I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 288: 0 Hand Bashirama, 0 Hand Tobima debut

, update me as soon as possible, the latest chapter of Konoha's new Hokage!

Bring up the time a little bit.

Outside Konoha Village.

After agreeing to revenge, Shewan, who will naturally break his promise, left quickly after being resurrected, and went to the old place where he had lived and fought for many years.

Naturally, Qianshou Yunting, the culprit who had been killed twice, was not killed here.

Shewan is stupid.

Those who are very aware of the huge gap in their strength in Qianshou Yunting will give their heads a thousand miles away.

Well, although there is no way to take the culprit, it is also a wrong choice for revenge to use the power of the culprit.

Therefore, when Tongshou's intelligence learned about the current situation of the Fourth World War, Shemaru, who quickly found the weakness of Konoha's side, prepared to surprise Konoha and Senju Yunting.

As the political and economic core of the Kingdom of Fire, it is also located in the center. The Hidden Leaf Village, located in the center of the railway line, has been the largest logistics base in the Kingdom of Fire since the start of the Fourth World War by virtue of its advantages in resources and location.

With the help of the railway network that spreads to all directions, most of the supplies from the Land of Fire are transported through the villages to the Land of Grass, the Land of Rivers, and the Land of Coastal Iron, so that the Konoha Ninjas facing the Allied Forces of the Four Nations can enjoy sufficient logistical supplies.

Therefore, the most lively place in Konoha Village is definitely Konoha Railway Station.

Its daily transportation to various routes is so heavy that it consumes so much capacity that the railway station, which used to be able to receive ordinary people, has now completely become a freight station.

Except for Konoha Ninja who went to the line, all of them are now allowed to make trains.

Thinking of Konoha Village in this way, more specifically, Konoha Railway Station is a key hub for the importance of front-line warfare.

Although the history of train discovery is still new to the whole ninja world.

But as a well-known scientist in the ninja world, Shemaru, who lacked foresight to accept new things, knew a thing or two about trains and new means of transportation, and immediately understood its importance.

Therefore, in this revenge operation, Shemaru, who knows that even if Konoha Village is now empty of troops, can destroy it with its own power, has precisely chosen Konoha Railway Station as a target.

Hit a snake and hit seven inches.

The logistics line is very important only to Iwanin, and it is also critical to Konoha.

If the Konoha train station can be destroyed in this way, and Konoha's logistics transportation capacity can be paralyzed, even if it is only for a period of time, it will undoubtedly have a very negative impact on the Konoha army on the line.

By the way, there will also be changes for the entire Fourth War.

Thinking of it, Shewan couldn't help stretching out her tongue.

Then, when he thought of Konoha's series of heavy punches against Iwanin, he obviously added another force to destroy him, and the series of reactions after a sudden logistics accident, Shemaru licked his lips even more excitedly .

A "gift", you will be pleasantly surprised at Qianshou Yunting.

"It's done."

Looking at the village that Fangbi remembered more and was more prosperous, Shewan eagerly began to seal, and finally clapped his hands together:

"The art of reincarnation from the dirt!"


There was a sizzling sound on the ground, and the two were sealed, one coffin with "one" on the face, and the coffin with "two" on the face, which rose straight and quickly from the ground.

In a second, as the coffin lid fell to the ground, the smoke and dust raised up, and the dirt body belonging to the first Hokage and the second Hokage slowly stepped on it.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Qianshou, whose will had not yet been wiped out, saw Shewan, his face sank, and his tone was very cold.

"We meet again, beloved Second Hokage." Shemaru greeted with a dark smile.

Once, in order to seize Nagato's Samsara Eye, he also summoned Er, and both parties naturally saw each other.

Only when the situation is urgent, it is unavoidable to quickly erase the will after summoning the second, so that there is not much communication.

Now Shewan is not in a hurry, and the two sides are talking for the first time.

"Young~~you are a junior." Senju Bashima on the side greeted Shemaru in a very flat manner.

Of course, I couldn’t help but mock my younger brother: “I’ve already told Feima about developing those weird ninjutsu, especially the dirty reincarnation that involves death. I’m just listening. It’s all right now, and now I want to sleep peacefully in the underworld It's hard to feel."

Qianshou heard the words, his face darkened: "Brother, if you listen to it, the research and development of the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil has been stopped. The technique can be improved to the extent that it should be improved. Also, Dangdang Hokage has already sealed the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil The scope of the forbidden technique in the book should be spread to the outside world."

"It should be Konoha who will be rumored. The amazing and talented junior, Konoha ninja?"

Hearing what his younger brother said, Senju Zhuma asked Shemaru expectantly.


When Shewan answered, Qianshou Feijian, who was more careful than his elder brother, made a cold judgment.

Zhengrao looked at the famous figures who only survived the history and communicated with him in person. Seeing that the topic led to him, Shewan also felt the hostility between Qianshoufei, so he laughed:

"Now Konoha Ninja, but once."

"Then it's rebellious." Qian Shou Fei had a "sure enough" expression.

And Senshou Zhujian also sighed in disappointment: "I wanted to ask about Konoha's current situation. I also know how Konoha has developed after death."

"Konoha?" Hearing the words, Shemaru had a deep meaning, "I am afraid that the changes in all aspects are beyond the imagination of the first generation!"

I also know how the founder of Konoha Village in front of me will react when he sees the current Fourth Hokage and the descendants of the Senshou clan who have changed Konoha Village beyond recognition.

For a moment, Shemaru suddenly looked forward to it~www.readwn.com~ And Senjujuma immediately watched it again with full anticipation after hearing what Shemaru said: "Senior, can you tell me about Konoha's situation?" ?”

On the side, Senshou Tomona, who also wanted to know more about Konoha's situation, stopped sneering at Shemaru and chose to listen.

Shewan fulfilled two wishes.

"You two will know when you look back." She pointed.

Although it is outside Konoha Village now, the place where Shemaru is located is on a high hill, and if you look around, you can have a panoramic view of the whole area of ​​Konoha.

For a second, as Shewan said, Qianshou Zhujian and Qianshou Feijian turned back with faint doubts.


The second saw a magnificent view of the city.

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