The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Brother Pedro! Let's go together!"

"No need to say more, Sicilian, I'm better at fighting than you!"

On the battlefield, Pedro and others, who were full of lightning, were like a sharp sword, piercing into the center of the guards under the command of the snake. Even though they were deeply trapped in the enemy's formation, no one dared to approach for a while, and they could only let the fur tribe warriors rush forward and rush around.

In the team sent by Zou, Pedro and other new generation are naturally included. On the one hand, relying on the relationship with Carrot, Yakumo Bai and Zou can communicate with each other. On the other hand, they also want to let them come out to experience some experience. After all, after Yao Ye left, the fur tribe needs a new strong man to take over, and these young people have such potential.


Accompanied by the cheerful laughter of the little rabbit, a rumbling sound came, and the strong vibration made Pedro and others here look sideways.

"Carrot, this little girl, is really loved by the young master Yakumo. That cannon-like weapon is very powerful."

Giovanni was secretly shocked and was a little curious about the weapon in Carrot's hand.

"When Zou reaches a cooperation with the Beast Pirates later, we will also have this kind of weapon, Giovanni.

But don't forget that the only one who is truly powerful is yourself!"

Pedro reminded.

"Of course I know that, but don't you think that guns are the romance of men?"


Pedro did not comment on Giovanni's words. For him, as long as it can enhance strength, external objects can also be used, but if he becomes dependent on them, it will undoubtedly be self-destruction!

"By the way, this raid caused quite a stir, and the people of the Flower City were all alarmed..."

The sharp claws wrapped in lightning cut through the air and killed the samurai who blocked in front of him in the blink of an eye. Sicilian looked sideways outside the battlefield. The confused people were gathering together uneasily and looking here in panic.

"That's why we have to fight quickly! After the Great Snake is defeated, the country of Wano can be stabilized again, right? In this way, whether it is Carrot to live here or our cooperation, it will be much smoother."

Pedro said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Even for our erratic sister, we must do our best!

Let's go! Everyone!"



"What... is that monster...?"

While Yakumo Shiro was playing his game, the people of Wano Country, startled by the sudden commotion, gathered from afar. At this time, looking at the crazy Yamata no Orochi in the distance, they shouted in fear.

"Yamata no Orochi!!

That's the legendary disaster beast!"

Some people seemed to remember something, and their legs and feet trembled. If it weren't for the resistance of the fur tribe, the samurai, and the beasts pirates in front of them, they might have fled in panic.

"That place... seems to be the general's residence... and... look! There are still people there resisting Yamata no Orochi!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked intently, and indeed saw two figures, one pink and one white, flexibly moving and flying under the huge body of the snake. The snake's attack could not hurt the two people at all, but they chopped off several heads of themselves.

The commotion in the crowd naturally attracted Tianyue Shi's attention. Now under the offensive of his side, the power of the snake has been retreating step by step. Even the black charcoal snake that turned into the Yamata no Orochi was played around by the two people, and victory was only a matter of time.


Tianyue Shi exhaled deeply. Today, standing here, in addition to witnessing the end of the snake with his own eyes, he also led the samurai under the daimyo to some extent. As the widow of Kozuki, he still had some appeal and influence.

The reason why these samurai fought so hard, apart from a small number of them who were fanatically loyal to Kozuki, most of them were fighting to restore their former status - as long as they assisted me in regaining the position of shogun, other daimyo could also restore their status, and accordingly, what they lost would also be restored...

"But... whether for Hiyori or for myself, I can't fall into this cruel politics again. Now, compared with restoring the old system, Wano Country and I have better choices!"

Thinking of this, Tianyue Toki turned and headed towards the battlefield outside

The people walked away. This battle will make Orochi completely withdraw, and everything he planned will vanish. The power of the daimyo will also suffer heavy losses, and there will be a short window of power in this country.

And this is the opportunity! An opportunity to win more popular support for Master Yakumo! As long as it is properly controlled, the changes that Master Yakumo wants to make in Wano Country will be unimpeded in the future! Because, Yakumo Bai is what people want!

"The black charcoal snake is a monster transformed from the mythical beast Yamata no Orochi. After conspiring to seize Wano Country, it will poison the people and land of this country. It was Master Yakumo of the Beasts Pirates who discovered it in time and saved us mother and daughter from the fire. Now, we will integrate internal and external forces to return peace and stability to this country! And bring unprecedented prosperity!

