The death of Orochi did not cause any ripples. In fact, the disappearance of this guy in Wano Country can be said to be a hundred benefits and no harm.

First of all, the daimyo walked out of prison smoothly and regained their freedom, avoiding the tragic ending of dying in prison.

Of course, even if they escaped from death and came out of prison, they would face the few remaining samurai and retainers and the territory that was almost desolate under the oppression of Orochi.

I believe that as long as the Beasts Pirates come to them with "sincerity" to ask for cooperation, they will be quite happy. After all, everyone in Wano Country knows who rescued people from the rule of Orochi, who defeated the Yamata-no-Orochi that symbolizes disaster, and who brought the possibility of wealth and prosperity to Wano Country!

Without a doubt, it is Yakumo Shiro! It is the Beasts!

The Beasts Pirates are a qualified neutral, or in other words, the image that Yakumo Shiro has created for them is a qualified businessman.

When they first came to Wano Country, facing the two major forces of Orochi and Kozuki, they decisively chose Orochi, who paid more, instead of the stubborn and weak Kozuki, and Orochi also successfully seized the real power of Wano Country through cooperation with the Beasts Pirates.

But now, Orochi's rule has affected the stability of Wano Country and also affected the interests of the Beasts Pirates here, so they turned their spearheads to Orochi.

People only remember the results, not the process. Perhaps Orochi did rely on the power of the beasts to seize power, but the final result was that after just half a month, he was destroyed by the combination of the beasts, the fur tribe, and the samurai.

Similarly, for the majority of people at the bottom, they are more concerned about interests. No matter who is in power, as long as they can bring benefits to themselves, they are good people in power.

Under the influence of such reality and thoughts, what people see and think is what Yakumo Bai wants them to see and think, and the assists of Tianyue on the battlefield further stimulate this understanding-

Under the leadership of the Beasts Pirates, they will gain more benefits and have a more peaceful and stable life!

Once there is a better choice, who will go back to the days when they can see the end at a glance? Who will kowtow to the daimyo and the general in order to go further?

The former Kozuki Oden was a weak and incompetent fool, and this view was also brought to other daimyo by the people. Although they were daimyo of Wano Country, they were unable to judge the situation and watched Orochi and the Beasts Pirates reach a cooperation, which eventually ruined themselves and the people.

In the end, it was Orochi himself who hindered the Beasts Pirates and was destroyed. If these so-called daimyo relied on themselves, how long would it take to return to a peaceful and stable life? Ten years? Or twenty years?

If that time really comes, how many people will still remember them? The damage has been done, how can it be easily compensated?

Well, in fact, after saying so much, there is only one simple fact: the current power vacuum in Wano Country can be said to be left to Yakumo Shiro to seize. As long as he wants, then a thorough reform can be launched at any time without any delay.

At the same time, the destruction of Orochi also made the burden hidden in the hearts of Toki and Toki completely put down. Although they don’t talk about it at ordinary times, how can the blood feud be easily forgotten?

Once such a mood is released, the changes it brings are huge. The grace of saving life and revenge make Toki and Hiyori completely regard Yakumo Shiro as their final destination, the most solid support for the two in the world, and the closest family.

And this change will surely bloom the most beautiful flowers in the near future~


"What a magical fruit, it cut off seven heads and still lives tenaciously. Should it be called "strong and unyielding"? Or is it a life of beheading? What do you think, Maria?"

In the prison of Onigashima, the big snake, who had already fallen in a pool of blood, fainted here like a dead dog, and his body was tightly bound by heavy seastone chains. The prison where he was was also made of seastone. After all, there is not much else in Wano Country, but the seastone deposits are very rich. In such a prison, let alone a weak person like Kurozumi Orochi, even Luffy who has not awakened Ryuo can't escape from here.

"Hehe~ Master, look at what you are saying. I was the general of Wano Country not long ago~ How can a person with the ability of a mythical beast say that he can save his life by cutting off his head? After all, this is my ability~"

Holding his hands from behind the boy's chest, although Yakumo Shira is now in his adult form

He was already over two meters tall, but still looked a bit "small" in front of Maria. Hmm... If we only talk about the size~

"Hey, Maria, if you have time, learn to return life. Although it is fun, you won't be able to experience other fun~"

Feeling the heavy weight on his head, he squinted his eyes and enjoyed it, while Yakumo Bai reminded him softly.

Maria was stunned when she heard it. She knew that the young master could change his body shape at will. Although he was only over two meters tall now, he could be the same as her or even taller than her. It would only consume a little energy...

Other fun? Is there anything that the two of them can't do? Could it be...

As if thinking of the pamphlet she had read by chance, even Maria couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and immediately pressed her body down again, almost putting the weight of her upper body on Yakumo Bai,

"Master is really greedy~ Can't I satisfy you alone~"


Yakumo Bai raised his head in surprise and asked curiously,

"Greedy? What greedy? Is it greedy to want to surf with you? Isn't it a bit inconvenient to be too big?"


"Surfing? Is it the surfing I understand? Just pure surfing? Is it really just surfing?"

Maria was a little confused at first, then a little disappointed, and finally cast a questioning look at Yakumo Bai. She didn't believe that the master's words just now were as simple as they seemed. Would this boy who played the whole Wano Country in his hands say that he only wanted to surf with her?

"Really, what's there to not understand, Maria~"

After gently breaking free from Maria's arms, Yakumo Shiro asked in confusion, isn't it just simple surfing? The two of them were riding on the same skateboard, rising and falling with the surging waves, riding the wind and waves, in this world full of seas, isn't it the best!

Shaking her head helplessly, it seems that Maria has fallen behind by staying in this closed Wano Country. It seems that she still needs to go out to sea as soon as possible, otherwise how can she open more ways to play in the future?

After making a decision secretly, Yakumo Haku said,

"Maria, do you want this mythical beast~"


Maria, who was secretly disappointed by the sudden emptiness in her arms, looked up at Yakumo Haku with puzzlement and surprise:

"What's wrong with this casual tone?"


While Orochi was "killed" and Wano Country fell into a brief power vacuum, in a corner of Flower Capital.


A bald old man and a woman with disheveled hair, who looked like an old witch, ran out of the alley panting. After turning around and looking at the general's mansion that had been completely reduced to ruins, they all shouted in a low voice unwillingly.

"Damn it! Decades of hard work, all gone in a day! That Orochi guy! What a waste! He has a mythical beast but he is still so vulnerable!"

Kurotan Muchan looked ugly and unwilling.

"Now that we can't stay in Flower City anymore, who would have thought that the Beasts Pirates would turn the tables?! Although my barrier fruit is enough to resist most attacks, it's just a waste of energy in the face of this predicament!

Toki... the fur tribe... and the samurai under the daimyo... the Beasts Pirates are fully prepared before they take action!"

Kurozuki Chanmaru said angrily.

"What should we do now? It's no secret that we are next to Orochi, they will sooner or later notice us!"

"Go to where Kozuki Sukiyaki is imprisoned! We still have bargaining chips! The secrets passed down from generation to generation in the Kozuki family! The secrets of Wano Country that only successive generals know!"

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