I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 36 Liar? Destruction Video About Containment-682!

At the same time, Fatty's live broadcast continued.

It's just that the news of the closure of Quannan City has already been passed on!

The monster, coupled with the closure of the city, made the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast room very strange!

[Anchor, did you receive the news in advance? Damn, we just received news that Sennan City has been locked down! 】

[I've also heard about this, it is said that it was affected by the earthquake and affected the city! 】

[Good guy... is this really a monster? The anchor just showed that the monster escaped, and the place was Sennan City, so Sennan City was blocked? ! 】

[Is there a possibility... The anchor is a fortune teller! 】

Perhaps, only with the closure of the city, they will not have this kind of depression.

But the difference is,

The news from Fatty's side released the information about the contents in advance.

And last time, the predicted information was in the new urban area of ​​Yunhai City!


Maybe it's a coincidence!

What about twice?

Is there really such a coincidence?

The audience also had this idea in their hearts.

"Everyone, stop thinking about it. I'm not a fortune-teller. As for the disaster, we'd better wait at home!" Fatty looked at the message on the barrage, his face turning pale.

However, she did not say whether the incident was true or false.

Did not discuss this matter directly.

Because Fatty knew it too.

Before Sennan City closed the city, the contents were revealed here.

Plus the previous monster.

Perhaps it is possible to catch the heat now, but if you really want to say it, it is likely to cause unnecessary panic.

Seeing that Fatty didn't answer clearly, many people in the barrage also started to complain.

But they didn't exit the live broadcast room either, they wanted to see what other information there was.

[There are so many people in this liar's live broadcast room? ! 】

At this time, a barrage was particularly eye-catching.

Naturally, it has aroused the curiosity of many people:

【fraud? what liar? 】

[Upstairs, please explain, what does this liar mean? 】

[You don't know yet, a live broadcaster in Quannan City has already started a live broadcast to the latitude and longitude mentioned by the live broadcaster! In the end, let alone monsters, I couldn't even see a human figure! 】

The man explained.

As soon as this sentence came out, a lot of melon-eating people suddenly exploded.

Even Fatty pricked up his ears.

After all, the first containment-939 and the second containment-CN-1985, what she actually experienced was more information given on the screen.

But this time, someone went there in person and started the live broadcast.

Soon, the link will be posted.

Fatty hesitated for a moment, then clicked on the video.

The video is already recorded.

However, the time was not long, and it happened to be the video of Fatty getting off the car.

During the live broadcast, it was a cold street, and there was nothing else.

There are no monsters.

[This should be considered a clarification! 】

[Yes, there are no monsters at all! 】

[This also proves from another aspect that the anchor is lying! 】

[That also proves that the anchor did not know where he received the news, and then started to gossip? 】

【Actually, this isn't the first time the host has become popular, the same happened last time in the new urban area of ​​Yunhai City! 】

Those people have basically watched Zheng Rou's recording and broadcasting.

Although it was short, the content inside was extremely clear, which invisibly pushed Fatty to the forefront.

The original information has all become their tone of blaming Fatty.

Fat Dixiu frowned: "Everyone, I don't know how to explain this matter. But I feel that since the country has proposed to close the city..."

"For your own safety, I still hope that you can stay at home and don't go out and walk around at will, causing trouble to the country."

Although, when she looks normal, she is a little careless.

But at this time, she was still serious.

After all, the country has come forward, Zheng Rou's actions are problematic.

Of course, those barrages didn't care at all, they were just one person's blame and abuse.

Even let Fatty download it.

Fatty didn't want to argue too much, and wanted to shut down the live broadcast.

But at this moment, an extra message suddenly appeared in the barrage.

[There seems to be something wrong with that video! Look at the end! 】

[I saw it too, everyone, please watch the last second of that video! 】

[The last second? What's there? 】

Many people discussed and opened the video.

not just them,

Fatty also opened the video with curiosity, and directly dragged the progress bar to the end.

And this moment!

Fatty finally saw the scene in the video.

In the video, the camera was knocked over to the ground,

In the sky, there is a huge phantom!

That phantom is very strange!

Like a lizard!

This scene was too shocking.

And the video stops here.

What is displayed later is the words banned.

"Is this the Immortal Lizard..." Fatty couldn't help murmuring.

She found that this phantom was somewhat similar to the figure of the Immortal Lizard played on the computer before.

However, there is only one phantom, which is still too blurry.

Of course, it wasn't just Fatty who noticed.

The original audience also felt very familiar, and they remembered it only after hearing Fatty's voice.

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