I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 292: 1st generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation

, update me as soon as possible, the latest chapter of Konoha's new Hokage!

Just as Konoha's card was leaving, on the other side, Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian also went straight to Konoha Railway Station through many obstacles.

when! when! when! when!

Dozens of kunai shurikens shot from all directions were knocked into the air one by one by the galloping Senju, without slowing down at all.

"Damn it! Look!"

Looking at the second look and also looking at myself and waiting, just ignoring the behavior, a Konoha ninja blocking the way quickly formed seals with both hands angrily,

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

In an instant, a huge fireball slammed into Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian.

It seemed ferocious, but the latter simply shifted the speed and flashed easily.

Just as Nakonoha Ninja's expression changed, a Kunai with a yellow talisman on it suddenly galloped towards him.

"..." Konoha Ninja Tong Kong shrank suddenly, just as he was about to say something, a figure flashed away, and the words were swallowed by the cold sharpness.

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"

At this moment, there is only one Konoha ninja who is besieging Senjuji.

The Konoha ninja just now couldn't speak, but the one who witnessed the scene with his own eyes was shocked to realize the fact.

But even so, I still dare to believe my eyes.

Over the past few years, the technique of Flying Thunder God has already made a name for itself in the ninja world.

Speaking of the golden flash that became famous during World War Three, even today's Hokage can do it.

As Konoha, Konoha Ninja naturally knows the Flying Thunder God technique very well.

To be more clear, the Flying Thunder God Art is one of Konoha's most difficult forbidden arts.

For decades, apart from Kaishu II, only the developer II Hokage has been able to control it.

The Second Hokage...

"The first Hokage and the second Hokage!"

soon! The first batch arrived, and the Konoha ninja, who had not yet known the latest information, looked back with horror on his face.

It was much more shocking than the "Flying Thunder God Art" just now.

Konoha Ninja never imagined that the two Hokages who had been dead for many years reappeared alive and kicked and attacked Konoha.

But no matter what the other party is, since he is kind, for the sake of the village, everyone still went all out to stop him after being shocked.

Even if Senshou Hashirama, Senshou Feijian, who was reincarnated in the dirt, was not even half as strong as the original, Konoha ninjas were no match at all.

Even after that, more and more Konoha ninjas rushed to support.

But the highly maneuverable Flying Thunder God Art simply touched the edge of the Thousand Hands.

I saw the thousand-handed door throwing Fei Lei Shen Kunai intermittently all the way, ignoring the rest, and teleporting intermittently with the thousand-handed pillar.

In this way, no matter how many Ren Konoha ninjas there are, they can only watch helplessly as Er rushes into Konoha Village at an extremely fast speed.

In a short time, Konoha Railway Station was in sight.

Swish Swish Swish~~

Arriving at the destination, put the hand seal between the Qianshou Pillar and the Thousand Hands Gate, and in an instant, a large amount of talisman paper was peeled off from the dirt body, turning into detonating talismans one after another and pasted towards the nearest railway track.

The art of detonating each other.

The Infinity Blast Ninjutsu, which was developed by Senshou Feima and originally intended to cooperate with the Jutsu of Reincarnation of the Unholy Earth, will undoubtedly play a huge role here and here.


The surrounding Konoha ninjas and blocking, saw a violent explosion.

Immediately afterwards, a series of detonation sounds followed.

In the distance, Maki, Yui, Naruto, and Zuo Zhusi, who were about to part ways, just heard the sound.

In the train station, looking at the mess around, Konoha Ninja was so angry that he wanted to kill Qianshoubei at all costs.

Among them are Konoha elite ninjas wearing chakra armor.

Seeing this, Senshou Zhujian, who did not move all the way, clapped his hands quickly:

"Wood escape·The tree world is coming!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A large number of trees rise from the ground with Senshouzhujian as the center.

Although the scale is as far as Yunting, and even Uchiha Madara.

But even so, facing some Konoha ninjas still has an absolute advantage.

In an instant, many Konoha ninjas who were deeply trapped in the tree world were entangled by the trees attacking in all directions, and they couldn't care about anything else for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, even though it was harvested just now, compared with the railway headquarters at Konoha Railway Station and Konoha's own repair ability, the damage is still far from enough, and more detonating symbols were stripped from the dirty soil. .

However, the ridiculously fast blue figure that was completely captured by the naked eye pierced the sky like lightning in an instant.

The moment the blue figure appeared beside Qianshou Fanjian, before the latter had time to react, he kicked his body with an incomparably fierce kick.


As if being run over by a heavy-duty truck, there was a loud "bang", and the Qianshou door flew upside down at an extremely fast speed, dragging a long length of dust on the ground.

Just arrived, wearing a green tights and wrapped in blue steam, Maitekai raised his right hand, thumbs up, and made a proficient POSS, with blood surging: "Konoha's proud Here comes the blue beast!"

croak! croak! croak!

For a second, there was no other response except for the shriek of the crow that was startled by the movement just now and flew up from the tree.

Well Matt Kay embarrassed himself.

He was about to set off again to rescue Konoha's colleagues who were trapped in the tree world.

A stick was lowered.

During the sweep, a large number of trees were immediately broken in the middle.

A step behind Maitekai, but still ahead of him in the end, Hiruza Sarutobi also appeared on the stage with a Vajra Ruyi stick, which was more powerful than before.

"Three generations!"

"Three generations!"


With the help of Sarutobi Hiruzen, a group of Konoha ninjas who broke free from the technique of descending from the tree world saluted the third Hokage who had not seen for a long time.

It's not high-level people who are aware of the conflict between the third and fourth generations. Seeing that the third generation who has retired for many years is reunited, his face is very excited.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, and quickly ordered: "To stay. His Konoha ninja evacuated the people around and moved the logistics supplies."

Knowing the strength of the enemy, Hiruza Sarutobi, who is basically inserted by ordinary ninjas, wants Konoha Ninja to lose his life in vain, so he ordered so.


Hearing this, the many Konoha ninjas gathered moved quickly.

In the end, only five Konoha Shinobi were left with Sarutobi Hiruzen~www.readwn.com~ and that included Maitekai.

After finishing everything, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the opposite two with complicated eyes:

"Long time see! First generation, second generation."

No response.

The thousand-handed column that has been wiped out is reactivating the destroyed tree world.

On the other side, when Kai kicked him flying, half of his body had been shattered, and when he climbed up again, the destroyed body was quickly repaired by the effect of the filthy soil reincarnation technique, and soon returned to its original state. .

Looking at the scene, although he had expected it earlier, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's old palm still tightly held the Vajra Wishful Stick, word by word:

"Snake Ball!

! "

I will provide you with the fastest update of me, Konoha's new Hokage, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save the bookmark!

Chapter 292 The first generation, the second generation, and the third generation are free to read.https://

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