I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 301: If you die, you will get used to it

In deciding to take revenge on Konoha and take action, Orochimaru can be said to be more careful, even Konoha Village is unwilling to take half a step, for fear that he, who has just been resurrected not long ago, will die again.

As for not taking revenge on Konoha and continuing to hang on?

Even if the Buddha was killed twice by the same person, he would still be angry.

Furthermore, once Konoha wins the final victory and extends his minions to the entire ninja world, how will he be able to live well as a rebellious ninja.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the moment to give Konoha a hard time and hinder its unification.

A ninja world where all forces are mixed is the best living environment for a shady person like himself.

It's just that people are not as good as God.

Orochimaru never thought that the trump card that was his trump card was not helpful at all, but in the end it became the culprit that killed him.

This is great.

Stealing the chicken was unsuccessful, and he let himself fall into it again.

At this moment, feeling the coming icy edge behind him, and looking at the Senshou Pillar that was close to Chichi, Orochimaru's face was full of despair.

But even so, he still chose to give it a go, as he was not a person waiting to die.

Just when Uchiha Aya's ninja sword was about to hit, Orochimaru decisively interrupted the struggle with Senjujuma for the control of the filthy soil reincarnation technique.

In an instant, his neck, which was able to use his energy on it, stretched violently, and flew hundreds of meters away with his head.


In the next second, the ninja sword in Uchiha Aya's hand separated Orochimaru's exaggerated long neck from the original body.

In response, a brand-new Orochimaru crawled out of the head and mouth a hundred meters away as expected, and after the lower limbs turned into a thick white phosphorous snake tail, I saw the figure move, and the speed was much faster than the peak period. escape.

Aya Uchiha frowned, and continued to chase.


Suddenly, a violent sonic boom sounded in her ears.

In an instant, a figure that could not be captured by even her pair of sharing eyes with powerful penetrating ability flashed past her side.

As if moving across the sky.

Just when Orochimaru was desperately fleeing, on the way he must pass, a heavy punch that he caught up with later hit him hard.


With no time to dodge, Orochimaru flew backwards at a faster speed.

After smashing dozens of big holes one after another, and dragging out a long deep ditch on the ground, his fragmented body finally stopped.


He didn't dare to delay at all, like a snake shedding its skin, the brand new and intact Orochimaru quickly came out of the original body again after being cut open.

But before he could catch his breath, Senshou Hashirama, who just swung that punch, had already struck again.

Without any resistance, Orochimaru flew upside down again.

Seeing this, Uchiha Aya, who was about to chase after him, couldn't help but stop, and stared blankly at the scene in front of her. She never thought that Orochimaru, who was well-versed in the siege by a group of Konoha ninjas before her, would be beaten to nothing at this moment. Fight back.

"As expected of the first Hokage-sama, it's really amazing!" On the side, Nara Shikahisa exclaimed with a full face.

Although he still doesn't know why the first-generation adults were able to get rid of the control of the technique of reincarnation, but he just needs to know that the moment is extremely beneficial to him. …

In the following time, under the attack of Senjujuma only performing physical skills, punch after punch, Orochimaru, who had been beaten without any temper, was continuously knocked out like a baseball.

Soon, for the first time, I felt overwhelmed by Orochimaru's substitute technique, and knew that if I went like this again, I would really be beaten to death. Orochimaru gritted his teeth and began to desperately.

"The Art of Eight Qi!"

In an instant, as Orochimaru's body continued to expand like a balloon, huge white snake heads burst out of his body one after another.

In the end, a gigantic white snake with eight heads and tails appeared in his place.

This is the strongest ninjutsu of Yamata no Orochi and Orochimaru, and it is also the incarnation of his obsession for a long time.

Not far away, Nara Shikahisa, who couldn't keep up with Senjujuma's speed, could only choose to watch and the Konoha ninjas were all horrified when they saw this huge strange snake.

