The reason why Judge led the Germa fleet to cross the Red Earth Continent to the New World was to cover up the truth or to do some superficial work.

After all, Germa is still a member of the World Government. If it does not choose the Red Earth Continent, but chooses the more dangerous Fishman Island, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

Moreover, Germa is also a powerful mercenary kingdom. If it does not "explain" the purpose of going to the New World to the government, it will inevitably attract attention and surveillance. If Yakumo Shiro continues to stay on Germa's ship, it will naturally be risky.

But once you get to the New World, this sea area is now a veritable sea of ​​chaos. Although the Four Emperors have not yet fully formed, the Whitebeard Pirates and Big-Mom Pirates have already shown signs of dominating.

As for... Red-haired Shanks, that guy is still floating on the four seas. I believe that in a few years, he will drag one arm into the New World with absolutely powerful strength and seize the throne of the Four Emperors!

And Kaido's Beasts Pirates will also join this hegemony after digesting everything in Wano Country! By then, it will be the moment when Yakumo Shiro will truly step onto this stage!

It can be said that the entire New World is now in a state of chaos. For this, the government and the navy are very happy to see the pirates fall into endless infighting. At this time, their garrison and power in the New World are also not strong.

As for Germa's entry into the New World, is it possible to reach cooperation with the pirates?

The World Government may have such concerns, but they also know that the status of a member country has a great strategic significance for Germa. With this status, Germa can develop artificial human technology safely and send mercenaries everywhere to make a fortune from war.

Now, Germa and the World Government, one provides a huge amount of heavenly gold, and the other gives the other a legal and formal identity. Both sides get what they need. Such a balance and interest relationship is difficult to break in a short time.

Therefore, the risk of letting Judge take the fleet across the Red Earth Continent is not worth mentioning compared to the benefits brought by it.

"Well, although I am just a little curious about the scenery of Fishman Island~ Think about it carefully, mermaids are not a kind of monster girl? Maybe I can take the opportunity to invite a mermaid sister to Wano Country~

After all, Fishman Island and Wano Country were allies eight hundred years ago, right?"

Yakumo Shiro thought as a matter of course and could not hide his expectation.

"In addition, with Tiger's relationship, there might be some unexpected gains~"

While thinking about the future plan, Yakumo walked towards a closed cabin, thinking that it would be better to deal with the little tail left before reaching the Sabaody Archipelago?

For example... a "terrible" devil sheriff?

After taking out a toy seastone chain from the dark space with him and wrapping the doll that Lafayette had turned into tightly, Yakumo Bai released his ability and asked Lafayette, who was in a trance and had a dim look.

"Hu... Hu..."

The violent panting sound came from the mouth of the sheriff in front of him, who was dressed in a dress and behaved elegantly. The white shirt was wet with sweat. Lafayette frowned tightly and covered his brain. The tingling feeling of waking up from a dream was burning his nerves.

Although he was turned into a doll for only a few days, his consciousness was always clear. The feeling of powerlessness that made his body uncontrollable was forgotten, but the despair in the dark and gloomy night left a deep shadow in Lafayette's soul.

His five senses were almost completely deprived, and the only sight he had was filled with endless darkness. After losing control of his body, Lafayette almost felt that he was in hell and his body and mind were completely dead!

Fortunately, an excellent hypnotist must first have an indestructible will. His father had done similar "experiences" when he trained himself and taught hypnosis - living in a completely closed room with only one bed for two and a half years with sufficient supplies...

Although it sounds simple, only those who have really experienced it understand that the later it is, the more tormented it is. The spiritual emptiness is far more terrible than physical damage and hunger. It is an unspeakable torture!

If it weren't for his private

If you had eaten that fruit, and you were more resistant to this kind of mental "blow", you might have committed suicide in that empty room long ago...

Of course, the experience of being turned into a doll and thrown into a dark space was far more difficult than the experience when he was young. Even Lafayette only managed to survive after using hypnosis with enhanced abilities to give himself a hint - —

All of this is a temporary illusion. Soon he will be able to see the light again. Before that, he just needs to calm down and wait quietly. Things will soon turn around and he is still valuable to the other party. , it’s not time to give up yet...

It sounds like words of self-comfort, but under the influence of the fruit's ability, it temporarily deceived my brain, preventing me from sinking too deep into that desperate state~

Haha~ Although apart from that, there is nothing I can do about the situation in front of me...

"Sir... hoohoo... you are finally showing off your dignity. there anything I can do for you? "

Holding back his violent breathing and stiff body, Lafayette tried hard to control his body and made a gentleman's salute to Yakumo Shiro. He asked in a respectful tone, "Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and smart people can live longer." And only when you are alive can you talk about the future!

Lafayette's expression at this time naturally fell into Yakumo Shiro's eyes. To be honest, the scene in front of him was really beyond Yakumo Shiro's expectation. He didn't expect that the dark space could have such an effect?

Interesting~ It seems that I won’t be bored anymore~

"Haha~ It's actually nothing, Mr. Lafayette. I'm just a little curious. What is your fruit power?"


Facing Yakumo Shiro's curious gaze, Lafayette was speechless for a moment. Although he was the one who made the first move, there was nothing wrong with him falling into the opponent's hands, but...because of this problem? Wouldn't it be better to just ask at the beginning? As for imprisoning himself for so long in the first place? !

Although he was extremely helpless and had to bow his head under the eaves, Lafayette still suppressed his dissatisfaction and said in a deep voice,

"According to my understanding, my Devil Fruit is undoubtedly an animal type...but I haven't seen the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, so I don't know what kind of creature it just looks like It should be very rare.

Hmm... The description may not be accurate. How about you untie this set of chains first? I'll show it to you myself.

——After all, you defeated me easily before, so my abilities shouldn’t be worth mentioning to you, right? "


Hearing this, Yakumo Shiro narrowed his eyes. Lafayette's performance was perfect, and there was no abnormality in his expression. It seemed that he had completely surrendered, but... was it really so?

With an imperceptible curve at the corner of his mouth, Yakumo Shiro stepped forward and did some "little tricks" on Lafayette's heart before untying the opponent's chains and said easily,

"Okay~ Mr. Lafayette, please show me~"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Lafayette did not expect that the other party would have such means, and at that moment he gave up his desire to fight back.

"Okay, sir, I will follow your instructions."

As he spoke, the familiar white wings rose up from behind Lafayette again. As the broad wings flapped, Lafayette's body gradually changed. As the feathers fell, a brand new look suddenly fell into Yakumo's eyes. middle.

Seeing such a strange creature, even Yakumo Shiro couldn't help being surprised and murmured in a low voice,

"Is this... a siren?"

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