I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 291: The Background of Muye Village

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Whoosh! Whoosh!

With a wave of Shewan's palm, the body of Qianshou Zhujian moved, and the body of Qianshou Feijian moved, turning into two sharp arrows and rushing towards Muye Village.

But Ben stayed where he was, quietly watching what was about to happen to Fang.

As someone who has died twice, Shewan really thinks that there will be no more surprises in a short time.


Speeding all the way between Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian, they pierced through Konoha's peripheral perception barrier without any disguise, and the sharp siren sounded immediately from the Konoha enchantment squad.

"The barrier of perception has been touched!"

"Foreign enemies invade!"


The members of the Konoha enchantment class quickly reported the situation through the enchantment perception.


Hearing this, the leader of the enchantment squad who rushed over was very surprised, and ordered: "Tell the news to Lu Jiu immediately. In addition, adjust the surveillance cameras to find out the identity of the invading enemy."


One hand passed the message quickly, and the other got the instrument and started to operate it skillfully.

In a second, the front screen quickly displayed the picture of Qianshou Zhujian and Qianshou Feijian passing through the barrier extremely quickly.

After the monitor of the enchantment class paused the screen with his hand, he stared carefully at Er, who was in a forbidden state on the screen, and was very surprised: "Er...why does it look so familiar?"

"...Is it just the first Hokage and the second Hokage?" A member of the enchantment class who also watched was shocked.

My family lives near Hokage Rock, and the portraits on top of my head are already familiar enough, so I immediately recognized the face of Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian.

"The first Hokage? The second Hokage?" The leader of the enchantment class was taken aback for a moment, and then his body trembled like a thunderbolt.

No wonder there is always a sense of familiarity.

The appearance of the second on the screen is still wearing, just like the first generation and the second generation of Hokage.

Only the first generation that had been fixed at the beginning, the cognitive impact of the second generation of Hokage's death for many years, the first one did not respond.

The identity of the criminal has been revealed.

But what's the problem?

The first generation, the fact that the second generation of Hokage has been dead for many years.

Even if he was resurrected like Uchiha Madara, how could he point the finger at Konoha Village that he personally suggested.

Difficult to deliberately disguise?

But it doesn't have to be!

For a moment, everyone in the enchantment class was shocked, so the squad leader of the enchantment class, who had not forgotten his responsibility, quickly ordered: "Notify Lu Jiu again, the enemy is suspected to be the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage."


One hand obeys.

Thanks to Konoha's advanced communication technology, Shikahisa Nara, who is actually in charge of the village, received a message from the enchantment class again, and his brows frowned instantly.

As soon as they discovered that foreign enemies had invaded, they sent a team to deal with it.

I thought the culprits were only two guys with high ground and thick ground, and the strength of a team was enough.

But looking at it now, it's a lot of trouble.

"First Hokage? Second Hokage?" Beside Shikaku, a voice belonging to San Ritsuko sounded.

The one who was ordered by Yun Ting to stay with Konoha and assist Lu Jiu also saw the latest information from the enchantment team.

"Is it the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil? Shewan has it!"

Compared with her Konoha ninja, as Naruto's secretary, San Ritsuko, who can know more advanced information, did not act as frightened as the enchantment class ninja.

Calmly, he quickly analyzed the truth.

Similarly, Lu Jiuzhi Yunting also knew that Shemaru had completed the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil, and even summoned the first generation and second generation of Hokage in a fight with Akatsuki.

Only know to know.

But trouble is still trouble.

Although the strength of the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage after the reincarnation of the dirt is as good as before, it is also comparable to ordinary ninjas.

"Snake Maruji, I'm afraid I'm good at myself!"

Lu Jiu frowned tightly.

For one of the former Konoha Sannin, he was very afraid of his performance for a period of time during the Three World Wars.

Speaking of the strange and strong strength of the other party who has long been heard in the ninja world, even in terms of command ability during the war, even he admires it.

With such a meticulous mind, cold and vicious, do you really think that you can attack Konoha with the technique of reincarnation?


If it were Lujiu himself, knowing that at most he would only cause a small amount of damage to Konoha, and it would be a situation where he would hurt his muscles and bones, he would rashly expose himself to the outside in order to vent his anger.

Therefore, Shewan's trip must have other purposes.

If you want to achieve the goal of hitting Konoha at the right time, just...

"it is good!"

Thinking of that ability, Lu Jiu's heart skipped a beat.

After quickly telling Shan Ritsuko his thoughts, he said in a very fast tone, "Ritsuko, lead some people to evacuate the village safely first. Konoha Railway Station will take charge of it personally."

"Understood!" San Ritsuko didn't delay at all, and then reminded: "Hokage also left an insurance policy for Konoha Village in advance. Shikahisa, Maitekai is waiting."

"Hachimon Dunjia? Got it." Lujiu nodded, "Also, Ritsuko, I also want to let the third generation of Hokage of the idle family. Although the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage's dirty body are at their peak, they can also be dealt with by ordinary ninjas. Especially Also when there are many ninjas in Konoha Village."

"Three Generations of Hokage..."

Now Sandai Hokage seems to be idle at home, but is actually under house arrest, San Ritsuko knows very well.

After being silent for a second or two, he finally nodded his head heavily, "Agreed. If Hokage is held accountable afterwards, we will take responsibility together."

"Use it, you can do it yourself. With Hokage's character, if you know the situation, you will blame him." Lu Jiu smiled.

Without further words, after the two nodded, they separated and acted quickly.


A roar of excitement resounded like howling ghosts and wolves.

"Finally good at it! Youth! Burn your blood! Maitekai will definitely protect the village!"

As soon as the voice fell ~www.readwn.com~ there was an incomparably rapid piercing sound.

After a while, Maitekai, who was wearing a green tights, opened the window, turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed towards the enemy at an unmatched speed.

In the same room, in the Sarutobi Clan's land.

After living at home for five years, the third-generation Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi, who looks much better than before, heard the explanation of the current situation of the village from the Shikajiu faction, and needed his own help.

Sarutobi didn't refuse, and soon stepped on the boundary that he never wanted to cross for five years.

Heart, Konoha has always been the first place.

For this reason, even if he breaks the rules that he has been following all these years and is blamed by Yun Ting afterwards, he will regret it.

In this way, even if you fight on all sides, you will be the enemy of almost the entire ninja world.

As the base camp, Muye Village, which still has its heritage, quickly mobilized.

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Chapter 291 The Background of Muye Village is free to read.https://

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