It's hard to imagine, if Orochimaru had displayed such a powerful ninjutsu from the beginning, what heavy casualties they would have to pay.

On the other side, Senshou Bashirama, who had rushed to the front, punched again without changing his expression.


Compared with the size of Senju Hashirama, the huge Yamata no Orochi still had to retreat under the pocket-sized fist at this moment.

It's just that compared to the human life, the Yamata no Orochi in the form of Orochimaru still has the power to resist and throw out its eight tails, quickly stabilizing its figure.

Then I saw its eight snake heads opening its huge and ferocious mouths, carrying a strong wind, and biting towards the thousand-handed pillars on the ground extremely fast.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The eight snake heads that looked like hills kept hitting the ground, creating deep pits one after another.

Among them, the figure belonging to Qianshou Zhujian is dodging quickly.

Soon, when the eight tails and even the huge body behind Yamata no Orochi joined in, Senjujuma, whose escape space was getting smaller and smaller, quickly escaped with the help of a tail swing.

"It's a pretty good technique, but it's a pity that you, junior, have embarked on a wrong path."

Pulling out the ninja shoes from the straight ravine that was dragged out of the ground, Senju Hashirama, who finally got serious at this moment, clapped his hands while talking, and the immortal mode was instantly activated.

And then,

"Wood escape·The tree world is coming!"

The Sea of ​​Trees, which was much stronger than facing Senju Shinhime before, quickly rose from the ground, and pointed at the huge Yamata no Orochi, who was like a live target, from all directions.

In an instant, the Yamata no Orochi, which was daunting before, was struggling in embarrassment under the sea of ​​trees hundreds of times larger than it.

As time goes by, it is like a small wave in the sea, the more it struggles, the weaker it is, the less and less it moves.

In the end, with an unwilling howl, Yamata no Orochi was completely submerged by the sea of ​​trees, and after a few breaths, it quickly shrank and returned to human form.

"The gap is still too big. Mu Dun is really an enviable blood succession limit."

The Eight Qi Art was broken, and even if it was separated, the white phosphorous snake used as a means of escape was submerged by the trees everywhere. Orochimaru, who had returned to the human body, opened his eyes helplessly, and looked down at the entanglement of Mu Dun. He stopped, unable to move his body, and sighed slightly. …

Counting the first two times, the three major stumbles in his life were all because of Mu Dun.

I really have an indissoluble bond with Mu Dun!

Orochimaru, who became the fish on the board again, laughed at himself.

Having accepted the reality, he looked at the approaching Senshou Hashirama, and couldn't help but compare himself with Mu Dun, the **** of the ninja world, who was familiar with Senshou Yunting.

Soon, however, he stopped.

It's just because of my own strength that I can't let these two go all out, but I can't judge who is strong and who is weak.

Orochimaru shook his head, and finally closed his eyes, just waiting for the next recovery.

He was used to dying anyway.

It was just that to his surprise, the Qianshou Zhujian who came to him did not kill him.

"As for Konoha's internal affairs, as a dead person, I shouldn't interfere too much. Since you are Konoha's traitor, my junior, let Konoha decide your outcome~www.readwn.com~ After finishing speaking, Senshou Bashirama stretched out his right hand, and saw the palm full of sealing techniques pressed on the head of Orochimaru.

Without waiting for the latter to respond, he gave it to the sealing pillar.

In an instant, Orochimaru rolled his eyelids and passed out.

On the other hand, Senshou Feijian, whose body had been fully restored before, but which had been targeted by Senshou Zhujian Mutun, was sealed by Orochimaru, and when the reincarnation of the dirty soil was also lifted, he finally regained his clarity.

Noticing that his soul was about to return to the underworld, his eyes froze in Qianshou's door at this moment, and quickly formed a negative impression of the technique of reincarnation.


"Dirty Soil Reincarnation · Solution!"


His filthy body, which was about to fall apart, stabilized again.

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