I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 283: Good idealist!

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In the Country of Grass, the Rock Ninja Army is in charge.

After hearing that the rear supply line was cut off by Yuren, everyone including Ohnoki fell into a deathly silence.

Obito, who was afraid that he would be killed by everyone's eyes if he stayed here again, didn't stay long, and disappeared after making an excuse.

For a long time, only Iwanin was left.

Having had an experience a few years ago, Huang Tu, who can adapt faster now, broke the silence and said dryly: "The key now is to quickly send someone to re-open the logistics line."

"That's right! As long as we get through again, everything is still in time." As the main general, Onoki, who knew what he should do, came back to his senses at this time, and cheered up, "It's just a group of Urenin. As long as we draw some power, we will soon can defeat it."

"Indeed! It's just Urenin!"

"A group of villains who can only cheat and dare to sneak up on us when we are innocent! We must find time to destroy Yuyin Village in the future, so that they can experience the consequences of invading the big country!"

"Master Tukage, give me two thousand Iwanin, and promise to kill Urenin as quickly as possible, and reopen the logistics line!"

"Master Dokage..."

No matter what the real thoughts in their hearts were, after hearing Onogi's words at this moment, all the rock ninjas present responded with righteous indignation.

Seeing this scene, Onoki's face softened a little, and when he nodded his head and was about to give an order, suddenly an Iwanin hurriedly came to the main account, and immediately said: "Master Tukage! The Konoha army launched an attack again!"

The moment the voice fell, as if reflecting what this person said, the roar of the Konoha Chakra artillery resounded in everyone's ears again not long after.

In an instant, Ohnoki stopped when he was about to blurt out.

The arrogance of the rock ninjas who were still gearing up before also stagnated.

Among them, the rock ninja who was clamoring to allocate two thousand ninjas to him just now, and who overthrew the army of rain ninjas, had an extremely frozen face.

Just because he knew that those two thousand ninjas could only stay on paper.

Obviously, Konoha, who knew that Iwanobu's logistics line had been broken, didn't sit still.

Now they have turned into the active side and have started to counter-attack Iwa Shinobi day and night.

This will not only hold Iwa Shinobi back, making it impossible for him to make a move.

In addition, under the high-intensity consumption, the depletion of Iwanoshi's already limited supplies in the country of grass was accelerated.

The more intense the battle, the greater the consumption of physical energy, chakra, and ninja tools.

With the rapid and continuous supply of the railway line, Konoha has a rapid blood recovery ability.

But for Iwashin, all kinds of supplies are used a little less.

After such a battle, the combat power will only become weaker and weaker.

"Konoha is going to drag us to death here." Listening to the intensifying battle outside, Huang Tu let out a heavy breath at this moment.

The current situation is exactly the same as what he experienced during World War Three, except that the scale of the battle is larger.

It's just that under the situation in the ninja world at that time, Konoha, in line with the idea of ​​ending the battle as soon as possible, did not wipe out the Iwanin army that was about to run out of ammunition and food.

But now?

Thinking of this, Huang Tutong shrank, and then quickly said to Onoki:

"Master Tukage, the plan to send a large force to drive away Urenin is no longer feasible. Now we can only choose to send an elite team to secretly support the logistics team, and send as many supplies as we can."

"As long as we can drag another Yannin army to repel the cloud ninja and Konoha allied forces who are entangled along the coast and return, then the threat of the rain ninja will no longer exist."

Hearing this, Onogi nodded and said, "It can only be like this now. Inform Yanyin Village, gather all the seal scrolls in the village, pack all the food, ninja tools and other logistical supplies, and keep secret Send it here. Huang Tu, you bring an elite team to meet it."

The cost of a seal scroll is very expensive, coupled with the success rate of production, even the five great ninja villages like Yanyin Village, the number of them will not be many.

Ohnoki knew that even if the scrolls of the village seal were filled with logistics supplies, it would be just a drop in the bucket for the Iwanin Army of the Country of Grass.

But as Loess said.

Now they only need to delay for a little time, and when the Iwanin troops sent to Toshiro complete their mission and return, they can easily defeat Urenin and regain the logistics line, and the threat of the Iwanin army in the country of grass can be easily resolved. Facing Konoha, who had no more cards, regained the upper hand, and even won the final victory.

For this reason, Onoki decided to let Huangtu go to meet him in person.

As for him himself, once he is found to leave here, he will completely liberate Namikaze Minato, and it will definitely be a catastrophe for Iwanin.

At this moment, just as Huang Tu was about to open his mouth to agree to come down, a blond boy came in suddenly and said loudly: "Old man, leave this matter to me."

It was Deidara who came.

