I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 289: Hashirama: I'm so envious!

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Row upon row of high-rise buildings, evenly distributed straight, bustling traffic, even white is shining with colorful neon lights...

The moment Qianshou Zhujian turned his head, a giant city beyond the limit of cognition came head-on in shock.

"...Where do you live now? It's amazing! Even the richest people in that generation lived in such a place. By the way, how many years have passed since death? How fast is the development of the ninja world?"


Senshou Bashirama opened his eyes in amazement, like a bumpkin who just entered the city, looking carefully at a bustling scene that he had never seen in his life.

It would be great if Konoha Village is so prosperous!

For a moment, Konoha didn't even react. After all, Senju Hashirama, who was the same as his memory, was imagining in his heart.

On the side, although his elder brother did not show up dancing, the shock in Qianshoufei's heart was not weaker than that of his elder brother.

Compared with the more bustling surfaces of the city that my brother noticed.

Pay attention to the more real things behind the prosperity.

A large number of high-rise buildings and even several of the most conspicuous, towering and spectacular buildings show that the steel technology in the ninja world is extremely advanced compared with his own expectations.

The street is full of all kinds of goods, and almost all of them have rosy and full faces, which shows that the economy here is prosperous and the people's living standards are good, which is in stark contrast to the precarious life in the ninja world in the past.

I also know that the phenomenon of independence is also a common phenomenon.

In addition, the sharp-eyed Qianshou Feijian also discovered many new things that he had never seen before.

For example, the iron lump running on four wheels, the black box that can emit images and even sounds from the surface, and the long steel creation that emits white smoke and so on.

They all opened their eyes.

"Another system than Chakra?"

Once served as the second generation of Hokage, Senshou Feima also came into contact with someone who was not a ninja, but created many new things with his talented thinking.

The far-sighted and precise idea of ​​supporting similar talents also arises.

Just like the unfinished reforms for the Uchiha, various ninja clans and even the whole village, the so-called support technology plan can only collapse.

However, looking at it now, even without it, these technologies are still developing at a rapid pace.


The place seems familiar.

Recalling what Shewan said just now, Senshou's eyes flashed, exactly as he guessed.

Beside him, the exclamation from Qianshouzhu, who had just moved his eyes away from those incomparably tall and beautiful buildings, will be interrupted.

"The iron cart with four wheels can move by itself? I didn't see any horses or pullers! What's going on?"

When something happens, ask the door.

Senshouzhujian has long since formed a habit.

Now even if he was pulled back from the underworld, it didn't change at all.

Hearing the words, Fei Jian could only roll his eyes.

He is also omniscient and omnipotent, so how can he know how to transport a four-wheeled iron cart?

After reluctantly playing with his elder brother, he turned his attention back to thinking.

Is it true Konoha Village?

Turning his eyes away from the strange city to the outside world, Feijian first took a look at the nearby vegetation and landforms, and then carefully felt the current climate, before deciding on the country of fire.

Only the Land of Fire, which has the best parts of the entire continent, has such good natural, geographical and climatic conditions.

Then, Tomama turned back again, looking at the layout of the eye-catching city.

As the builder of Muye Village from scratch, and the leader of Muye after the death of his elder brother, those who have stayed in Muye Village for a longer period of time are very familiar with every plant and tree in Muye Village.

Although today's Konoha Village has changed drastically from the past.

But initially the overall layout framework will change.

And the most important thing, if what Rima thinks, then the iconic things of Hokage Rock will definitely exist.

Senshou's eyes moved, and according to the memory of Hokage Rock, he quickly looked towards the end of the field of vision, the deepest part blocked by rows of tall buildings.

That is to say, Shewan walked to Erhe, looked at Fang's city as well, and said with emotion: "It's very prosperous. But what I see is really good. It's the lowest period of the place in recent years."

"The lowest valley is the same? It's amazing!" Senshou Bashima exclaimed.

When I wanted to build Konoha Village with Madara Uchiha, I wanted to create a place as prosperous and happy as noodles.

Only a series of things after that failed to make my dream come true.

However, to no one's surprise, he was reincarnated from the filth, and after returning to the world, he saw with his own eyes a scene that was better than his ideal.

Today's self is much better than before!

Senju Zhuma, who was thinking in his heart, didn't have the slightest jealousy on his face, but was full of joy.

Even at this moment, I still have the idea of ​​humbly asking for advice from the leader who created everything.


I almost forgot, I'm already dead, so it's useless even if I ask.

Senju Zhuma patted his forehead regretfully.

"The character of the first Hokage is really surprising."

, Shewan, who has been paying attention to Senshou Zhujian, was surprised.

Then, he looked at Qianshoufan who ignored him, and smiled in his heart: "It's unexpected."

After all, those who can play with living body experiments will be really kind people no matter how they look at it.

The same research is done, and when it comes to Senshou Feijian, he is still a teacher of Shemaru.

Such as Dirt Reincarnation, Corpse Reincarnation, etc., were inspired by the experimental manuscripts of forbidden scrolls left by Snake Maru Senshou, and even further developed.

Of course, Qianshou Feijian will recognize his apprentice.

Compared with recognizing the teacher~www.readwn.com~, Shewan is more willing to swallow it in one bite, and let everything in the other person's mind turn into his own nutrition.


Without further delay, Shewan licked her lips habitually, and finally said in that hoarse voice:

"The more prosperous things are destroyed, the more successful they are. Although the unimaginable new wind makes me feel very happy, but if I can personally participate in it and change it, it is also a wrong choice!"

"Both of you, the release room is over. Just use your strength to help achieve your goal."

The voice fell.

Just act like a snake pill.

The voice between the thousand hands suddenly sounded in an instant:

"Is it Konoha?"

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