I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 287: Attack on Maki

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A thick black smoke rose rapidly from Konoha Village with the violent explosion.

Just start.

In the meantime, mass explosions sounded continuously, making the rising black smoke denser.

Obviously, it was no accident.

And the premeditated attack was obviously aimed at Konoha.

Shinji, who realized a little in an instant, held Yui who was at a loss while looking at the accident site, thinking quickly in her mind.

"Looking at the location of the black smoke, it looks like Konoha Railway Station."

In her spare time, she likes to visit the village. Zhen Ji, who is so experienced that she can use the live map, quickly identified the location of the accident, and then realized the seriousness of the matter.

Although he is only four years old now, children in the Naruto World are already precocious, and with the influence of their parents, they naturally know the importance of the railway station, or to be precise, the trains and railways in it for the war.

"The enemy sneaked in and deliberately sabotaged the train station? Iwa Shinobi, Sand Shinobi guys?"

For a moment, Zhen Ji, who was speaking, didn't feel the slightest panic or fear, but was gearing up instead.

Although Zhizhi laughed at Naruto's idiotic idea of ​​fighting for Konoha, but in reality, he didn't have the same idea in his heart.

I only know the situation of absolute incompetence and bury it in my heart.

But now, the enemy took the initiative to run to Konoha.

But gave a chance.

For Konoha, and also to prove herself, Zhen Ji, who is afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, decides to help.

Zhisheng was far away from the normal starting line after receiving formal ninja training. Even if he didn't even have a ninja school, in terms of strength alone, ordinary ninjas would have Mu Dun's opponents.

Dare to be confident.

Of course, we have to settle the eye matter before we talk about it.

"Ming! Zuozhu! The two quickly sent Yui home." After touching the heads of some panicked girlfriends, Maki immediately shouted to the second group who hadn't gone far.

"Miss Zhenji, it's nothing else, let's take Yui and leave first. Zuozhu supports the family!"

Just like Maki, after noticing that Konoha was being attacked, Naruto Zuosuke was not afraid at all, but bravely wanted to face the enemy and do his part for Konoha.

Therefore, facing Zhen Ji's request, Ming, who was full of blood in his head at the moment, refused without thinking.

Then, looking at the two immature girls with radish heads, he patted his thick chest again: "Sister Zhenji Yui, hurry home. War matters, just leave it to Zuo Zhu."

"?" Zhenji sneered, "Even beat a four-year-old child, can you rest assured?"

Ming Dun blushed, and wanted to say something.

But Zhen Ji was straightforward: "Say it! Yui is handed over."

In the end, Yui gave the worried look a reassuring look, and Shinji flashed hesitantly again, jumping from the roof several times in a row, and turned her head to the place where the incident happened.

"Don't... Miss Zhen Ji! What are you doing? Come back quickly!"

Seeing that the burden was pushed into him again, Ming was about to say something when he suddenly noticed the direction of Zhen Jixing, his face panicked for a moment, and he hurriedly shouted anxiously.

Ming never thought that the reason why Zhen Ji entrusted Yui also had the same thoughts as her own.

Although she knew that the other party was very powerful, how could she rest assured that she was only one or four years old.

At the same time, Zuo Zhu's face changed when he saw the scene.

Zhizhenji's status is special, if something really happened, then it's over!

As for what Zuo Zhu was going to do, Ming hurriedly chased Zhen Ji first, and at the same time turned his head back to Zuo Zhu and shouted:

"Zuozhu, pull Maki back! Yui will leave it to you!"

Zuo Zhu said something when he heard the words, but in a second he saw that Ming had already run away.

Looking back, he glanced at the younger sister who was only five years old, compared to Zhen Ji's monster, but this one reacted like a normal child. After a slight sigh, she could only stop in her tracks.

"Yui, take it home first."

Eye Konoha was attacked, and no one knows where the turmoil will spread. Inevitably, the helpless sister encounters evil, Zuo Zhu picks up Yui, and prepares to take her home first.

"Brother Zuozhu, you can do it yourself once."

Yuimo's face was still flustered, but she mustered up the courage to be firm,

"Brother Zuozhu, let's help Zhenji, it's more dangerous there."

"Also, Brother Ming will definitely persuade Zhen Ji, and he will follow along. If you fight against the enemy, with Brother Ming's excited character, it will be easy. Brother Zuo Zhu needs to remind you."

After finishing speaking, Yui, who took the initiative to jump from the back of the left assistant, finally turned serious to her brother,

"So, Brother Zuozhu, pay it back."

Born in a wealthy Uchiha family, Yui, who was fearfully melted by his parents and elder brother, has never experienced the experience of being brought to the battlefield by his father at the age of four, and personally slaying a ninja like his elder brother Itachi.

Now he has only started to practice chakra, and his strength is negligible.

But even so, it drags the family down in its own way.

Just like that, after expressing his attitude, Yui waved goodbye to the left assistant, and then ran home with short legs.

Seeing the short bodies of his own sisters running in a group in a panic, and looking back at Zhen Jiming who had already seen her, Zuo Zhu let out a breath, and quickly made a seal with his hands:

"Shadow Clone Technique!"


A puff of white smoke rose from the side of Zuo Zhu.

The avatar belonging to Zuo Zhuying rushed towards Yuyi without saying a word, hugged him in his arms, and ran towards home quickly.

Yui, who instantly felt his body vacated, was slightly stunned, looked at the face, and was about to say something, Zuosuke's shadow clone had already explained:

"The shadow clone."

"oh oh!"

Yui, who naturally knew about the shadow clone, nodded her head, and then looked back.

Seeing the other brother Zuozhu running in the opposite direction, he finally smiled in relief.

Zuo Zhuying's avatar naturally saw Yui's movements.

After a knowing smile, I saw that I held back my curse in my heart:

"Ming idiot!"

If Ruoming moved first in a hurry, using that startled Chakra-quantity photo clone to look after Yui would completely affect his strength in the next battle.

Now it's good, but let me, who has average Chakra, cast a shadow clone.

Such a battle has weakened part of his own strength.

However, for the sake of both, it can only be so.

Thinking of it, Guan Zuozhu turned his body into a clone, and cursed "idiot" in a tacit understanding.

On the other hand, as Yui said, Naruto couldn't persuade Shinji at all, and he couldn't stop Shinji, and finally chose a line.

"If you're scared, it's too late to come back now." Seeing this, the fast-moving Zhen Ji ~www.readwn.com~ who said she was scared. Master Ming, please hit ten! " Rubbing his nose, Ming, who returned to normal, quickly put on a proud look.

Zhen Ji chuckled: "Ten hits? Just run away to ask for help when you get hit."

Ming: "..."

This kind of situation can really happen, after all, Zhen Ji Mutun is very powerful and has seen it with his own eyes.

Of course, no matter what you think in your heart, you still admit defeat.

Afterwards, the two went about their business while arguing, and soon arrived at their far destination.


When he saw the messy Konoha train station, Ming opened his mouth in shock, and then looked at Maki suddenly.

Similarly, Zhen Ji Ai's mouth could not help but open for a moment.

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