I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 299: reincarnate again

Outside Konoha Village.

Just when Hiruzaru Sarutobi succeeded in sealing Senju Hashirama, Orochimaru, who was fighting Uchiha Aya and other Konoha ninjas, frowned.

"As expected of Sarutobi-sensei. And that little girl who knows how to escape is probably Tsunade's daughter."

As the master of the Unholy Reincarnation Technique, after discovering that Senshoujujuma was sealed, Orochimaru quickly checked the other party's memory before being sealed, and licked his lips with a long tongue, his eyes flickering quickly.

Just at this moment, a sharp ninja knife carrying Thunder Dunk Chakra rushed towards him.

Seeing this, Orochimaru's attention can only return to the present moment first.

In an instant, he saw his software-modified body quickly twist in violation of the human body structure, and after easily dodging the ninja sword, his mouth opened sharply, and a large number of poisonous snakes gushed out from the inside, opening their sharp fangs, and they all rushed towards Chichi who was nearby. Uchiha Aya bites away.


The stinky blood spurted wildly.

Uchiha Aya twisted her wrist, turned the ninja knife in her hand, and cut off all the poisonous snakes that came at her in an instant.

Immediately after a step, the extremely sharp ninja knife slashed towards Orochimaru again amidst the sound of cutting through the air.

Orochimaru dodged again.

at this time!

Uchiha Aya's Sangoudama Sharingan eyes moved.

The target was not Orochimaru, who never looked at him, but the ninja knife with a bright white face that he stabbed out.

In an instant, a pair of three-curved jade writing sharing eyes was reflected on Ninja Sword's face.

Gouyu moved on it, and pointed directly at Orochimaru who was looking at Ninja Sword because of dodging.

"I've been guarding against you for a long time."

Orochimaru smiled coldly, closed his eyes ahead of time and said.

Although limited by nature, his ceiling in strength is much lower than that of people like Yun Ting and Uchiha Madara.

But with extraordinary talents, in terms of skills, experience, etc. that are not affected by innateness, he is confident that he is at the forefront of the ninja world.

Such a finite body is loaded with an infinite soul.

This is why Orochimaru wants to develop forbidden techniques such as reincarnation of corpses, and at the same time is very envious of the blood following the limit, especially the reason for the bodies of Uchiha and Senju.

Not just because of longevity.

I also hope to use the forbidden technique to break through the innate limitations and achieve infinite possibilities.


Orochimaru, who had thought clearly about Uchiha Aya's careful thinking, had already closed his eyes in preparation, and without affecting his actions in the slightest, he was about to remember the hard time for the woman with complexion who uncovered her dark scar.

Under Uchiha Aya, it belongs to her shadow.

As the real trump card, another shadow that had also been lurking for a long time moved at this moment, and moved extremely fast towards Orochimaru who was close by and closed his eyes.

In the next second, the palm that Orochimaru was about to raise stopped.

Only feeling that he couldn't move, his complexion changed: "This is..."

"Shadow imitation, success!"

Hidden in the crowd at the rear, Nara Shikahisa, who had never shown the mountains or waters in the previous battles, but after many plannings, finally succeeded at this moment, twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth.

In terms of strategy, for hundreds of years, the Nara clan has been called the second, but not many people can be called the first.

"Shadow secret technique? Shikahisa Nara? You are indeed the patriarch of the Nara clan."

On the other side, Orochimaru, who understood in an instant, rarely praised.

This time, he was indeed hit.

With Nara Shikahisa's strength, although he can't be restricted too long, it can still be done in just a few breaths.

For ninjas, such time is enough to determine life and death.

Even so, there was still no trace of panic in Orochimaru's eyes.

Uchiha Aya, who was watching calmly in front of him, swung his knife and slashed without the slightest delay. He was controlled by the shadow and did not move.

However, from inside his clothes, poisonous snakes had already swam out.

Uchiha Aya didn't take it seriously.

Just as she continued to swing the knife forward, the poisonous snakes that she thought should be rushing towards her did not move at all, but swelled up strangely one by one.

Uchiha Aya's eyes changed.

In the next second, the body of Orochimaru swelled, and all the poisonous snakes that had reached the final critical point suddenly exploded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth shook, sand and gravel splashed.

Within the huge gunpowder that rose instantly, the figure belonging to Aya Uchiha flew out quickly.

Although her breathing was fine, it could be seen that her extremely solid Chakra black armor had broken a lot.

On the other hand, Orochimaru, which was the center of the explosion, was not spared because the poisonous snake was his psychic beast.

At this time, his body had exploded beyond human form, and according to common sense, those who were already dead could not die again.

But Orochimaru is not common sense.

Through the poisonous snake explosion, Uchiha Aya was forced to retreat, and at the same time he was freed from the shackles of the shadow. Although he has no good flesh all over his body, he opened his mouth and under the influence of the Orochimaru substitute technique, another brand new him The body has crawled out of the mouth.

With foul-smelling mucus all over his body, Orochimaru performed the Orochimaru Substitution Technique, a powerful life-saving method. Orochimaru, who consumes very little Chakra, smiled coldly at the Konoha people who came to kill again, and then opened his mouth again:

"Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of snakes rushed forward like the sea.

"Everyone listen to my orders..."

It was too late to regret that the good situation was forced, Nara Shikahisa quickly issued a new order.

Regarding the various abilities of Orochimaru, if anyone in the ninja world is most familiar with it, it is undoubtedly Konoha.

Therefore, after identifying this person as a target, Shikahisa Nara and the others were already prepared.

Orochimaru didn't think he could kill this tricky group of Konoha elites with this move.

But delay is enough.

Taking advantage of this gap, he quickly removed the technique of Qianshou Zhujian and let him return to the underworld.

According to common sense, when the dirty soil body is sealed, even the master of the art can no longer control it for a short period of time.

But Orochimaru had other ideas about Senjujuma, and deliberately left a dark hand on the opponent before leaving.

Now it is just to use it to break a gap in the seal ~www.readwn.com~ so that the soul of Qianshou Zhujian can return to the underworld.

"Then next, it's time to summon the first generation of Hokage back. And this time the strength must be stronger, otherwise, it will inevitably be destroyed by Sarutobi-sensei and that little ghost named Mahime. Senshou Clan The bloodline is really amazing!"

When it came to the end, Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh with greed in his eyes.

Soon after returning to normal, he glanced at the Konoha people who were still separated by the sea of ​​snakes in front of him, and then he stopped paying attention and slapped his palm on the ground again.

With a "bang", amidst a large amount of white smoke rising, a big snake came psychically.

Under Orochimaru's instruction, it opened its mouth wide and spit out a snow-white body in its belly.

It was the white sword that Obito and Nagato and Konan had deliberately swallowed on the outside when they fought against each other.

Obviously, Orochimaru is preparing to use this as a sacrifice for the technique of reincarnation.

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