I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 304: ask for help

In the following time, when Maki volunteered to be a tour guide, leading Senju Hashirama and Senju Tomonama, as well as Sarutobi Hiruzen who chose to follow after the battle to avoid suspicion after the battle, toured the current Konoha Village together.

After a summary of the losses from Konoha Railway Station, it was passed to Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Ritsuko.

"Will it take three hours to repair the railway heading towards the Country of Grass?"

Nara Shikahisa frowned and looked at the report in his hand.

Because of Konoha's timely obstruction, Orochimaru's plan to destroy Konoha Railway Station failed to come true.

Although it was affected by the continuous blasting of the Thousand-Handed Doors in the train station under the control of the soil reincarnation, in general it only destroyed some facilities on the surface of the train station.

With sufficient spare equipment, both the rails and trains can be restored quickly after some emergency repairs.

Only the dedicated line to the Country of Grass, coincidentally, the two tree worlds came down before, and most of the range of ninjutsu attacks are covered here.

As a result, the foundation of the railway was seriously damaged, and the terrain changed drastically. If you want to restore it to its original state, even if you try your best to repair it, it will take three hours.

This is usually nothing.

But now, exactly four hours later, it is time for the Konoha army from the Country of Grass to launch a general offensive as planned, preparing to destroy the Iwanin army in one fell swoop.

Now is the time when the frontline urgently needs logistics supplies, but there is no delay at all.

You must know that not only is Yan Ren's logistics exhausted, but he is in urgent need of supplies.

Since this period of time, Konoha's logistics consumption will only become more serious when he initiates the offensive.

In the past, there was a steady stream of supplies from the railway line, and there was no problem.

But now, once the logistics line is cut off, even if it is only a few hours, there will undoubtedly be a huge change in the most critical battle situation in the Country of Grass.

"Can the logistics in the Country of Grass still hold up now?" Ritsuko Yamanaka put down the report in her hand and asked with a dignified expression.

Shikajiu Nara shook his head and said: "No. In order to hold back Iwanin's return to aid, Konoha's army in the Country of Grass is launching a high-intensity offensive every day, and the logistical supplies are consumed very quickly. It can be said that the supplies we sent over are below. The train will be consumed in less than a minute."

Of course, Konoha can also take the initiative to reduce consumption, as long as the offensive is slowed down.

But what he paid for it was that Iwanin was finally able to catch his breath, and he had the strength to defeat the Urenin troops in the rear and re-open the supply line.

This is something Konoha absolutely does not want to see.

"Three hours of repair time, plus three hours of consumption on the road. If you want to send the next batch of supplies, it will take at least six hours. Can you ask the Water Gate Commander to delay the attack time? " Ritsuko Yamanaka said.

"Sword Comes"

"Soldiers are precious and fast. Now we are racing against Iwa Ninja and the upcoming Sand Ninja. There is no reason to be fast. I have to say that Orochimaru really chose a good time."

Shikahisa Nara sighed.

However, in the next second, the corner of his mouth suddenly smiled again: "It's a pity that the world is impermanent. Orochimaru was clever but was mistaken by cleverness. It gave us a better way."

"A better way?" Ritsuko Yamanaka asked doubtfully.

"To be exact, he is the one who solves all this!" Nara Shikahisa laughed.

"Second Hokage-sama!" In an instant, Ritsuko Yamanaka's eyes lit up and said.

"That's right, it depends on the Second Hokage's Flying Raijin Technique."

Under the powerful mobility of the Flying Thunder God Technique, if there is enough chakra support, the caster can travel thousands of miles many times to quickly deliver the logistics needed by the Konoha army.

In the past, only the fourth-generation adults with inhuman chakras could do it.

As for Namikaze Minato, who also possesses the technique of Flying Thunder God, at such a long distance, the chakra in the body may have to stop after several rounds of teleportation.

Although the fourth generation is now confronting Uchiha Madara, they can't get away.

The current Konoha has a new choice.

That is the thousand-handed gate under the dirt body, which has almost infinite chakra, which is fully enough to support the flying thunder **** technique to and fro many times.

"Leave the work of preparing the supplies to Ritsuko, and I will explain this to the second generation."

No longer wasting time, Nara Shikahisa hurried out after explaining these words.

So much so that when Ritsuko Yamanaka was about to speak, she realized that the person had disappeared.

"This guy, the way of shirking work is really like Hokage-sama." After shaking her head helplessly, Ritsuko Yamanaka started to do heavy work as usual.


When Nara Shikahisa ran all the way, he quickly found the group of Senjubashima who were playing in Konoha Village.

The latter is in a color TV store, watching the programs on the TV with great interest.

The moment he opened the door and entered, the first thing he heard was the continuous exclamation of Qianshou Zhujian.

"Wow? People here can really move!"

"Maki, what kind of ninjutsu was used?"

"It's not ninjutsu, it's technology? What is this? It sounds very profound! Modern people are really amazing!"

"Haha! The dialogue between the villains on the screen is so interesting!"


Obviously, Senju Hashima has completely devoted himself to the TV program that is extremely novel to him regardless of the image of Hokage.

In his arms, Zhen Ji explained to her grandfather what the TV was all about with the little knowledge she only knew.

Of course, she did not forget to proudly explain many times that these scientific and technological achievements were all made by her dear father.

On the side, although Senshou Tobima didn't chatter like his elder brother who had never seen the world, he always maintained the posture of being a Hokage.

But for Zhen Ji's half-baked explanation, he still listened carefully.

As a top scientist in the ninja world, even though his research fields are different, he is still very interested in such a novelty as television.

If it wasn't inappropriate at this time, Qianshou Feijian even wanted to dismantle the TV in front of him by himself, to find out how it works.

The same Hokage, with a tenacious life, Sarutobi Hiruzawa who has survived until now is not as new as his predecessors.

Although he has been staying at home, his family has brought back all the novelties in the village.

He is used to TV.

Because of this, at this time, he was focusing on the magazines with hot girls on the cover next to the TV.

To say that his biggest regret over the years is that his greatest hobby has not been realized.

There is no way, the family has a shrewd wife, and the two sons don't know his fun.

The only student with the same interest is Ziraiya, whose ban on entry has not been lifted~www.readwn.com~ so that he often sighs these years.

Now it's rare to come out once, so naturally you have to take good care of it.

Glancing at the Senju family who were completely attracted by the TV, Hiruza Sarutobi quickly took out a magazine and secretly flipped through it.

However, the good times did not last long.

Accompanied by a door opening sound.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's complexion changed, and he put the magazine back in his hand with lightning speed, then coughed lightly, and turned his head with an extremely serious expression.

Seeing Nara Shikahisa who had just left for a long time came again and said to them:

"The first-generation lord, the second-generation lord, the third-generation lord, and Miss Zhenji."

"The incident happened suddenly. Konoha has encountered an unexpected situation right now and needs help urgently. I am sorry to have to interrupt everyone."

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