I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 37 Live Broadcast Information Revealed, Some Casualties Of The Foundation!

[Yes... I just said, I seem to have seen... this cloud and the one exposed by the anchor before...]

【Containment-682, Indestructible Lizard, there are some similarities! 】

[No way, you guys are making too much fuss, what's the similarity, isn't it just a cloud? 】

【That’s right, I saw Yun Duo like Brother Kun before. Could it be that Brother Kun is also a monster? 】

[Grass, little sunspot! Show your chicken feet! 】

They have not completely forgotten the memory of the Immortal Lizard.

Therefore, many people remembered it.

Of course, some melon eaters from Zheng Rou's side obviously didn't buy it.

After all, just the shape of a cloud doesn't mean much.

Of course, a small number of people still believed it.

[User 'Pang Di's ten-year-old fan' sent a super rocket. Message: The anchor is really unusual, is this also in your calculations? 】

[The user 'Grey Chemical Fertilizer will turn black' sent a super rocket. Message: No, some people believe this, Tu Yile is over! 】


The special effects of the super rocket are displayed on the screen.

And because of this rocket, the smell of gunpowder faded.

Of course, after the smell of gunpowder faded, new suspicions naturally appeared:

[However, tell me, why was that anchor banned? Are there really monsters? 】

[It should have nothing to do with monsters, don't listen to the fact that wind is rain! 】

[That's right, the anchor was banned, obviously because she went out during the lockdown period! 】

Many people also agree with this statement.

After all, even if the official notice is issued, even if it is banned, it is considered normal.

Fatty hesitated for a moment, but chose to stand on the official side: "Everyone, I think it's better to trust the official in this matter!"

"After all, we don't know why Quannan City is currently closed, but we should choose to trust the country!"

Fatty's voice was not loud, or even impassioned, but he spoke calmly.

However, the barrage of quarrels is significantly less.

In fact, Fatty understands in his heart that whether this monster, the so-called containment of this special foundation, really exists, should not be used at this time to attract attention and guide people's hearts.

Even if all this is true, it shouldn't be exposed at this time.

However, this kind of rhetoric cannot soothe the hearts of those netizens.

[Who wouldn't say something like this? 】

[That's right, I feel that this thing is fake, and now I suspect that it's because the anchor teamed up to make it! 】

[I don't want any face! 】

They are still arguing, even starting to blame and engage in conspiracy theories.

Watching them slander one after another, Fatty was a little tired.

She suddenly felt, if all this is true.

Monsters do exist!

There really are things that cannot be explained.

Why has it never existed.

Because these people are really easy to be guided.

She rubbed the center of her eyebrows wearily, and was ready to turn off the live broadcast as usual.

Let this storm stop!


Often the reality is like this,

On the screen, the symbol of the special foundation flashed, and a string of words appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[Containment-682, the Immortal Lizard, has communicated so far! 】

[The other party expressed strong hostility, according to the decision of the O5 meeting, dispatch mole troops to go! 】

[Currently Containment-682 is in the alert stage, and has done a lot of damage to the streets and neighborhoods! 】

[Number of sacrifices: 21 D-level personnel (who have pardoned their sins), 3 C-level personnel! There are 7 troops! 】

[Relevant information is being sent! 】

The information stops here.

And behind it is a message.

[Containment-682, video data! 】

Looking at the information above, Fatty pursed his lips.

And this information has attracted the attention of many viewers.

[I'm sorry... What is this situation? 】

[I don’t know, wreak havoc...the number of sacrifices...why do I feel that something is wrong...]

【uncertain! Look again! Didn't you send the picture? Let's wait and see what's going on with this information! 】

They chatted word by word.

No further quarrel.

Only the newcomers were a little cursing.

But when I saw that what I said didn't have any effect, I didn't say much.

And Fatty was also waiting quietly, after all, she couldn't explain the information on the screen.

There are too many mistakes, so why not just wait for you and see what happens.

next moment,

The special foundation's symbol on the screen faded, and in exchange was a red envelope-like thing.

"Open it." Fatty said softly.

[Instructions received! 】


In the computer, came the cold mechanical sound of the system.

next moment,

The computer screen starts to change.

That's a video!

In the video, it is a huge monster with a strange color and a decayed aura. Its fangs are exposed and its roar is endless.

The next moment, its huge body jumped onto the tall building, waving its arms!

Every time it is swung, the tall buildings in front of it are broken like paper.

The broken stones fell to the ground like this, stirring up dust and making a huge noise!

The booming sound was endless.

At this moment, it was as if I had come to the end of the world and felt its horror in person!

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