I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 305: The most important inheritance of the 1 line between columns

"Transport supplies? No problem."

A few minutes later, after listening to Nara Shikahisa's narration of Senshouban, there was no hesitation, and he nodded quickly.

This time, he deliberately released the control of the reincarnation of the dirty soil. Apart from wanting to see more of Konoha Village, he originally planned to contribute to Konoha during the war.

"Do you need me to help?" Senshou Zhujian on the side also asked seriously at this time.

Nara Shikahisa shook his head and said: "The first generation lord, the second generation lord should not meddle in the affairs of the world. Letting the second generation lord help this time has already made us modern people ashamed. Please rest assured that the first generation lord, the situation of the war will have a serious impact on the future." Konoha is already very beneficial, and we, the younger generations, will do the rest. It’s rare for you to come back, so let’s continue to play in Konoha Village with Ms. Maki.”

Nara Shikahisa declined Senju Hashirama's shot, not only because of the above reasons, but also if he really wanted to release the existence of the first generation of Hokage, which is comparable to a nuclear weapon, it would go against Konoha's original plan to wipe out the Iwanin army.

The third Dokage Onoki was deeply impressed by Senju Bashirama.

If the first generation really appeared on the stage, without another Uchiha Madara to delay, I am afraid he would not choose to fight recklessly at all, but let all the rock ninjas disperse and flee completely.

If such a large-scale Iwanin voluntarily disperses and flees with all their heart, even if Konoha pursues desperately, they will not be able to catch up to all of them.

After successfully escaping Iwa Shinobi, even if there is no organization, if each of them hides in the corners of the Land of Earth, it will cause great trouble for Konoha's rule of the Land of Earth in the future.

Therefore, this battle must wipe out all the vitality of Iwanin in the Country of Grass. Before that, the last hope of Iwanin must not be cut off.

In addition, Nara Shikahisa knows that there is Uchiha Madara in the Country of Grass now.

He has also heard about the love and killing between this and the first-generation adults.

Although the strength shown by Yunting before is not weaker than Senju Zhuma, in the eyes of Uchiha Madara, his lifelong best friend is ranked first from beginning to end.

Nara Shikahisa can imagine that once the first generation arrives at the front line, Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly light up when he finds the opponent, and he shouts "Hashirama" fanatically in an instant, while no longer caring about the agreement with the fourth generation, he rushes to leave Rushing towards the first generation, fighting with it with all your strength, the aftermath of the battle affects many Konoha ninjas, and even the entire battlefield.

With the situation basically settled, in order to avoid unnecessary accidents, Shikahisa Nara decided not to let Senju Hashirama show up for the time being.

"Because of fighting on all sides, Konoha Village is very weak now, and there is no guarantee that dangerous elements like Orochimaru will not continue to attack. In the future, if the first generation of adults can sit in the village, we can feel more at ease." Finally. , Nara Shikahisa explained again.

Hearing this, Senshou Zhujian nodded clearly: "Understood, Lu Jiu, you can rest assured to do your own thing. Anyway, I am here whenever you want."

Qianshou Zhujian looked very open.

He and Togama should not be here.

Even if he wants to contribute to Konoha, he will not put on the air of Hokage and give orders to the current Konoha ninjas.

After all, this is not our own era after all.

An Anxin can just be a tool person, so that you can be good to me, and everyone is good.

Just like now, since I have nothing to do with myself, I can continue to play with my good great-granddaughter with peace of mind.

Therefore, when Shikahisa Nara left with Senju Hirama, as the only outsider, it was inconvenient to disturb him, and at the same time Sarutobi Hiruzen who wanted to buy some spiritual food also left, only Senju was left in the original team. The pair of Hashirama and Senju Maki are separated by two generations.

Seeing that Senshou Zhujian was still watching the TV with great interest, Zhen Ji turned her head left and right, and found that there was no outsider watching, she was overjoyed, she quickly brought her small mouth to Senshou Zhujian's ear, and whispered :

"Grandpa, there is a more interesting place in the village, why don't we go now."

"A more interesting place?" Senju Bashirama's eyes lit up, "Then listen to Maki."

ten minutes later.

Shinhime led the way and followed Senshou Hashirama to the final destination all the way. He looked at the big house with the word "gambling" on the signboard in front of him. After a long while in a daze, he opened his mouth and said:

"So, Maki, this is what you're talking about interesting?"

"Yes! Grandpa, don't you think this is a very interesting place?"

Shinji looked at Senju Bashirama suspiciously.

She had heard her mother mention that her gambling skills were taught by her grandfather himself.

Although Zhen Ji scoffed at the so-called gambling that her mother always lost.

But she likes to gamble like grandpa and grandpa, but she keeps it in mind.

For this reason, she deliberately brought her grandfather to a gambling house in Konoha, just to cater to what she liked.

It's just that now it seems that it's a bit self-defeating.

Seeing Senshou Bashirama's face froze for a moment, Shinji couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Could it be that grandpa is very dissatisfied with going to a gambling hall at such a young age?

Thinking of this, Zhen Ji wondered if it was a pre-emptive strike and took the initiative to admit the wrong time.


Senshou Zhujian sighed deeply: "I didn't expect..."

'really! really! '

The alarm sounded in Zhen Ji's heart quickly, and she was about to speak, proficiently admitting her mistake.

However, Senju Zhuma, who moved faster, had already looked at her, and continued: "After so many years, I didn't expect to come to this place. Zhen Ji!"

"The Point Guard Is Here"


Missing the initiative, Zhen Ji, who said in her heart, "It's over, it's over", closed her eyes, and reluctantly said as if she was about to wait for the storm to come.

"You're doing...well done!"

In an instant, Senshou Zhujian's original dignified expression changed, and his face seemed to bloom with brilliant flowers. He laughed excitedly and said,

"As expected of my good great-granddaughter!"


How could Senju Hashirama, who once brought his granddaughter Tsunade, who was a few years old, to gamble with him, be dissatisfied because Zhen Ji brought him to the casino.

On the contrary, he only felt that Zhen Ji was too appetizing to him.

As for the change in expression that Zhen Ji mistakenly thought before, it was just a feeling of emotion, recalling the glorious years of fighting in the casino in the past~www.readwn.com~ Zhen Ji! Next, let our grandparents and grandsons kill the Quartet! "

With a more serious expression than when he was fighting Orochimaru before, Senju Hashirama, who turned into a comrade in arms, looked at Maki with burning eyes, stretched out his palm and said.

"Okay! Grandpa!"

Turning around, Zhen Ji, who breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes again with great joy, looked at the grandpa whose face was full of kindness, nodded repeatedly, and also stretched out his palm.

Just like that, the palms of one big and one small tightly held each other.

Like soldiers on the battlefield, with the aura of being determined to win, the grandpa and grandson of Senju Zhenji and the grandson of Senju Zhenji cheered each other up, and then under the trembling gaze of the gambling hall staff, they fought vigorously. come in unison.

At this moment, the sun was shining, and the word "gambling" on the back of Zhenji's green coat was shining brightly.

This is the most important inheritance of the Zhujian lineage.

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