I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 298: this is your grandpa

Kyuubi saw something strange in Senju Bashirama.

As the person involved, Zhen Ji, who is concentrated, hasn't noticed anything wrong yet.

But in the process of fighting, she clearly realized that her control over Mu Dun was rapidly increasing, but she hoped that this kind of battle could continue.

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, who are anxious about the whole battle situation, don't want to wait any longer.

When they realized that Kai's delaying ability on the other side was getting weaker and weaker, they speeded up the pace again after they had already pushed Senju Hashirama, who had been reincarnated by the dirt, to the point of danger.

"Fire Escape·Fire Dragon Bullet!"

A Konoha Jōnin spit out a beam of intense flames from his mouth, and went straight to the Senjubashi.

Although most of the current energy was concentrated on Zhen Ji uncontrollably, Senjujuma's reaction was still very quick in the face of the attack that was approaching.

I saw that he turned around in time and dodged the fire attack at just the right time.

Just at this moment, another Konoha could not bear to let go and said with both hands:

"Earth Dungeon Earth Dragon Bullet!"

In an instant, the soaring earth dragon opened its mouth, and spit out countless mud bullets from it like bullets and shot towards Qianshouzhujian.

boom! boom! boom!

During the continuous jumping and dodging between the Thousand Hand Columns, the ground passing by was punched into deep pits by fist-sized mud bombs.

After a few breaths, although the mud bomb never hit the target, it was forced to the predetermined position.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the remaining two Konoha jominin who had been prepared for a long time moved immediately.

"Earth Dungeon Huangquan Swamp!"

"Psychic Zenith Cover!"

In an instant, the originally solid ground under Qianshou Zhujian's feet turned into a large swamp, sinking him deeply into it.

At the same time, above his head, a huge pot lid popped out amidst the "bang" of white smoke, and smashed straight down.

"Boom" after a loud noise.

Senshou Zhujian, who was unable to dodge for a while, was tightly covered.

It's not over yet!

The Vajra Wishful Stick held by Hiruza Sarutobi who made the last move quickly grew longer at this moment.

After reaching the position of the zenith cover, the body of the stick continues to extend and wraps around the zenith cover, obviously adding another insurance.

Facts have proved that his approach is correct.

Soon, with a loud shattering sound, a big opening was instantly opened on the surface of the heaven and earth cover, and the intact Qianshouzhu Jian quickly rushed out of it.

"That's the time! Vajra Prison Wall!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes flashed, and he shook the Vajra Wishful Stick in his hand vigorously.

In an instant, the huge body of the stick across the Thousand Hands Column split into hundreds of wishful sticks, and quickly combined into a square prison with the sound of breaking through the air, imprisoning the Thousand Hands Column inside.

At this time, Senshou Zhujian, whose own existence was seriously threatened, had no choice but to use Mudun, trying to break the prison in front of him.

It's just that the technique of Vajra Prison Wall, even the Mu Dun in the period of his complete victory, can resist it for a while, let alone the incomplete state now.

While Senjujuma was doing useless work, Hiruzaru Sarutobi rushed over, quickly took out the huge scroll that he had been wearing behind him, and spread it out.

Inside, the words "seal" were written and leaped from the paper in Sarutobi's next seal, accompanied by a large number of tadpole-shaped spells in the seal scroll.

Soon after finishing the final seal, Sarutobi Hiruzen who relaxed his face suddenly looked at Senju Hashirama who was always expressionless, and sighed slightly:

"My lord, please rest in peace."

As soon as the words fell, a large number of sealing techniques rising from the scroll quickly covered the whole body of Qianshouzhujian.

Under the condition that the latter couldn't stop it, the black shackles composed of sealing techniques covered his body without a single gap.

From the bottom up, first the legs, then the torso, then the arms.

In the end, there was only the moment when the face was about to be covered by the seal.

Senshou Zhuma, whose face had always been extremely dull, suddenly had a tinge of color.

In an instant, his eyes with a touch of color moved, and in the last moment, he once again looked straight at Senju Zhenji who had just ended the confrontation and was panting heavily.

Then, a faint smile appeared on his mouth that was covered by a seal so that no one could see it.


"Finally solved one!"

Seeing Senshou Hashirama who had been sealed in front of him and could no longer move, when Hiru Sarutobi took back the Vajra Wishful Stick, the other four Konoha Kaminin who came finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, and when he was about to say something with his face still serious, two hurried footsteps came quickly.

"Grandpa Sarutobi, how are you? Did I make a great contribution this time?" Zhen Ji, who ran over before wiping off the sweat on her face, said proudly.

"There's me! There's me!" On the side, Naruto raised his hand not to be outdone.

Seeing this, although I am very worried about the arrival of Maki and Naruto, I have to admit the two, especially Hinata Sarutobi who played a very important role in helping to win the first generation of Hokage Naruto nodded with a smile: "That's right! Shinhime, and Naruto, you have made great contributions to Konoha. I will ask the fourth generation to ask you for credit afterwards."

