I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 46 New Discovery, This Incident Is Actually Related To Lu Chen?

The incident did not stop immediately,

Things about the mole army were still posted on various platforms.

It caused quite a stir in an instant.

[It's scary, but luckily it's fake! 】

[I don't think it's that real... I always feel a little weird! 】

【strangeness? What's so strange? 】

[That's right, I just told a horror story, and some people really believed it! ? 】

[However, this script is really well written, that army, I cried when I watched it! 】

[Yeah, I obviously didn't see the other person's expression, but I can vaguely see the other person's last smile! 】

For all this, they do not know.

Even those who believe in it are only a minority.

They were amazed by this story, and gave the highest expectations to this mole army!

But, soon, there will be some other comments below this one!

[Leave this matter aside, have you heard about it? 】

【Um? What have you heard? 】

[I read the news today, it seems that a typhoon is coming! 】

【typhoon? What typhoon? Cloud typhoon? 】

[Yes, it is said that this typhoon was not that big before, but it is getting bigger and bigger now, and the route is the Dragon Kingdom! 】

[If it really lands in the Dragon Kingdom, it will be a natural disaster! 】

As soon as this sentence came out,

Instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Because of this information, they frantically searched for news about the typhoon.

Soon they saw the route of the typhoon.

It turned out that they were still guessing about Sennan City.

Talking about Fatty's live broadcast.

And now I'm out of the mood!


dragon country,

In the Supernatural Investigation Bureau,

Instead of continuing to watch the live broadcast, they turned off the live broadcast and watched discussions on the matter on the Internet.

And this matter, because of the official appearance and the particularity of Lu Chen's work, led to other places.

"About, what they said about Containment-682, is this matter over?" Someone asked.

"It should have been resolved... It's a pity that we didn't help much this time!" General Manager Shen was a little depressed.

everything now,

Whether it is containment,

Or the Foundation,

There is still too little to understand!

It can even be said that I know too little about this world!

However, Containment-682, being contained by the other party, should be considered over!

Thinking of this, General Manager Shen unconsciously felt a little more at ease.

"It's just, what is the typhoon they're talking about?" At this moment, Yan Cheng finally calmed down a lot.

He found that on the Internet, there is less and less talk about Containment-682.

On the contrary, there are more and more discussions about this typhoon in Yunduo.

"It's a typhoon in the past few days. I have also received related news before. It is said that it is coming from the coastal area to the deep! It's just that when the notification was made, the typhoon should not be big..." General Manager Shen Explained a sentence.

But at the same time he frowned.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, the phone of the General Administration of Shen rang.

After pressing the connect button, a voice came from over there: "Hello, is this General Administration of Shen?"

"I'm a member of the Information Investigation Bureau. In the past, when investigating information about Lu Chen, we took over!" The other party explained.

The General Administration of Shen immediately became energetic: "I know, is there any progress in the investigation on Lu Chen's side?"

After investigating the incident about Lu Chen with the other party last time.

They haven't been in touch since.

Now that I got in touch, the General Administration of Shen also thought of Lu Chen for the first time.

"There is some relationship. In general, we hope that the Ability Investigation Bureau will take over the investigation of the Yunduo Typhoon incident!" The voice over there continued.

"Huh? Let's take over? The typhoon incident should be dealt with by the weather department..." General Administration Shen frowned.

Hearing the doubts of the General Administration of Shen, the other side also hurriedly said: "That's right, we found information about the typhoon through satellite video and real-time relationships!"

"We found this typhoon, this typhoon was generated from the sea surface of the Northwest Taiming Ocean!"

"Furthermore, he is extremely fast, and the price of landing in the Dragon Kingdom will be extremely high!"

Hearing this, General Administration Shen frowned: "What does this matter have to do with the Ability Investigation Bureau?"

after all,

The Ability Investigation Bureau is mainly responsible for events related to abilities.

No matter how it sounds, it has nothing to do with typhoons.

"We suspect that this incident has something to do with Lu Chen!"

This sentence instantly made the General Administration of Shen tense up: "What's going on?"

Lu Chen is an existence directly related to the Containment Foundation.

Whether it's Lu Chen or the Containment Foundation, they know too little about it!

Even, the contacts are only D-level, C-level and task forces.

And when I came into contact with it, I already felt the horror of this foundation.

But even so, he still feels that they may just see the rareness of the Foundation now!

It's possible that you haven't even seen the core of the Foundation!

Now, they have Lu Chen and the live broadcast line, and they have been investigating.

They also believe that Lu Chen must be the core character!

But now, this 'Typhoon Yun Duo' actually has something to do with Lu Chen, and the General Administration of Shen immediately became nervous.

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