The test on the black scorpion Zeno has come to an end for the time being. Overall, this test still makes Yakumo Shiro very satisfied.

Although insect species are not worth mentioning compared with powerful predators such as dinosaurs, tigers and leopards, that is under the condition of a size difference.

If you really compare them, insect species have many advantages.

Just think about it and you will understand that ants can lift objects equivalent to 52 times their own weight and drag objects more than 300 times their own weight. The unique wings of dragonflies can support their ultra-long-distance flight, and can achieve three-dimensional braking and high-speed flight...

The muscle structure, exoskeleton structure and energy utilization methods of insects are very different from those of ordinary creatures, and they also have incomparable advantages.

"Now I understand why there is the setting of "Zerg"... With super vitality, adaptability, and unpredictable evolutionary ability, if the Zerg is really allowed to develop, it will be a plague of locusts in the universe~"

On the snail ship of Germa, Yakumo Shiro sighed as he watched Zeno repair his injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"However, my subordinates will not have the hideous appearance of Zerg, but instead will have pleasing monster girls~ Well... Bug girls~ Maybe~"

Yakumo Shiro thought happily, and at the same time turned his head and comforted Runti and the others,

"Don't be discouraged, Yamato, Runti~ After all, this is a direct combat force created by bloodline factor technology and my ability, and it will be an important combat force under my command in the future~

Don't worry~ I promise that your strength will soon make great progress 's progress!"


Runti frowned slightly and grumbled aggrievedly. She must be discouraged that the result of her hard work was so easily broken~

"What does it matter~ That guy was able to block our joint attack because of the power of the devil fruit, right? If I were to say, without that layer of shell, she might not be our opponent!"

In contrast to Runti, Yamato looked unconvinced at this time, and wanted to get back at her full of fighting spirit.

In response, the scorpion girl on the side was indifferent, still recovering from her last injury. For her now, the only person she needs to care about in her world is her master, Yakumo Shiro, and the only person she needs to pay attention to is the other party's orders. Apart from that, there is nothing to care about.

After seeing Zeno's indifferent reaction, Yamato pouted his face and said dissatisfiedly,

"Just wait and see! When I go back, I'll ask my dad to find me a powerful devil fruit! Then we'll fight again!"

"Hehe~ Okay, Yamato, don't be angry with Zeno~ After all, her current emotional ability and understanding ability are far from enough~ Forget about expecting her to react to your words!"

As he said this, Yakumo Shiro rubbed the white-haired girl's head vigorously, but in his heart he couldn't help but look forward to the beast-eared girl in the form of "Big Mouth God".

"It must feel good to stroke it, right?"

While Yakumo Shiro was stroking Yamato's soft hair and imagining the future, Runti couldn't help but look at Lilith who was at ease, and said with a complaint,

"Hey! Lilith, why didn't you take action at that time? With your ability, maybe we could stop her!"

"Oh, I haven't recovered from my previous weak state yet~ I agreed to be the guardian of the second level just for Bai's sake. If I really want to stop her, I still feel a little powerless~"

Lilith covered her mouth with her hand and smiled frivolously.

"Well... If you ask me, you must just want to be lazy, right?"

In this regard, Runti naturally didn't believe Lilith's nonsense. With the other party's fruit ability, as long as there is enough blood, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be easily recovered, right?

"Huhu~ Who knows?"

Lilith chuckled. Bai was about to test the plan she had prepared for a long time. How could she disturb his interest at this time?

If he stopped it, Bai would not be so happy, right? And if he couldn't stop it, wouldn't he lose face in front of the other party? That would be a loss~

While the people present were thinking about it, the person in charge

The Germa replica soldier who adjusted the course of the ship came trotting over, stood still solemnly and saluted in a standard military manner before saying,

"Report! Gentlemen! The Sabaody Archipelago is ahead! What instructions do you have for next?"

Hearing this, Yakumo Shiro also retracted his hands that were causing trouble, and after a little thought, he said,

"Notify Judge to lead the fleet from the Red Earth Continent to the New World, and we... will try a new route~ From the Fishman Island, which is 10,000 meters deep in the sea, to the New World!"

————Dividing line————

At the same time, on the sailing ship that Yakumo Shiro and others were riding on, a little girl was in serious anxiety.

"How could it be? They actually found the Germa Kingdom? Even if we get off the ship, we will definitely be caught!"

The girl squatted behind the cargo box with her shoulders tightly hugged, and her little head was working at an unprecedented speed.

"From what I observed when I sneaked out at night, this sailboat is now surrounded by Germa's snail boats. There is sea on all sides, so it is impossible to get off the boat..."

"And even if we transfer to the snail boat when the two ships are connected, Germa's soldiers are not easy to fool. After all, they are the famous devil mercenaries in the North Sea... Many countries have fallen in the enemy's artillery fire!"

The girl shook her head in distress, "And we don't know where they are going next? Is the destination dangerous? Without this information If you continue to follow blindly, it will only increase the risk..."

The girl stood up with the help of the cargo box, groped the wall of the cabin and carefully moved along the wooden ladder to the window above her head. During this period of time, this window has been the key for her to get intelligence and food. At the moment when the situation is becoming more and more urgent, she can only hope to see if there is any breakthrough...

If this continues, the situation has not been in her hands, which will only be irresponsible to herself. The long-term experience of escaping tells her that taking the initiative can win a few opportunities!

"......Okay......Master Yakumo......I will......Red Earth......New World......"

"Why not......Let me......provide......a accompany you......"

The soundproofing effect of the wooden structure of the ship is not very good, but the person who is talking at this time is still some distance away from here, so the girl can only barely hear the general idea, but through these fragmented words, plus the information she learned from the underground world, the girl still has a general idea:

"New World......Could it be the rumored......pirate paradise?"

The girl couldn't help but think of it in surprise, with some worries and some temptations. Since that sea area is the pirate paradise, the power of the navy and the world government will undoubtedly be greatly weakened, and the pursuit of herself will surely be weakened a lot......

However, the pirates in the new world must be equally difficult to deal with, and will only be more brutal and more powerful than the pirates in the four seas!

"Going to the New World has its advantages and disadvantages, but there must be a relatively stable place. I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates are very friendly to the islands and forces under their command. Maybe we can find an opportunity to go there to seek stability...

And the chance to escape..."

The girl carefully thought about the information she had heard, and suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar word suddenly popped into her mind-

"Wait... If I heard it correctly, it seems to mention the accompanying... maid?"

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