I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 302: Tsunade is still so small...

When Orochimaru was unable to maintain the reincarnation of the dirty soil, Senshou Tomona, who regained control of his body, did not choose to return to the underworld, but took the initiative to release the contract of the dirty soil reincarnation and stayed in the human world.

"Feijian, you and I are both dead, so don't miss the world too much, the underworld is our real destination." Qianshou Zhujian, who saw this scene, quickly reminded.

He knows that his younger brother has deep opinions since he was a child, and coupled with his unconstrained behavior, if he, the eldest brother, has not been restrained, he might not be able to use the forbidden technique of playing with the soul like reincarnation of dirty soil. How much will be developed.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that the other party chose to stay actively, so he immediately injected the seedling injection first.

"Don't worry, brother, I still can clearly distinguish the two lines between life and death." Hearing this, Qianshou Feijian nodded calmly and said, "It's just that after so many years, it's rare to have time to return to the world, and I want to spend more time It's time to take a look at the current Muye Village, so you can feel more at ease when you return to the underworld."

"That's it~~ It makes me want to see more of the current Muye Village! It was too sloppy to take a look at the flowers before. Then...stay a little longer?"

Originally, after solving the problem of Orochimaru, based on the principle of separating life and death, Senju Hashima was planning to return to the underworld.

However, when he heard what his younger brother said, he was immediately aroused, so he changed his words with great interest.

Anyway, there is no rush to return to the underworld. First take a closer look at the new look of Konoha, which I created by myself, and then it is not too late to leave.

correct! And that little girl who knows how to escape and looks very kind.

I didn't expect such a genius to appear in the Thousand Hands Clan, so I have to see him later.

Thinking of this, Senju Zhuma's face was full of anticipation.

At the same time, Nara Shikahisa, Uchiha Aya and other Konoha ninjas who saw the end of the battle hurriedly came to the other side.

With excitement, admiration, curiosity, surprise, etc., a group of people greeted Senshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian loudly:

"The first generation of adults! The second generation of adults!"

"Haha! Hello everyone!"

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama, who had no airs at all, showed a signature laugh, and enthusiastically waved to the Konoha ninjas.

The calm-tempered Qianshou Feijian also nodded with a rare smile.

"It's really the first generation, the second generation!"

Seeing the response from the two Konoha Hokages in front of them, many Konoha ninjas were instantly excited.

For people of their generation, the first Hokage and the second Hokage are all living in textbooks. In his past ninja school career, he has always been the object of everyone's admiration.

Now that the person they yearned for in childhood has really appeared in front of them, the mood can be imagined.

So in the following time, the battlefield just now seemed to be a fan meeting, and it was very hot.

Among them, the acquainted Senshou Zhujian is absolutely sure to answer all questions of fans.

However, Senju Tomona, after some inspections, took Shikajiu, who was obviously from the Nara clan with his hair style, and now most likely the squad leader of the ninja class, aside, and asked about the current situation of Konoha and even the ninja world.

Nara Shika did not hide anything for a long time, and briefly reported the changes in Konoha and the situation in the ninja world over the years.

After it was over, Qianshou was silent for a while, and didn't say anything more.

And not far away, compared to other people, Uchiha Ling, who was rarely seen and very calm, at this moment withdrew her gaze from Senshou Feima.

For this second-generation Hokage, Uchiha's general evaluation is not very good.

After all, the garrison was created by this man, and it has grown in the hands of three generations, and has become the prison that imprisoned the Uchiha clan in the past.

It is the first Hokage, but the Uchiha clan is more recognized.

Looking at the first-generation Hokage who was always enthusiastic and friendly, and then glanced at Orochimaru who was unconscious on the other side, the corners of Aya Uchiha's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

It wasn't because of anything else, but at this moment, she suddenly remembered the words "Reincarnation from the dirty soil, the art of making dreams come true" that the four generations of Hokage-sama said inadvertently.

In the past, she didn't quite understand this sentence.

But now, she understood.


Soon, with the arrival of Konoha reinforcements headed by Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the Hokage fan meeting came to an end.

"First generation sama! Second generation sama!" Seeing that Orochimaru had been dealt with, and the first and second generation Hokage regained their will, Sarutobi Hiruzane greeted with a sigh.

"Long time no see, monkey! It looks like you've aged a lot!" Senju Zhuma came over with a smile, and patted Hiruzaru Sarutobi on the shoulder vigorously.

"I can't help it, I can't be dissatisfied when I'm old. Speaking of which, the current appearance is the result of my past few years of cultivation." Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled slightly.

"Monkey, you have done a good job all these years. I chose you as the Third Hokage for nothing." Senshou Tomona also came over at this time, patted Hiruza Sarutobi on the other shoulder and said.

"Three generations of Hokage? With limited qualifications, I can only say that I can barely maintain the overall situation. Speaking of everything about Konoha, it is more due to the current fourth generation of Hokage." Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had already put everything down, said sincerely .

Hearing this, Senshou Zhujian only regarded the other party as modest.

However, Senshou Kaima, who had learned some information from Nara Shikaku, understood the true meaning of Sarutobi Hiruza's words.

"No matter what, Konoha is able to have what it is today, monkey you still have a great contribution." He said seriously.

"Indeed!" Senshou Zhujian followed.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart trembled.

The conversation between the three Hokages in Konoha Village continued.

It's just that the follow-up impact of Orochimaru's attack has to be resolved, and this reminiscence didn't last long.

When returning with Konoha people, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also hoped that the two Hokages could go back to Konoha Village.

Senshou Hashirama and Senshou Feima, who originally planned to do so, naturally nodded in agreement.

On the way, Senju Zhuma asked his younger brother curiously: "By the way, do you know Konoha's fourth generation?"

In the previous exchanges with many Konoha ninjas, he also knew that the fourth generation of Konoha was from the Senshou clan, and that he had awakened Mutun just like himself, so he was naturally very interested.

It's just that he died early, and he had never heard of such a person in the clan back then, so he asked his brother who died later than him.

"I don't know." When Qianshou Feijian shook his head.

When he died in battle, Tsunade was still a kid, and the younger fourth generation was naturally not born yet.

But when it came to Tsunade, Senju suddenly looked at his elder brother and said, "Brother, you don't know that Tsunade's current wife is Tsunade, right?"

"What? Tsunade is married?" Senju Hashirama asked in surprise.

He really doesn't know.

After all, when he communicated enthusiastically with many Konoha ninjas before, although he asked the current fourth generation, why didn't he just ask who his wife is.

"Tsunate is still so small..."

Subconsciously~www.readwn.com~ the memory of her granddaughter in her mind is still stuck in her childhood, Senshou Zhujian blurted out.

But soon, after noticing everything in front of him, he stopped suddenly.

Almost forgot, this is decades later.

"I didn't expect Tsunade to be married already!"

At this moment, Senshou Hashima, who had a deep sense of right and wrong, sighed deeply just like when he learned that the bustling city was Konoha.

Qianshou Feijian saw it in his eyes, and his eyes were full of smiles, and he wanted to give his elder brother an even bigger surprise.

Seeing that the "surprise" had already arrived on its own initiative, while rushing towards his brother, he said crisply:


! "

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