I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 282: Jiraiya

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Four thousand rain ninjas, this is already the maximum strength that Yuyin Village can accumulate over the years of recuperation.

Even so, because Urenin's strength is generally much weaker than the ninjas of the five major countries, if you really start to fight, the two thousand Iwanin stationed on the border at first will not be at a disadvantage, and there is even a possibility of defeating them .

The gap is just that huge.

This is also the reason why when the Fourth Ninja World War broke out, no other small country in the entire Ninja World was willing to join the war except the Iron Country.

Even Yuyin Village, which ranks at the top among the small countries, is only so powerful compared to the five big countries.

Not to mention their weaker ones.

It's just food delivery.

Similarly, after staying in Yuyin Village for a while, Jilai, who has a full understanding of Yuren's strength, naturally knows this too.

He didn't pull the team to face Yan Ninja head-on.

Instead, he chose to attack the Yan Ninja logistics force more easily and cut off the supply line.

With the experience of defeating rock ninja in the third ninja world war, it is a pity that such a good way to win is not used.

In this regard, under the circumstances that no one could stop them, 4,000 Yuren led by Jiraiya and Xiaonan fought all the way to the hinterland of the Land of Earth, and achieved a huge achievement that Yuyin Village believed to have never been achieved before.

On the other side, when it was suddenly learned that Yuren was invading, Yanyin Village was fine.

Although the number of ninjas is small, relying on the village's protective barrier and various defensive weapons that have been built for many years, they are not very afraid of Urenin's possible attack on the village in a short period of time.

On the contrary, after hearing the news, the daimyo and nobles in the capital of the land of earth knew that there were no more ninjas available in the country, and the samurai in their hands were useless against ninjas. , They took their own and others, led by their daimyo, and fled to Yanyin Village with their families.

As a result, the Urenin hadn't done much work yet, and many noble officials of the land kingdom who were originally in charge of raising relevant logistics for the front-line Iwanin army instead took the lead and fled for their lives, so that the next logistics Work was chaotic.

"The officials of the Kingdom of Earth have actually done us a great favor."

Near the former site of the original Shinnobi Bridge, the main account of the Urenin army was set up on this most important logistics line, and then the Urenin were ordered to scatter and destroy various traffic arteries in order to block the Land of Earth and Grass Jiraiya, who was supplying the Ninokuni Iwa Ninja army, also looked at the news that had just been sent back in his hand, and said with a smile.

He didn't expect that he and the others would be the first to wait for an assist from the opponent instead of a counterattack from the Land of Earth.

"In this case, the chances of winning are greater?"

On the side, Xiao Nan, who had just personally killed an Iwanin logistics team, asked with a blank expression.

"Of course!" Zilai also nodded.

As if he saw the victory in sight, and the long-awaited Konoha Village was about to come into view, he was in a good mood and explained to his disciple:

"Whether it is the past samurai era or today's ninja war, logistics is the most important thing in the war. Judging from the scale of the war in the country of grass, under the high-intensity battle, the food and grass that rock ninja consume every day, all kinds of ninja Tools and even medical supplies are innumerable. The rock ninjas on the front line don’t have so much material support, but they need constant replenishment from the base camp at the rear.”

"As long as we block the logistics line of Iwanin, it won't take many days for the Iwanin in the Country of Grass to have enough to eat. When fighting, there will be a shortage of kunai shurikens and detonating talismans, and the wounded soldiers will not be able to get them." Effective treatment...Under various influences, Iwanin's combat effectiveness and even morale will become weaker and weaker until it collapses!"

When it came to the end, Jiraiya looked at the wider and harder bridge that Iwanin had rebuilt on the original site of Kannabi Bridge not far away, and said with a heroic smile: "Just like the third Ninja World During the Great War, the battle of the Minato Shinnabi Bridge laid the foundation for the defeat of Iwanin, now, it is up to us to complete this decisive blow!"

Although he opposed Yun Ting's policy before, but after years of lessons and things have come to this point, Jiraiya no longer thinks about other things. He can only do his best to let Konoha win this battlefield until he achieves the goal that Konoha has achieved. The ultimate goal of common expectation is to unify the entire ninja world!

Perhaps, in this way, the long-awaited peace can really be realized.

At this moment, Jiraiya's eyes were full of anticipation.

Xiaonan didn't care about Konoha's great ideals. Xiaonan sent troops this time because of personal hatred. At this time, he also looked at the brand-new bridge between the mountains not far away, and said with a flash of eyes: "The battle of Shenwubi Bridge ...Did Uchiha Obito fake his death here back then?"

Since Yun Ting told her the true identity of the masked man, Xiaonan naturally spent a lot of effort to collect information about Obito Uchiha.

Hearing the words, Jiraiya was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "There should be some distance from here. According to the information at the time, Obito died to save the team."

As if recalling the past, Zirai also said this at this time, and he couldn't help but think that the silly boy who had met several times and had some impressions was not at all like Uchiha's boy.

Speaking of which, he was somewhat similar to the other party when he was young.

Just as passionate and impulsive.

There is a talented teammate to stimulate, and there is someone who likes it.

Of course, he was not a crane tail back then.

For the person I like, I have always pursued it clearly, not like Obito who can see it, but I shrink my head and fall in love secretly without courage.

Although the ending of both sides is loser.

But, how did such a sunny person become what he is now?

Zilai also doesn't understand.

In the end, he could only shake his head regretfully.

No matter what, Obito, who is now doing everything possible to oppose Konoha and even killed Nagato's life, has already embarked on the road of no return.

As Nagato-sensei, he also knows that Xiaonan and Siqian Yuren are important to Konoha at the moment, and now he has only one choice.

"Don't worry, according to the information from Konoha, Obito Uchiha and Madara Uchiha are now on the battlefield of the country of grass. Now as long as we win Iwanin, then these two people who have no help will end up It is already doomed. You must know that the fourth generation of Hokage, Minato, Kushina, and our master and apprentice are all in this war. The revenge of Nagato will definitely be avenged at that time."

Hearing this, Xiao Nan was silent for a while, then nodded emphatically.

Knowing her own abilities, she doesn't care if she can personally kill her enemies.

As long as it can avenge Nagato, as well as Yahiko who died indirectly in Obito's plan, and a group of Akatsuki members who were like-minded in the beginning.

"Master Angel, Master Jiraiya, a new group of Yannin food transport troops has been discovered." At this moment, a new information came from an Urenin.

"I'll go." Xiao Nan said immediately.

In order to achieve her goal, she will undoubtedly go all out at this time~www.readwn.com~ Zilai did not refuse.



In an instant, a large number of snowflake-like pieces of paper floated out.

Among them, a pair of huge white wings quickly formed behind Xiao Nan.

In the next second, she spread her wings and flew towards the information location at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at this scene, Jiraiya, who was standing there, showed a confident smile on his face.

For this operation, there are Siqian Yuren, Xiaonan, and him.

It will definitely be a success!

PS: Thank you "He Wu Yin Xiao" for the reward!

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