantly, and said unhappily:

"What position are you still considering! Yuyin Village deliberately covered up Hanzo's death, and played Iwanin around, obviously out of uneasiness and good intentions! You have hurt me badly!"

When it came to the end, thinking of the current situation of Iwanobu's unfavorable situation, Onogi, who couldn't help but rise in anger, looked at Obito again murderously.

Just when Obito was thinking about whether he should make a blur first, so as not to be blown away by the dust escape under Ohnoki's out of control.

"Boom" a loud noise.

The huge desk in front of Ohnoki shattered instantly.

Knowing that Obito and Madara are playing an irreplaceable role on the frontal battlefield, he can only vent the anger in his heart to other places first.

Ignoring Obito any more, Onogi immediately summoned people to initiate various new orders, hoping to fill up the hole in the Land of Rain in time.

It's just that it's too late to remedy the situation.

At this moment, Konoha's frontal army has once again launched a full-scale attack.

The strength of the Iwanin army, which was already weaker than before, was held back by Konoha's fierce offensive, and it was really difficult to spare people for a while.

On the other side, the last remaining force of Iwanin, who had already left the border of the Land of Rain yesterday and joined several other troops, was fighting fiercely with the ninja army led by Toshiro, and could not escape for a short time.

This also means that once Yuren enters the Land of Earth, it is almost like entering a land without people.

Jiraiya, who has experienced two ninja wars and has rich combat experience, did not miss this opportunity.

After a group of Konoha ninjas headed by Minato created the best conditions for him and the rain ninjas.

Seizing the opportunity quickly, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com was on the second day after the Iwanin troops on the border of the Rain Country withdrew, and Obito was hurriedly explaining the current situation of Yuyin Village to Ohnoki.

With all the strength of Yuyin Village, nearly 4,000 Yuren and Xiaonan, led by Jiraiya, broke through the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth in one fell swoop.

The conflict was not aimed at the Iwanin army in the land of grass, nor at the Iwanin troops who were fighting with Toshiro, but pointed directly at the hinterland of the land of earth.

To be precise, it refers to the most important logistics line that the country of earth sends to the army of Yan Ninja in the country of grass.

Just as Minato, who was an apprentice, cut off the Kannabi Bridge, the most important logistics line of Iwanin, made the army of Iwanin on the front line have to sue for peace.

Now, as a teacher, Jilai has also come to a larger scale.

Since then, in the Fourth Ninja World War, the "Battle of Kannabi Bridge" in another sense was officially launched.

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