From now on, Wano Country will open a new chapter!"


At the same time, Yakumo Bai is here.

The short battle was over after some probing. After Yao Ye had fully exerted his power of suppression, half of the snake's head was cut off in just a moment. Now it was wailing miserably, and the speed of head regeneration was already quite slow.

The remaining four snake heads were no longer as fierce and crazy as before. Fear and anxiety filled their vertical pupils. The dark green snake head in the center was spitting out its tongue anxiously, exploring the situation on the battlefield, as if looking for a way to escape.


The electric light whipped the ground, leaving black scorch marks. Yakumo Bai and Yao Ye held Bai Ye tightly together. Dense electric currents continuously gathered on the sword body through their arms. The blazing white electric light exuded unparalleled power. The white sword light dozens of meters long extended out and pointed directly to the sky. The heat generated by the electric current even slightly distorted the surrounding air.

"Hmm... If it has the blessing of the Thunder Fruit, maybe this sword can soar into the sky? With a full-strength blow, it is possible to split an island in half~"

Feeling the power gathered in his hand at this time, Yakumo Shiro shook his head. Even if the fur tribe can use electric current to attack, there is a limit after all, and it is naturally impossible to compare with the symbol of the thunder element - the Thunder Fruit.

"Hey~ After eating the Thunder Fruit, wouldn't it be great to use the gold of Sky Island to build a cool battleship? Although there is a Pluto battleship under Wano Country, it is not easy to take it out considering the terrain of Wano Country... Besides, it is not time for it to appear yet."

Suppressing the surging thoughts, Yakumo Shiro tightened the soft hand in his hand, and then said to Yaoye,

"Sister Yaoye, listen to me, when the sword is swung down later, you must shout with me~"

"Huh? What?"

Yaoye tilted her head slightly, her pink ears trembling cutely, and asked in confusion.


"ex... curry stick?" Yaoye followed word by word.

"'s almost there~Okay! Sister Yaoye, come with me and end this game~"



"...e...ex...Curry Stick!"


The dazzling sword light flashed, and in the horror and unwilling shout of Kurozumi Orochi, all three heads of the Orochi were cut off. Under such huge damage, the Orochi could no longer maintain the form of Yamata Orochi, slowly returned to its original form, fell to the ground covered in blood, and could no longer move.

The disappearance of Yamata Orochi's huge body undoubtedly gave the people on the battlefield a signal that the battle situation was determined, and the next step was to completely destroy the power of the Orochi!

"Roar! Scorching mode! War trample!"

The panda man Panda turned into a war machine, rushing through the crowd, leaving a hot steam wherever he passed.

"Brother Panda is really energetic!" Pedro and others looked at Panda in full force in silence, and they were inspired to do so.

"Everyone! Don't let Brother Panda fall behind! Let the people of Wano Country see the strength of the Mink Tribe!"


On the other side, Tianyue Shi, who was announcing the purpose and truth of this battle in front of the people and winning the hearts of the people for Yakumo Shira, suddenly moistened his eyes and his heart beat violently.

"Master Yakumo... Yakumo Shira... It seems that I will be tied to you all my life..."

At the same time, when Yakumo Shira and Yaoye approached the "corpse" of the snake and prepared to recover it, their observation Haki suddenly caught a glimpse of

Fluctuation, looking in the direction of the breath, only to see two old figures secretly running out of the battlefield, looking very flustered.

"The two guys behind Kurozumi Orochi? I was wondering why I hadn't seen them all the time, so they were running away..."

Yakumo Shiro raised his eyebrows, if I remembered correctly, the fruit abilities of these two people seemed to be good...

"What do you mean? Bai, are you going to catch them back?" Yao Ye asked seriously, with his long sword ready to be unsheathed at any time.

"No, don't worry about them for now. Although the Kozuki family has been destroyed, there is still a fish that has escaped the net~ Let these two guys explore the way for us~ Just in time to solve them all at once!"

He casually released a toy bird and flew it towards the two people in the distance. Yakumo Shiro turned to look at the snake on the ground and said,

"Let's harvest the spoils first. The prison on Onigashima is still empty~"

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