I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 3 Reorganize? This Matter Is Not Simple!

Hearing Fatty's shocking words,

At this moment, the audience reacted:

【Gods and demons...containment and foundation, this sounds a bit true...】

[Brother, this is obviously the setting of a novel, do you think it looks real? 】

[Yeah, otherwise, do you think we can survive until now compared to those monsters? 】

This sentence caused many people to speculate.

Yes, if these monsters really exist, how can humans still exist until now?

Many people began to agree with this statement.

"Is that so?" Suspicion was written on Fatty's pretty face.

If this is the case, why should my husband hide it from me.

Besides, why spend so much money to build a basement here?

And so many rooms and computers,

There are too many places that people can't understand.


at the same time,

In the subdivision of Longguo Yunhai City,

"Is this introduction interesting?!"

"There is also this computer, which can actually talk to humans. It's very smart!"

"And this containment control, it sounds exactly like the real thing!"

"What's true, I'm afraid it's the operation of the live broadcast platform, don't think too much about it."

Several people in uniform watched Fatty's live broadcast together, chatting and chatting.

They are from a professional background, so they naturally see more things than ordinary people.


At this time, a middle-aged man pushed the door and walked in. Seeing several people gathered together, he knocked on the opened door and coughed.

Hearing the movement, several people hurriedly stood in a row and said in unison: "Good luck!"

Qian Bureau looked at them and frowned: "It's going to work, it's going to go to work, how many people are here, don't you need to work?"

"That's right, Money Bureau..."

One of the glasses men pushed his glasses and quickly stepped aside.

The computer is still going on, and the monsters on it appear one by one.

Rao Qian Bureau had seen the market before, and was also shocked by this scene.

"What is this?" Qian Ju asked with a frown.

Hearing Qian Ju's question, the man in glasses immediately cheered up: "Qian Ju, you don't know, this is Fatty's live broadcast!"

"This seems to be a new job for her to shoot her husband's office!"

Qian Ju frowned, staring at the monsters on the screen, listening to the explanations on the screen.

Those specific nouns.

He has been in this position for many years, and he can feel some unusual places.

"This matter is indeed a bit abnormal. I will ask a special person about the specific incident, and then I will confirm it!" Qian Bureau said.

"Ah? Not so..."

The man with glasses was a little dazed.

The same goes for everyone else.

You know, there are 10,000 or 8,000 people who work on the Internet every day.

Why is the money bureau so concerned about this matter?

However, curiosity is curiosity, they didn't ask any more questions, and hurriedly prepared to go.

"Okay, don't read it, go to work!" Qian Ju ordered.

The rest hurried back to their posts.

And the bureau of money also came to the corner, pressed a mysterious phone and made a call.

"Hello!" A voice came from the phone.

"Something happened here, I feel a little abnormal!" Qian Ju said directly.

"Huh?" There was a little surprise on the phone: "What's wrong?"

After Qian Bureau briefly explained the live broadcast, there was a moment of silence.

"I'll let you know about this!"

This matter is not trivial.

For the Foundation is top secret, they do not know.

But the explanations about the Foundation, and the video above, make them feel extraordinary.

And that artificial intelligence can perceive people's emotions, at least the current Longguo Technology does not have this ability.

"Okay!" Qian Ju hung up the phone, with a little worry in his eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that this matter might not be that simple!


dragon country,

In an unknown forest,

The trees covered the sunlight, except for the crows that croaked from time to time, no other animals could be seen, and the dry leaves fell with the wind, adding a bit of gloom.


There is an official pickup truck in the forest.

In the car, eight people sat opposite each other in black uniforms. Next to them were weapons similar to firearms.

"This time, what monster do you think we will face?"

One of the youths spoke up.

In one sentence, the eight people were silenced.

They are the superpower processing troops of the Dragon Kingdom, and they deal with some monsters.

They don't know the names of these things.

The only thing known is that they all have special abilities.

In their cognition, some monsters will attack at an extremely fast speed once they look away.

Some will directly affect the surrounding.

And it cannot be killed, even if it is encountered, it will be driven away!

And they handle supernatural events through equipment.

Among them, supernatural events include many things, such as some ghosts!


This time, they didn't know what kind of monster they would face!


Always the scariest existence!

"I just hope we can go back alive..."

After a long time, someone replied.


The vehicle stopped, and a group of people walked down with their things.

A man with his hands behind his back came over, his expression indifferent: "We have received a message that there is a monster that resembles an animal! We must quickly find and erase it! Avoid unnecessary panic!"

"But you can rest assured that the task level this time is 'B', and there will be no danger to your life!"

He is the leader this time, Yunshan!

He is also the captain of Longguo's well-known ability solving team, and has solved many ability incidents!

The voice fell, and the rest of the people nodded, obviously relieved.

Several people dispersed and started searching in the forest!

southeast of the forest,

A young man unbuttoned his belt, whistled, and freed himself: "It's not easy to find a monster in such a big forest!"

After he was released, he pulled up his pants and was about to leave.


Suddenly, a sound came from not far away.


The young man immediately became nervous, tensing his nerves: "Xiao Ming, is that you?"

No one answered!

The rustling sound also stopped!

He immediately thought that his guess was correct, and quickly walked towards the location of the sound: "Xiao Ming, you are really idle, you are still joking about this kind of thing..."

However, in the middle of speaking, he stopped speaking and stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

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