I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 72 Return, Erase Information About Containment-2256!

Unable to track traces!

words fall,

Smith is silent!

He has basically confirmed that the contents here may have been taken away by the Foundation!

After a while, Smith opened his mouth to express his doubts: "When was the last time the Serpent's Hand made a move on the containment?"

The man froze for a moment.

Some people don't know why Smith would ask such a question.

He didn't hang up the phone, but flipped through the messages on his phone.

After confirming for the last time, he replied: "I just checked the information!"

"Should have been six days ago!"

six days ago!

"I see!"

Smith replied: "It seems that this person's purpose is to target the Serpent's Hand!"

"However, his method is really good, pushing the typhoon to come to the country of cherry blossoms!"

"As a result, we can't use our maximum energy to fight against each other!"

"Then take the opportunity to contain part of the contents of the Serpent's Hand headquarters!"

"I have to say, this person is not simple!"

"It's no wonder that such a huge organization as the Containment Foundation can be created!"

"Huh? Mr. Smith is saying that the typhoon this time is a phenomenon created by the Containment Foundation to target the Serpent's Hand?"

He was a little confused: "How is this possible? Such a huge typhoon, even if it is a containment, I am afraid the level is not low!"

"Aren't they afraid that monsters of this level will be out of control?"

Smith's voice was a little more dignified: "Okay, let's not talk about the rest, you can call Anping Yunsan and ask him to pay more attention to the information from Longguo.


The man hung up the phone.

Then follow Smith's instructions and start to arrange it!

Dragon Kingdom,

In the high-level conference room,

The picture on the satellite was fixed at the moment when the typhoon dissipated!

And when they want to continue to capture Lu Chen's figure,

The other party seemed to have evaporated in the air, and could no longer be tracked.

However, fortunately, the matter of the typhoon came to an end.

"Is that the end?"

"I really didn't expect such a huge typhoon to end so easily!"

"It looks like we have to admire Lu Chen!"

The words are full of admiration.

Not just admire the change of direction of the typhoon from the beginning.

I admire the other party even more, and let the typhoon stay and dissipate.

Everything in it is constantly telling them.

Lu Chen is very dangerous.

bang bang bang!

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Ying Guoxing shouted.

Then a young man walked in.

In his hands is a thick document!

"What's wrong?" Ying Guoxing looked at the other party.

"That.....is just disaster relief materials sent by other countries, and it is said that the wrong one was sent just now!"

The young man hurriedly opened his mouth, and then placed the documents on the table!

This time, the top is densely packed with materials!

From food to clothes, and even toothbrush and toothpaste, it's all covered!

There's even a ton of money in the back!

It is in stark contrast to the first supplies!

"This is a good sign!"

Someone said.

The rest nodded their heads.

But there is no joy on the face!

Because they know that this so-called show of favor is just because they are afraid of the strength of the Dragon Kingdom!

And all of this is because of Lu Chen!

And the most important thing about all of this is that although Lu Chen is in the Dragon Kingdom, he is not from the Dragon Kingdom!

In the last exchange, he also made it clear that the foundation is not under the jurisdiction of any country!

"What should we do?" They set their sights on Ying Guoxing.

Ying Guoxing frowned and began to think.

After all, Guoquan did not have a good attitude towards Lu Chen last time.

Even tough attitude, go to the villa!

Wait a moment!


Ying Guoxing suddenly regained his energy, and ordered: "Let's go to the villa and wait for Lu Chen's return!"

At this moment, the rest of the people reacted:

"Yeah, although, we have lost track of Lu Chen now, but the other party will definitely return to the villa`

"Yes, let's go around the villa now and wait for his return!"

After saying these words, they got up directly.

And Ying Guoxing didn't refuse, he also got up and walked towards the door.

As for how to face Lu Chen that I thought about before.

Instead of thinking, it is better to wait until you meet Lu Chen to think about the solution!

Yunhai City,

It's getting dark!

