I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 63 They Are Capable, But Not Many!

And this phenomenon is not just for the Ability Investigation Bureau and the country as a whole!

Disaster Prediction Bureau!

The weather pro department!

Some local police departments!

Rescue forces in surrounding cities!

and many more!

Many official departments have already set off to the surrounding areas of Qingyun City, preparing to deal with this unprecedented disaster!


Suburbs of Qingyun City,

Although this is a suburb, it is already some distance away from Qingyun City and the coast!

"Prepare some vehicles and send the people here out!"

"You guys, prepare some supplies and guarantee their food!"

"This time the matter is serious. If necessary, force can be used to suppress it!"

Chen Yi ordered the follow-up arrangements around.


They responded, each preparing for their own work.

The busy figure made Chen Yi rub his brows tiredly.

"It seems that you are indeed right to come here!" At this moment, a familiar voice came from not far away.

Chen Yi was taken aback for a moment, then looked over with surprise on his face!

That's the General Administration of Shen!

And behind him!

It is thousands of people!

It seems that the entire Ability Investigation Bureau, except for those who perform the task, has basically come here!

"Minister Shen, why are you here?" Chen Yi hurried over and asked.

"This matter is the responsibility of the Ability Investigation Bureau!"

"Let you take full responsibility, I am not at ease!"

The General Administration of Shen replied.

And Chen Yi also reported his work: "As for the crowd in Qingyun City, we have already evacuated!"

"And, the flood fighting work has been done!"

"There are some problems, and all of them are solved!"

Listening to Chen Yi's report, General Manager Shen nodded in satisfaction.

After that, more official divisions arrive!

When all official departments, all assembled,

General Shen's cell phone rang.

There is only one message on it!

[The typhoon is expected to land in Lu Qingyun City in one hour! 】


And on the sea some distance from the typhoon Yun Duo,

It's only drizzling here!

The sea is also relatively calm!

Only the seagulls that chirped from time to time hovered in the air like the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.


I don't know when there was an extra blue boat!

And on the boat, it was Smith!

"Mr. Smith!"

At this moment, a young man slowly stepped forward.

On his chest is the symbol of the Serpent's Hand!

"How is it?" Smith looked at the other party and asked.

The young man nodded: "We have passed the instrument test! This time the typhoon was indeed caused by the contained objects...but there are some strange things!"

"Huh? Strange?" Smith glanced at the other party: "What's strange?"

The young man took out his mobile phone!

Then he put the photos in front of Smith, flipping through them one by one: "We found out that this containment was not very powerful at the beginning through detection and energy detection of the containment!"

"However, the opponent has been evolving for a while!"

"Until now, it has become a product of natural disaster level!"

Smith frowned: "You mean, everything now is likely to be arranged by that mysterious foundation president!?"

"There is no lack of this possibility!" The young man nodded.

Smith showed a smile: "If that's the case, I'm really looking forward to the other party's response!"

"In this case, he has exposed the Containment Foundation and his identity!"

"And after that, our understanding of the contents will be easier!"


On the sea not far from Qingyun City,

At this time, the middle-aged man and Lu Chen stood by the boat, looking at the sky.

There is a tornado, carrying white waves straight into the sky!


The middle-aged man's cell phone rang!

After glancing at the message, he respectfully said to Lu Chen: "President, Qingyun City has been dismissed!"

"And around Qingyun City, we have arranged for foundation members to prepare for the subsequent impact."

Lu Chen gave an 'hmm', his expression flat and unchanged.

But the middle-aged man changed his expression and asked, "President, there is one thing I don't quite understand..."

Lu Chen glanced at the middle-aged man: "You want to ask, why, I didn't take action in advance to contain the typhoon?"

"Yes... with the ability of the president, this typhoon should not be difficult to deal with..."

The middle-aged man replied suspiciously: "Why do we need to wait until this incident has expanded to a world-class typhoon before taking action?"

"In this case, the Serpent's Hand will definitely have other ideas about the contents this time!"

Lu Chen shook his head: "The typhoon is not the main event!"

"Now that the typhoon incident has expanded, the Serpent's Hand has no ability to fight for it."

"As for the typhoon this time, I have my own plan!!"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Foundation, they say that the Serpent's Hand is also near the typhoon, should we target it?"

"no need!"

Lu Chen shook his head: "The Serpent's Hand has some abilities, but they can't intervene in this typhoon!"


cloud typhoon,

This incident naturally attracted the attention of other countries.

In the high-level conference room of country M,

More than a dozen old men, with their wrinkles stretched out, are smiling!

And on the screen, it was the photos of the typhoon from the satellite!

"Longguo, facing Typhoon Yunduo this time, it is estimated that there will be a lot of losses!"

"That's right, but I didn't expect that the entire Dragon Kingdom would only give up Qingyun City!"

"Yes, if I were a high-ranking member of Longguo, I would dismiss all the city personnel on the route. In the current situation, if Typhoon Yunduo continues to deepen, none of these cities will be able to escape!"

"We will fix the satellite on the typhoon and Qingyun City now, and wait, the typhoon will destroy the city bit by bit!"

They talk to each other.

However, the heart is very excited.

Although there is harmony on the surface between countries, there are indeed countless calculations behind the scenes.

Now this situation happens to be a good thing.

At least Longguo's own internal friction!

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