"Didara? Is your injury healed?" Onoki asked in surprise.

"Almost. Although there is still some dull pain, there is no problem in doing it." Didara patted the thick gauze wrapped around his back and said carelessly.

Under Yan Ren's relentless treatment, he who had been lying down for several days honestly said that he has recovered a lot, and now he can't be idle anymore.

Seeing this, Ohnoki nodded and agreed after thinking for a while.

Although Didara didn't lie down for seven days as he said, he seems to be in good condition now, and it's the time for Iwanin to employ people, and the appearance of the former has indeed solved his urgent need to burn coal.

After all, Dirada, who is equally powerful and capable of flying, is undoubtedly a better candidate than Huangtu.

"Remember to take care of logistics supplies first, avoid Urenin if you can avoid it, and try not to get too entangled with it. According to that idiot Obito, there are also masters who can fly in Urenin, and Konoha-san Jiraiya, one of the ninjas, is also there..." Onogi quickly explained to Di Rada.

While the latter nodded again and again, soon, other preparations were ready.

"Old man, I'm leaving."

Deidara, who made several giant birds out of clay, led an elite team to set foot on it, and waved goodbye.

Watching the team with high hopes fly away, Ohnoki took a deep breath and rushed to the front line with the others around him.

Konoha's offensive was ferocious, and just in case, they had to join in personally.



Just as Konoha and Iwanin's armies were fighting again and again in full swing, Yunting and Uchiha Madara still just watched quietly, without any intention of intervening.

As far as Yun Ting is concerned, the whole battle situation is now clearly leaning towards Konoha, coupled with all kinds of favorable news on other battlefields, he is not in a hurry as he is not worried about any mistakes.

As for Uchiha Madara, it's more about self-esteem.

Although the two have been confronting each other, all aspects of information from the current battlefield and even the entire ninja world have been transmitted to them in various ways.

Having fought battles for most of his life, the experienced Madara naturally knows that the current situation is not good for his "allies".

Although I also want to do something.

But it was agreed before not to intervene, and if Qianshou Yunting did not break this rule, Madara, who is extremely proud, would not be the first to break it.

In this way, wouldn't it appear that he backtracked and slapped himself in the face.

Compared with useless tools, Madara, unwilling to be at a disadvantage in front of Qianshou Yunting, lost face and finally chose to stand on the sidelines.

Of course, he didn't set out to prepare his hole cards either.

For example, the Baijue army that is being produced under the heretical golem.

In addition, Obito has been notified before, and the Iwanin Intelligence Department has been secretly investigated to collect information about Jinzhuriki in each village.

So that they can react when the "allies" fail completely.

For Yun Ting, although he doesn't know what Madara is thinking, but thinking in another way, that's all the other party can do.

He didn't pay much attention to it, instead he prodded with great interest: "It seems that the final winner of this ninja war will still be Konoha!"

"Hmph! How long has it been? Thousand-handed boy, you are too early to draw conclusions!" No matter what he thought in his heart, Ban Zui still did not back down.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ting chuckled.

I have to say that the enemies in Naruto World sometimes feel quite good.

The stronger the strength, the more tolerant he is.

Just like the spots right now.

It is agreed to stand by and watch, unless you are forced to a dead end, then you will never go back on your word.

Unlike some extremely powerful people in other worlds, when they tell lies, they act like a playboy. Their style is mean and shameless, and their actions are unscrupulous.

If encountering such an enemy, even if his own strength is stronger than the opponent, it will be very troublesome for Yunting to deal with it.

So, it’s better to be an idealist!

Regardless of the process and means by which they realize their ideals, the goal is there and they will not back down at all.

This gives you, the enemy, a good chance to do it.

It just so happens that what the Naruto world lacks most is such an idealist.

Even if they are enemies, they all talk about peace.

In this way, Yunting can also be confident that no matter how turbulent it is, everything will not be beyond his control.

At this moment ~www.readwn.com~ noticed the inexplicable smile on Yun Ting's face, Madara was a little confused.

When he was about to ask, the former had already regained his composure, and he didn't bother to think about it any longer, so he returned his gaze to the front line.

Seeing that the strong Iwanin army was no longer as strong as before under Konoha's offensive, he wondered whether he should send the Baijue army to deal with Urenin.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he still shook his head in his heart.

Not to mention that Bai Jue's army is far away from the Land of Earth, and it will take a lot of time.

In addition, the number of Baijue produced today is not large, and the strength is average. Not only is it very likely that it will not be the opponent of Yu Ninja under the leadership of Xiaonan, but also exposed one of his trump cards. , that would be bad.

In the end, Madara chose to sit on the sidelines.

Now, I can only wait for Yan Ren to save himself.

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