But under such circumstances, the official suddenly issued an order!

The entire Yunhai City, conduct team exercises!

Everyone is forbidden to come out of the house!

Others are wondering why.

On the street, you can see official vehicles honking everywhere.

You can see everywhere, well-trained troops wandering between the sea of ​​clouds!

And on the only road outside Pandi's villa,

More than a dozen high-level officials have been waiting for a long time.

This is the location they chose, so they can wait for the dust to return.

It won't disturb Fatty either!

"It's been an hour now, will that person show up?"

"I don't know the details, but we should be able to get news if it appears or not!"

"That's right, we have mobilized all the cameras in the city!"

"If the other party shows up immediately, we will definitely know!"

They talked to each other.

In addition to nervousness, there is also a trace of excitement!

After all, Lu Chen's ability is enough to impress them!

At this moment, not far away, a man dressed in black slowly walked towards this side.

"Quiet! People are here!" Ying Guoxing shouted.

They glanced at the information in their hands suspiciously.

However, there is no relevant information in it.

With doubts, they looked over.

For the first time, I saw Lu Chen's appearance clearly.

"Mr. Lu, hello!" Ying Guoxing walked over and said [taking a deep breath.

Lu Chen glanced at the other party, nodded, and continued to walk forward.

Ying Guoxing hurriedly followed up: "Mr. Lu, we are for the overall situation of the country!"

"I came here to ask about something!"

"We want to ask, is this typhoon related to those supernatural abilities?"

"Is it related to the containment!"

"There is also the Shelter Foundation, we would also like to ask for some information about the Shelter Foundation!"

Ying Guoxing kept asking.

It doesn't look like any national bureau chief at all.

But Lu Chen stopped in his tracks and looked at the other party: "After a while, I will go find you!"

"As for today, I'm not in the mood!"

After speaking, Lu Chen continued to walk inside.

This time, Ying Guoxing did not continue to speak, but lowered his head.

After looking at Lu Chen until I completely lost sight,

The rest of the people stepped forward and said:

"Director Win, what should we do now?"

"Yes, shall we go to the villa and have a look?"

"This is a way!"

Listening to their inquiries, Ying Guoxing frowned: "No need, since Lu Chen has already spoken, he will give us an explanation in a while, just wait for a while!"

After speaking, Ying Guoxing walked forward.

The rest of them looked at each other and followed.

They never expected that they would arrive in such a grand manner, but what they got was such a dull ending!

villa entrance,

With a smile on his face, Lu Chen pressed the doorbell.

Ding dong!

Ended with the ringing of the doorbell,

Fatty's sweet voice came from inside.

"I'm coming!"

Soon after, the door was opened a crack.

As if observing.

And when he saw it was Lu Chen.

Fatty ran out with a face full of joy, and hung directly on Lu Chen's body: "Honey, you're back!"

Her voice was full of joy and surprise.

After six days!

Lu Chen is finally back!

The difference during this period of time, plus the things encountered during this period of time.

Let her miss Lu Chen,

It's the heaviest I've seen in years!

And Lu Chen also kissed her on the cheek, and said with a smile: "What a grown-up, still hanging on me!"

"Why, can't my own husband hang up?"

Fatty stuck out his tongue with a blushing face.

Be as cute as you can be.

However, after all, she still got off Lu Chen's body, and then circled around Lu Chen non-stop.

"Why are you spinning around, I'm dizzy!" Lu Chen hurriedly held Fatty down with one hand.

But Fatty pouted: "Where's the promised snacks?"

She still remembers it!

Lu Chen said at the beginning that he had to buy snacks for himself and return with special products.

"How can I forget you!"

Lu Chen took out a schoolbag from his jacket and handed it to the other party.

Fatty was instantly happy, and dragged Lu Chen back to the villa with satisfaction.

After the two of them finished their meal, Fatty was carried back to the room by Lu Chen.

