
The heat has been soaring!

Gifts are endless!

The video about the mole army was directly posted on the Internet.

It also brought a lot of traffic to the live broadcast room.

Many people came here admiringly!

【Anchor, is that mole army real? 】

【Anchor, is that containment real? 】

Questions like these filled the entire live broadcast room.

The mole troop incident is getting bigger and bigger!

Their vigor has attracted the attention of too many people!

However, they also quickly noticed the Immortal Lizard!

His destruction!

Blood on the ground!

[This is the first time... Do you think this containment is real? 】

【It should be fake...】

【fake? How do I feel like it's real? This place is Sennan City, and Sennan City happened to be closed, is it really such a coincidence? 】

[Have we always lived with monsters? 】

[Anchor, do you think this monster is real? 】

For a moment, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room instantly became strange.

That depressive feeling has been around in the live broadcast room, and it can't go away for a long time.

After all, this matter is too strange.

And they also threw the question to Fatty.

After all, everything now is spread from Pang Di's live broadcast room.

From the containment at the beginning to the mole army now!

From the supernatural event at the beginning to the current Sennan City.

All of this, it seems, started from the computer in Pang Di's room.

"Everyone, I know, you have a lot of doubts!"

And Fatty also spoke at this time, and her voice was a lot firmer: "I don't know whether the troop and the contents this time are true or not!"

"However, I can tell you that I am more worried than you!"

"This is my husband's job. If it's true, my husband will face these monsters!"

"And I can tell everyone that my husband is fine!"

"As for everything here, I'm not sure either!"

She understands that this matter cannot be avoided, let alone fooled around.

But now she is also in a mess.

So it seems that these explanations are pale and weak!

The bullet screen even complained:

[Is there any difference between your answer and no answer? 】

[Yeah, doesn't that mean you didn't say anything? What does your husband care about us? 】

[If this thing is fake, you can just say it! 】

They are full of complaints, but more often they are filled with fear and anger.

In any case, they couldn't believe that they had been living with such a monster.

Doesn't this prove that he was killed by a monster suddenly while walking on the road?

There are more and more bullet screens.

And at this moment,

[Dragon Kingdom Investigation Bureau enters the live broadcast room! 】

The official account is here!

And seeing the arrival of the official account, the barrage became honest in an instant.

And the official account, which has always been indifferent, also spoke at this time:

[Longguo Investigation Bureau: I have been in the live broadcast room before, but I actually don't want to meet you in this way! 】

[Longguo Investigation Bureau: However, I don't want to hide anything from everyone. If you want to know the answer to this matter, I can give it to you! 】

Speaking of this, the audience watching the live broadcast instantly became nervous.

The official accounts of the Dragon Country Ability Investigation Bureau have all come to the live broadcast room.

If he agrees that there are monsters, then stone hammer!

And when everyone is nervous,

[Longguo Investigation Bureau: Lu Chen, 24 years old, graduated from Shanghai University, and worked in SN3D Animation Co., Ltd., working as a modeler! 】

[The company has contracted a lot of content, including game CV design and movie 3D design! 】

[Longguo Investigation Bureau: This is Lu Chen's information, so I ask everyone not to speculate! 】

[Longguo Investigation Bureau: Also invite the anchor, if you want to broadcast relevant content, please add the words 'the live broadcast contains virtual content, please don't take it seriously'! 】

"Okay!" Fatty agreed.

[Longguo Investigation Bureau: Thank you for your cooperation! 】

Although the appearance of the official cannot prevent the expansion of this matter, it still has some effect!

But there are still a lot of barrage discussions.

[The official has appeared, so this matter should be fake! 】

[Grass, I thought it was real, look at the sunshine, and the appearance of Sennan City...]

【Who said it wasn't? I'm so nervous that the host made it look like the real thing! 】

[However, that video is really awesome, that monster, I was scared even watching it! 】

[If this is a game, I'll pay for it directly! If this was a movie, I'd run to watch it fucking every day! 】

【Count me in! 】

The content of the barrage and the direction of the discussion began to be biased towards the discussion of Lu Chen's work.

They all expressed their approval of the content inside!

The heroism of the mole army, the horror and truth of the monsters!

Make them curious and shocked!

Although some people are still skeptical, because of Lu Chen's career, this feeling has been covered up.

Pang Di set his eyes on the smart screen,

On the screen, the special symbols of the Containment Foundation flashed.

do not know why,

She always feels that it is not that simple!

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