I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 64 On The Eve Of Landing, An Isolated Country!

Sakura Country,

high-level conference room,

Here, too!

More than a dozen high-level officials gathered and sat in a conference room.

"This time, Dragon Kingdom is really deflated!"

"Who says it's not? After the current Dragon Kingdom has experienced this typhoon, I'm afraid the economy of the entire Dragon Kingdom will go backwards!"

"Hahahaha, I don't know what their expressions were when they saw those swimsuits!"

"I feel like it's going to be wonderful!"

"It's not just wonderful, I feel that Ying Guoxing will be so angry that he vomits blood!"

Every word they said was full of sharpness!

For them, there is nothing more refreshing than Longguo being deflated!

After all, this natural phenomenon that shocked the whole world, the Dragon Kingdom can only suffer by itself! !

Why not do it!

When the time comes, the Dragon Kingdom will show signs of decline, and they will be able to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom to gain benefits!


One's cell phone rang.

He answered the phone: "Well, I see, please send the satellite images!" (Sakura)

After saying this,

The projection screen in the meeting room began to change.

In the sea, the wind is blowing everywhere!

The sea breeze reverberates throughout the meeting room!

They kept their eyes on the picture!

As if waiting, the typhoon swept the entire Dragon Kingdom!


This kind of operation is not limited to these two countries! !

Kimchi country!

Cheese Country!

and many more!

Whether it is a country that cooperates with the Dragon Kingdom, or a country that is hostile to the Dragon Kingdom!

At this moment, their top management is watching this crisis at the same time!

They also wanted to know what Long Guo could do in the face of this huge typhoon!

I also want to see what price the Dragon Kingdom will pay after experiencing this disaster!

And many leaders of Longguo also gathered together to pay attention to this matter!

this moment,

The upper echelons of the whole world are watching the typhoon in another way!



This matter began to continue to ferment!

The typhoon has landed, which has attracted the attention of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

On the Internet, no matter what video is below, it has become a discussion place for typhoons!

[I heard that the surrounding areas of Qingyun City have started flood control work, and the typhoon is about to make landfall! 】

[This typhoon is too terrifying! I don't know when it will pass! 】

[You guys are thinking too simply, whether the current situation can pass or not is the same thing! 】

[I'm afraid now, it's not just that Qingyun City is being ravaged! 】

[Yes... What if the typhoon goes to other cities if it is out of control? 】

[Brothers, the mountains and rivers meet again, I am going abroad! 】

[Take me from the one above, I'll book tickets now! 】

The comment area is a mess!

They know how harmful this typhoon is!

The world's biggest typhoon ever!

Once raging in the Dragon Kingdom!

Money is a small matter!

Fate is a big deal!

After understanding the seriousness of the matter.

Their first thought was to run away!

Some people started looking through the plane tickets, preparing to flee the Dragon Kingdom overnight!

However, when they went to prepare to book tickets and arrange passports, they found that there was no way to book tickets!

And those people can only run back and continue the discussion!

[Brothers, what's going on? I can't book a ticket here? 】

[Me too, what did you say because of the impact of the typhoon! 】

[Affect the hammer, I am inland, and I don't take the route there at all, how can it be affected? 】

[Could it be... that we are not allowed to go out internationally at all? 】

[Everyone, let's discuss rationally, I believe that Longguo will definitely not give up on us! 】

The comments are a mess!

The more they talked, the more panicked they became.

Once a typhoon lands, it will definitely have more than a little bit of impact!

Now, even the international community bans them from landing!

Doesn't this mean that the current Dragon Kingdom has been isolated!

Will the typhoon really sweep through the Dragon Kingdom?

For a moment, the entire Dragon Kingdom fell into despair!

That's how people are!

Once in order to survive, you can abandon everything!

But in this situation, they don't even have the ability to escape!

I can only hope that this matter can pass smoothly!


And this matter is not only concerned by the Dragon Kingdom!

The news about the typhoon was still sent to platforms such as Youtu and Face Tree.

However, their attitudes are completely different!

[I even buy Karma! Dragon Kingdom is really unlucky! 】

[Yoxi, pure netizen, I really care about them, when will the photos after the typhoon be released! 】

[If I were in the Dragon Kingdom, I would be desperate! 】

[Long Kingdom is really unlucky, Smecta! 】

[From now on, no one will compete with us, Smecta! 】

[Soga, this is a disaster that belongs to the Dragon Kingdom! 】

People from all over the world are commenting on it.

It's just that they are more aggressive!


Time passed by a little bit!

An hour is approaching!

The typhoon has also come near Yunhai City!

The Ability Investigation Bureau and the official departments who came here are desperately preparing measures to fight the flood!

And at this moment, they saw the vision of the sky!

Even if it's a city away!

They can still see the tornado going straight into the sky!

Cloud Twisting Assembles!

Lightning echoed non-stop along with the roar!

Even if it's a city away!

They can also feel the insignificance of human beings in the face of disasters!

Is this the feeling of despair?

They whispered in their hearts!

that feeling!

That kind of depression is too terrifying!


The rain was getting heavier, and it fell on the people with crackling.

It's like the end of the day!


A huge roar came from Qingyun City!

That sound shook the sky!

Some people even felt their feet trembling!

"Is this a house collapsed?" Someone couldn't help asking.

This sentence made many people's movements stagnate! !

The sense of despair in my heart hit my heart.

What if a designed building collapsed under the ravages of a typhoon!


This typhoon is only approaching and has not officially landed yet!

If this is an official login...

I'm afraid that all the buildings in Qingyun City will collapse!

At that time, it is very likely that the city will be destroyed!

The loss is immeasurable!

And most importantly!

Once, the typhoon's route continued to deepen without stopping...

Then the people here must continue to arrange for evacuation!

It may even be life-threatening!

"Continue to increase the flood control work!" The General Administration of Shen shouted.

Pull their emotions back!

They hurriedly continued with their work!

They are the line of defense now!

If they all flinch in fear!

So, who will bear all this!

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