I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 32 I Went There Just To Prove That There Are No Monsters!

Fatty's beautiful face, and the popularity of her live broadcast instantly made Zheng Rou angry and inexplicably jealous!

She watched the content of the live broadcast for a long time, and said with a bit of yin and yang, "No, do you believe in this stuff?"

[It’s not true, it’s just that...the incident in the new urban area of ​​Yunhai City some time ago was related to the live broadcast, but]

[This thing, I'd better believe it, I always feel that it's not easy! 】

【Yes, Mrs. A Rou, I ran out from Sennan City this morning! 】

Danmaku spoke from the side to persuade.

Looking at the barrage, Zheng Rou narrowed her eyes, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Now this thing has its own heat!

If I can go to the place Fatty mentioned to investigate, one can crack down on fakes, and two can gain popularity!

Kill two birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, Zheng Rou pretended to be indifferent: "Okay, you guys are nervous, there is another way!"

"Didn't she say there are monsters, then I'll go and see them today!"

[I'm stupid, is it true or not? 】

[The anchor is playing for real? Be careful with this thing. 】

[Yeah, if there are monsters, what should we do then! 】

Hearing this, the barrage instantly increased.

Some of the diving spectators ran out.

The popularity of the live broadcast room rose a lot in an instant.

Even some new viewers came in because of this sentence.

Seeing the rising heat, Zheng Rou was even more excited.

After all, this path is not wrong!

In this era, traffic is money.

At that time, I will go over and take two photos, and there will be a lot of traffic.

As for the monsters...

What monsters can there be?

If there is a monster, can he still live until now?

After thinking of this, Zheng Rou smiled slightly at the screen: "I know that everyone is curious about this matter. I am an anchor, so naturally I have the right to let fans know the facts!"

"I packed up and set off, and the whole process will be broadcast live!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Rou started to make arrangements, rented a car, and set off towards the latitude and longitude mentioned by Fatty!

Although there is a blockade of Sennan City, it is not completely closed.

So there are still some vehicles that can enter and exit freely!


A car drove by at high speed, splashing a lot of dust!

In the car, Zheng Rou sat in the back row, watching the fans who kept rising, excited:

"I didn't expect that just by visiting this place, I could gain more than 50,000 followers!"

She has been live broadcasting for a long time, but no matter how she manages it, it is sidelines.

Her live broadcast was still the same as usual, and the fans hardly moved.

Now, because of the inexplicable little things in her mind, it has attracted such a large amount of traffic.

She set the title as [Real-time Live Crackdown on Counterfeiting: Do Monsters Really Exist in Sennan City! 】

Then turn on the live broadcast!

And the moment the live broadcast was turned on, the number of people instantly exceeded 10,000!

These people are a little more curious:

[Anchor, I heard that you are going to see the authenticity of that monster, is it true or not? 】

[Upstairs, what are you talking about, the anchor is here to refute those hot dogs! ~]

[If there are no monsters this time, the anchor will be at the end! 】

They don't care about those things, they are just here to watch the show.

And Zheng Rou also waved excitedly: "Welcome everyone! I will definitely not let you down!"

Zheng Rou's words naturally aroused a lot of support.

Time passed by a little bit!

Zheng Rou also started to move towards the latitude and longitude!

But for some reason, when she was about to approach, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.


Outside the car, there is an unknown buzz!

The sound is very strange!

However, Zheng Rou only took it as the sound of the vehicle and didn't care!

Just chatting with everyone and looking at the screen full of gifts, I am very happy!

At least, I have my own traffic!

After a while, the driver in front said: "Big sister, the front is right there!"

"Yeah!" Zheng Rou took a look at the driver and got out of the car without even talking.

outside the car,



Howling the wind, blowing up the dust!

For some reason, Zheng Rou suddenly panicked.

She pulled up the clothes on her body, pulled the microphone closer, and made her voice clearer: "Everyone, I'm here!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Rou shifted the camera.

In the picture, the silent street instantly caused a sensation in the barrage:

[I'm sorry, the anchor is really brave, is it true? 】

[Yeah, but, this city is also closed, it looks really deserted! 】

[I am from Sennan City, and it used to be very lively here. 】

The audience keeps increasing, chat below.

As the popularity climbed, Zheng Rou's fans also began to grow desperately.

The gifts began to swipe the screen.

However, they soon discovered the problem.

Although deserted here, although lonely.

But there are no strange images!

There are no so-called monsters!

[Here... there are no monsters! ? 】

[There are no monsters in the first place, you are just brought into rhythm! 】

[There are still people who believe it is true, this is really a slap in the face! 】

[There are fools every year! 】

The barrage was ridiculed by some, and ridiculed by others.

The original part of the people fell silent.

He even has resentment towards Fatty.

Seeing the heat getting higher and higher, Zheng Rou also knew it was time, and hurriedly said, "Everyone, I came here this time to prove that there are no monsters in this world!"

"Also let everyone be more vigilant, don't be led by the rhythm!"

The meaning of this sentence is already obvious!

It is aimed at Pangdi and guides traffic!

Many fans also began to join in!

And Zheng Rou felt relieved a lot, wandering around on the road.

Stroll here for a while, there will be heat, so why not do it.

next moment,

The wind is getting stronger, and the air is starting to fog up!

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