I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 31 The Sensation Of The Blockade Location, The Turmoil Of The Hearts Of The People!

"As for the live broadcast, keep watching to see if there is any other information!

Shen Zongju's voice was cold and serious!

He believes that the foundation is so important!

No one knows how big this incident is!

"Okay!" Chen Yi agreed and hung up the phone.

The General Administration of Shen cast his gaze out of the window,

There were more and more incidents, which also made him feel tired.

Adding this special foundation made him a little more curious.


Sennan City,

The sky is dark without a trace of color!

Today, Sennan City suddenly received a disaster warning!

In the formerly bustling city, there is no original traffic, only endless desertedness.

All work and students are forced to stop!

【Experts in Sennan City estimate that there will be unknown disasters befalling Sennan City. Please try to avoid going out! 】

The news is on TV!

And it was such a vague message that was naturally posted on the Internet.

Some people living in Sennan City began to express their dissatisfaction in the comment area!

[What kind of expert, shit! Where is the disaster in Sennan City? 】

[Who knows, I made an appointment with my partner to meet today, but Quannan City blocked it backhandedly? 】

[You guys are pretty good. I won’t go to work now, and I can’t even pay the rent. I still have children and a wife to support! 】

[The most important thing is that there is no block time yet...]

You know, although Sennan City is not a top-tier first-tier city, it is relatively prosperous!

Some people come here because of the high income here!

In this atmosphere,

Suddenly someone turned up Fatty's live broadcast event!

[You say, is this incident related to Fatty? I watched Fatty's live broadcast before, and it seems that there are some monsters in our Quannan City? 】

【What's the meaning? Does it mean that those so-called experts believed a live broadcast rumor? 】

[What do you mean by those monsters? 】

[Brother, I advise you not to talk nonsense, you are spreading rumors, and the price of being caught is not small! 】

[What did I pass on? If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself! 】

[Link: In the live broadcast of the female anchor, it was revealed that there may be monsters in Sennan City, click for details...]

This link instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Many people clicked on it one after another.

In the video, it is Fatty's recording, and the content played is very short, but there is an important message!

[Containment-682 escapes! 】

[Location: Sennan City! 】

And these two pieces of information are key pieces of information,

Someone started to watch the live broadcast, only to find that the anchor had actually reported on the previous incident in the new urban area of ​​Yunhai City.

And push all this to the monster!

[Grass, isn't this anchor just trying to catch the heat? 】

[That's right, I remember the authorities have already clarified that it was an accident! 】

[Disgusting, isn't this kind of anchor just because he looks better? What can I say? ! 】

[This is not the most outrageous thing. In this case, the city was actually closed? Are those experts crazy? 】

The comments below are more and more abusive.

This matter is really outrageous!

He even vented all the blocked grievances in the comments!

Of course, not everyone is disbelieving:

[I'm a little scared, does anyone rent a car and leave Sennan City together? 】

[Brother, are you crazy? With such a heavy rainstorm, it will take at least seven or eight hours for you to leave here! 】

[That is, and, we have to trust the country, there are no monsters! 】

【The truth is this, forget it, I'll leave by myself...】

[Brother, where is your location? let's go together! 】

And these people, with doubts about this matter,

Even if there is only a 1% possibility, they are not willing to take their lives as a joke!

that's it,

A large number of people began to flee together!


Sennan City,

In a remote rental house,

A girl with heavy makeup and an average appearance was streaming live.

However, the girl in the live broadcast, and her own appearance...

You can't say it's exactly the same, you can only play it completely different.

Her name is Zheng Rou, and she turned out to be a tepid little anchor.

And during this time, she has been braving the wind and rain to live broadcast the information of Sennan City, which made her more popular.

"Everyone, send a lot of gifts! Big brother can also unlock the offline meeting!" Zheng Rou lowered her clothes a little.

The enchanting figure instantly caused a sensation in some audiences!

Gifts, even more non-stop scrolling!


[Anchor, I remember that you seem to be from Sennan City, right? ! Have you heard that a monster appeared in Sennan City! 】

A barrage stopped the rolling gifts in the live broadcast room for a moment!

And this barrage naturally caused a lot of topics.

[Yes, yes, I also want to talk about this matter. It is said that the closure of Sennan City is related to monsters! 】

[I've also heard that this incident is quite a big one! 】

[I saw it from the hot search of the bib, and the discussion area on this matter is not low! 】

The audience seemed to have opened up a chatterbox, chatting non-stop.

The popularity has also increased!

Looking at the barrage, Zheng Rou was a little more curious: "What is this monster you are talking about? Can you post it to the fan group for me to see?"

Ding dong!

As soon as she finished speaking, a message was sent from the fan group.

She clicked on the content of the message, and it was Fatty's recording.

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