I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 4 All Destroyed! Containment-939 Containment Complete!

Before him was a scene like hell.

There is a monster like a vicious dog, but it is completely different from a vicious dog. It has blood-like skin, its mouth and back are full of fangs, and its eyes are dark and empty!

"What... is this?" The young man's eyes widened and he kept backing away.

They are supernatural beings and have seen some monsters.

But such a terrifying monster, he had never heard of it.


hit the heart.

He even forgot to press the warning button on his hand.


This was his only thought, and then he turned around and ran, but he hadn't run a few steps.


With a roar, the monster moved!

next moment,

Blood sprayed, staining the surrounding leaves red!


A finger just fell to the ground.

The leaves are scattered, cover it up as if nothing happened.

And not far from the monster,

A young man, searching carefully.

"Xiao Ming, I found a monster!"

Suddenly, not far from him, came the voice of the young man just now.

Xiao Ming frowned: "Where is it?"

"Just ahead!" The youth's voice continued.

"Then let's tell the main team of Yun immediately!" Saying that, Xiao Ming was about to press the warning button.

However, the youth's voice appeared again: "It's not a big incident, it's just a wolf, we just need to solve it quickly!"

"That's fine!" Xiao Ming compromised and walked towards the source of the voice.

It will be gone soon!

Deep in the forest, Yun Shan's uneasiness has been lingering in his heart.

Then he pressed the warning button and marked the assembly point!

However, no one responded!

"Not good!" Yun Shan felt something was wrong instantly, and rushed towards the edge of the forest.

But, I ran a few steps just now!

"Team Yun, we are here, we haven't received the assembly message just now!" Xiao Ming's voice appeared.

"Team Yun, hurry up, we found that monster!" The youth's voice appeared.

Then came other voices.

But Yunshan showed no sign of relaxing, and directly threw out the black prototype explosive around his waist.


With a bang!

The sound just now disappeared!


Yun Shan's hands trembled uncontrollably.

He knew that what happened just now was not from his team members.

They have great discipline!

Once you find a monster, be sure to press the alert button!

This is the order!

However, they lead themselves through.


It's a monster's trap!

And they, I'm afraid they have already been killed!

After calming down, Yunshan quickly reported the information: "YTF troops request support... The level of the monster is unknown..."


Just after Yunshan's information was reported, suddenly there was a strange noise behind him!


half an hour later,

A dozen people in special uniforms came and carefully observed the blood on the ground.

"It seems that someone came earlier than us and should have been wiped out!" There was a cold and emotionless voice in the helmet.


"This should be 939's eating method!"

One of them answered.

Following the blood trail, they came to the previous location of Yunshan.

At this moment, Yun Shan was lying there, his whole body was bloody and his body was torn to pieces.

Looking at Yunshan, one of the subduers said: "It was detected that this person still has a heartbeat, and he is not dead!"

The uniformed personnel at the front took a jar from his pocket, took out the needle tube, and injected the liquid in the needle tube into Yunshan's body.

"Cough cough cough!"

Amidst a burst of violent coughing, Yun Shan slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced at his broken body, then looked at the uniformed personnel, and said weakly, "Who are you... Are you from the Dragon Kingdom?"

"We are the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force of the Containment Foundation, you can call me Yiwei!" Yiwei replied.

"What foundation?"

Yunshan had never heard of this special organization.


There was another soft rustle of leaves.

Originally, he wanted to continue asking, but suddenly his face changed drastically: "You guys leave quickly... It's here... I'm not dead... I'm afraid the other party deliberately left... a bait..."

Sound down!

A two-meter-tall beast jumped down from not far away.

There is still blood dripping from its mouth!

"Start containment!"

Shouted at the end!

In an instant, more than a dozen people dispersed!

One tail even rushed towards the monster, jumped and pressed the opponent's two-meter-tall head hard to the ground.

SCP-939 struggled desperately, but to no avail!

More than a dozen people shot anesthesia needles from other positions!


Containment-939 fell to the ground violently while shaking, closed its eyes, and heard the sound of even breathing.

Yiwei let go of the hand that was pressing on the opponent's head, and said: "The control is complete, ready to contain!"


Yun Shan on the side was dumbfounded.

The pain in his body kept stimulating him, this was not a dream.

However, the scene in front of him made him unbelievable.

What kind of army is this.

Only relying on strength can suppress monsters.

Yiwei came to Yunshan, knelt on his knees and sighed, "If we had come earlier..."


"Nothing, it's just... can I ask you... what is an SCP?"

Yun Shan coughed twice, recovering from the shock.

He didn't blame them, after all, their judgment was wrong in this matter!

"SCP specializes in containing the blocking of supernatural powers around the world."

"We don't have names, only numbers!"

"We control, we contain, we protect!"

Explained at the end.

"Why did you tell me?" Yun Shan looked at Yiwei and reasoned that this kind of army should be strict.

"Because, you protect this country, and...you are going to die!"

Yiwei's voice was indifferent, as if death was not a terrible thing.

Yun Shan still wanted to say something, or leave some clues, but finally he felt sleepy and slowly closed his eyes.

Watching Yunshan leave, Yiwei stood up

From his pocket, he took out a small box, pressed the button and threw it on the ground.

After the sound, the box gradually became larger and became a 10mx10mx3m 1163-A steel box!

And One Tail stepped forward and dragged Containment-939 into the steel box.


at the same time,

On the computer in the basement of the villa, the information is displayed!

[Containment-939 successfully contained! 】

[Name: Beast of Thousand Throats]

【No.: 939】

[Level: Keter! 】

[The Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force has completed its mission and has responded to the call! 】

The new book sets sail, looking for flower data! ! !

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