After being separated for a long time, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up.

until the next morning,

Lu Chen just got up from the bed and came to the living room.

Fatty has already prepared the meal and is waiting.

At the dinner table, Fatty dragged his chin, kicked his calf and looked at Lu Chen.

And Lu Chen also spoke at this time: "I remember on the phone, aren't you curious about my work?"

Fatty nodded:

"Husband, you should not be a modeler of a 3D company, right?"

"I saw on that screen about Containment Foundation, and its contents!"

"The last time the country's overall situation came over, there were a lot of mistakes at that time!"

"Husband, what do you do for a living?"

She asked all her doubts.

And Lu Chen put down his bowl and chopsticks, got up and walked towards the inner room.

Fatty also hurriedly followed behind.

"Actually, I also wanted to tell you about my work before!"

"However, there has been no chance!"

"And, I'm also afraid, after all, this is a completely different world from what we know!"

"A truly dark world!"

With that said, he put his hand on the door of the room!

【Gene comparison successful!】

【President Hello!】

【Welcome your return!】


Accompanied by a commotion, the door slowly opened.

And Lu Chen also walked into the room holding Fatty's hand.

"... In this world, there are many monsters!"

"For example, supernatural events, legendary time, monsters in Shan Hai Jing..."

"Wait, these things have always existed!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen waved his hand.

A light began to light up in the corridor, and finally changed into something similar to a screen.

The video is playing!

Fatty just followed behind, watching with his eyes fluttering.

This time, it was completely different from the first time she saw it on the screen!

But more detailed information about those monsters!


Even how those monsters were born are all recorded!

"The Shelter Foundation is responsible for making people live in peace!"

"Let them develop!"

"And we are protecting this species!"

"We are above humans!"

"Does not belong to any force!"

"Darkness has always existed!"

"The foundation is responsible for facing these containment objects, so as to find some ways to deal with the containment objects!"

"Contain, contain, protect, always!"

"We've been hiding in the dark too!"

Lu Chen's voice was flat.

Fatty was a little apologetic: "Sorry..."

After all, I accidentally unlocked the switch here, exposing everything here.

"Sorry for what!"

"Actually, I know everything here!"

"If I don't want you to live broadcast, or enter this room!"

"You can't get in!"

Lu Chen rubbed Fatty's head, and continued:

"The Containment Foundation has not been exposed to the eyes of others!"

"However, problems have begun to appear in this world!"


Fatty blinked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen gave an 'hmm': "In this world, the storage has begun to gradually increase!"

"There's also an increasing level of difficulty and control over containment!"

"And in the end, even if the Containment Foundation has the ability to erase memories or other abilities, it will be known to the world!"

"So, we chose to tell them all this in advance!"

"So as to obtain a simpler and more convenient control method!"

Hearing this, Fatty nodded.

She knew that what Lu Chen said about them meant country!

But soon she asked with some worry: "Then... aren't you very dangerous?"


Lu Chen shook his head: "No way!"

"Don't worry, ordinary containment items won't affect me!"

In words, they have already walked up the steps.

Into the depths of the room!

And Fatty also heard some strange noises!

It was the sound of metal hitting the ground!

Fatty looked into the first room with his probe!


The metal box inside was trembling constantly.

It turns out that in this room, if there is any depressive atmosphere, it is gone!

It seemed to exude an inexplicable fear!

Not just this one room!

Fatty continued to move forward, looking inside with his head!

She found that as long as there is a room with a metal box, all the monsters in it are like this!

"I'll put the contents first!" Lu Chen rubbed Fatty's head and came to the previous computer screen.

The computer screen also lit up.

【Welcome back, President!】

It's very human opening.

"Hmm ╋!"

Lu Chen nodded towards him: "For the record, Containment-2256 has been contained successfully!"

"Erasure all video information about 2256!"


The smart computer keeps talking!

The Containment Foundation logo also appeared in the middle!

and the following line of fine print!


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