"Oh yeah! That's great!" Naruto waved excitedly, not greedy for fame or rewards, but more for his parents who were on the front line to be proud of himself after hearing the news.

Similarly, Zhen Ji, who was looking forward to the reaction of her father, was also full of surprises on her face.

Of course, she hasn't forgotten the issues she cares about right now.

"Grandpa Yuanfei, who is the enemy who just cast Wooden Dungeon?"

Although she had been calling the other party a "fake" before, Zhen Ji, who had benefited a lot from his wooden escape and made a qualitative leap in her attainment of wooden escape, was naturally very curious about this person's identity.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't hide anything: "This one? Speaking of which, it's still Shinhime's grandpa."

"Grandpa... grandpa?" Zhen Ji's face was filled with surprise.

On the side, Naruto with the same surprised face had already started counting his fingers.

"Hokage-sama is Maki's father. Hokage-sama's father is Maki's grandfather. Hokage-sama's father's father is Maki's..." At the end, Naruto couldn't help but scratched his head vigorously. Mihu said, "By the way, Master Hokage's father's father is Shinhime's?"

"Grandpa." Maki finished answering Naruto's idiot question angrily, and then couldn't help thinking.

She has read the family tree.

But in the lineage of my father, there is no elder who has awakened Mu Dun.

As far as my mother's side is concerned, there is a famous person who meets the conditions.

"Could it be..."

Thinking of that person, Zhen Ji suddenly raised her head.

When he was about to ask further, Hiruzaru Sarutobi who saw her expression nodded and said: "Yes, the one who just fought was the first generation of Hokage, Senju Hashirama-sama. In terms of seniority, it is your grandpa, Maki."

"No wonder..."

Zhen Ji suddenly realized.

She was talking about why the other party's wooden escape was so powerful. It turned out that he was the ancestor of her Qianshou clan, the "God of Ninja World" who once swept the world with wooden escape.


"Didn't Grandpa Hokage, the first Hokage, pass away a long time ago?" Zhen Ji asked in confusion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen briefly explained this: "The original Hokage-sama has indeed passed away, but the real enemy who attacked the village this time used some kind of evil forbidden technique to summon the first generation back from the underworld and control him, becoming the attacking wood. Ye's weapon."

"An evil forbidden technique?"

Zhen Ji, who already understood everything, said thoughtfully in her heart at this moment.

She didn't notice it before, but now that the truth is in front of her eyes, she suddenly realized that in the fight with her grandfather just now, the opponent's attack seemed very powerful, but in fact, there was a kind of intentional display of wood escape in front of her. means to learn by oneself.

Otherwise, judging from the power of the Wooden Dungeon shown by grandpa in the end, he could break through his own Wooden Dungeon very quickly.

But he chose to add oil little by little, and every time the power of the wood dun he exerted increased, he would follow the method of strengthening.

This is obviously teaching yourself!

Thinking of this, although she has never said a word to her grandpa, Zhen Ji at this moment has a great affection for this grandpa.

"If I can really meet my grandpa..."

Looking at the Senshou Bashirama that has been sealed and wrapped, Zhen Ji suddenly had an idea in her heart.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"So, it's the Second Hokage who is fighting another Konoha Jōnin?"

The person who spoke was Zuo Zhu.

When he arrived not long ago, he just silently listened to the conversation between Shinhime and Hiruzaru Sarutobi, until now, when he saw two extremely fast figures passing by not far away, he finally opened his mouth and said.

"It is indeed the second generation of Hokage." Looking away from the Uchiha boy who has the same name as his father, and then looking at Maki and Naruto who obviously showed great interest, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression quickly became extremely stern. ,

"The Flying Thunder God Art is impossible to defend against. The next battle is definitely not something you can intervene in. Maki, Naruto, Zuosuke, you must retreat now!"

"What? I..." Hearing this, Naruto was dissatisfied and wanted to show that he was strong, and two palms, one big and one small from Zuosuke and Maki, had already pressed him down.

Zuo Zhu, who has a calm personality, knows very well that with the strength of himself and others, he can't stand against the Second Hokage's Flying Raijin Art.

Similarly ~www.readwn.com~ Zhen Ji, who has personally seen her father, also understands the power of the Flying Thunder God technique.

Compared with Naruto, she is more rational and knows what to do and what not to do. After beheading Hiru Sarutobi, she and Zuosuke took the unwilling Naruto away. .

Before leaving, she subconsciously glanced at her grandfather who was wrapped in the seal, and was about to take it back.

There was a sudden change in the sealed Qianshouzhujian.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was going to support Kai, also heard the movement at this moment, and turned his head abruptly.

Immediately, I saw that the dirty soil belonging to the Qianshouzhujian within the sealing technique suddenly collapsed, turning into a large amount of fine dust.

"The filthy soil reincarnation technique has been lifted? Is it where Lu Jiu got it?"

He quickly looked at the position between the thousand hands, but saw that the other party was still alive and well.

In an instant, Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't help frowning.

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