I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 73 Foundation, Above All Forces!

【We are connecting with all information about Containment-2256!】

【The detection is complete!】

【Difficulty: Low!】

【Erase in progress...】

On the smart computer, there was a cold mechanical sound.

And Lu Chen is also waiting here.

After looking at it for a while, Fatty stood aside and took out a snack from his pocket.

Dragon Kingdom,

In the high-level conference room,

Several high-level personnel gathered together again.

It's just that this time, their expressions were a little less dignified and a little more reserved.

"Now at least it can be proved that Lu Chen has no hostility towards us!"

"Well, that's really good news!"

"The typhoon matter is over, the rest is to see what Lu Chen wants, the purpose of this shelter foundation, everything has to wait for Lu Chen to answer us personally!"

In the past few days, they haven't had a good rest for a long time.

But yesterday, after meeting Lu Chen, I relaxed after waiting for Lu Chen's answer.

On the other hand, Ying Guoxing was still calm and arrogant: "Let's observe the matter about Typhoon Yunduo first!"

"By the way, re-record the monsters inside!"

Although the typhoon event came to an end.

But records about typhoons still need to be recorded!

After all, there are reports of losses here,

A huge disaster, usually recorded in every country!

Used to avoid, find a solution, and warn future generations!

Everyone nodded at the same time.

Ying Guoxing made the phone call.

beep beep!

After the busy tone, the call is connected!

"After sorting out the images, data, and other things of Typhoon Yunduo this time, send them all over!"


Agreed over the phone.

Time passed little by little.

But, soon, a voice came from over there: "Win the chief, I'm afraid it won't work..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Director Win frowned and asked.

"Our video data about Typhoon Yunduo have all been deleted!"

"Can't find it!"

Director Ying was stunned by this sentence: "How is it possible? Not to mention that the video has been kept in Longguo's exclusive satellite!"

"Moreover, Dragon Kingdom has a special security system..."

halfway through,

Director Win is silent!

He suddenly remembered that last time, Longguo's security system was cracked in just one hour.

And now, the end of this typhoon is related to Lu Chen!

143 Does that mean that the current deletion is also related to Lu Chen?

After hesitating, he said directly: "Okay, I know about this!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

look at others.

"I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the Shelter Foundation!"

"It's just that I don't quite understand, why did the other party delete the information about the monster this time?"

"Is it telling us not to believe, or warning us?"

"Is this unlikely? With the other party's ability, if they don't want us to know, I think it is possible to block satellites!"

Their voices were full of doubts.

Do not understand more and more.

After all, they were already afraid of Lu Chen.

"Is it because of this monster?" Ying Guoxing suddenly flashed this information in his mind.

But it was quickly denied.

And this thing is also deleted in other countries!

They keep records of the weather.

However, the video of Lu Chen and the sight of the typhoon could not be restored.

They even began to doubt life.

After all, the typhoon event this time is so big that it is impossible to track it if you want to record it!

Is it Dragon Kingdom?

This idea suddenly appeared in their minds.

And the fear of Long Guo in their hearts became more and more obvious.

You must know that the satellites of various countries are basically implicated in the security systems of each country.

It is so easy to break open, and delete the video without anyone noticing.

This is no longer outrageous and indescribable.

in the villa room,

Lu Chen stood in front of the screen of the smart computer and waited in peace.

【Delete completed!】

【Containment-2256 file analysis in progress!】

【Analysis completed!】

[Number: Containment-2256!]

【Name: Big Thing!】

【Level: Euclid!】

[Ability: To operate on the ocean, with the camouflage system of 'elementary perception' and 'antimes', which can cause storms! It is rarely discovered by people! It is not dangerous in itself, but it can cause storms!】

[It looks like a giraffe or a brachiosaurus, and its maximum size can reach thousands of meters!]

[Containment Procedures: Containment-2256 is extremely rare, but there are not many requirements for containment procedures!]

[Remarks: The opponent does not have strong hostility!]

【However, Containment-2256 is quite special. Once he is fully recorded and photographed, and he is truly aware of his existence, he will die!】

[Protection method: All relevant information about Containment-2256 needs to be deleted!]

The cold mechanical sound kept reminiscing.

Only this time it's different!

In the past information, there will be detailed 3D models or pictures of the contents.

And this time there was nothing!

Nothing exists but information.

"Is this the containment that caused the typhoon?" Fatty asked from the side.


Lu Chen nodded, stepped forward, and came to the door of a room.

This room is different from those rooms!

It only has the logo of the Containment Foundation, but no serial number information.

Lu Chen put his hand on the door.

[In testing, testing completed!]

The sound echoed and the door opened.

And Lu Chen also brought Fatty to the room!

The room is so empty!

Lu Chen threw a box in his hand into the room.

Box changes!

It ended up being a metal box!

"Containment 2256, the containment room is confirmed!"

The words fell, and the room began to change!

In the end, it became a place like the sea.

The breeze is blowing, and there are seagulls singing from time to time.

"This..." Fatty was a little dazed, she lowered her head and found herself standing on the sea.

Even though she knew it was fake, but with such a realistic scene, she couldn't help leaning towards Lu Chen's side, trapping Lu Chen's hand.

And Lu Chen also said at this moment: "This is where the contained objects live!"

"According to their abilities and their living habits, arrange them in the room!"

"In this way, not only human beings are protected, but they are also protected on the one hand!"

As the box began to change, a brachiosaurus-like creature appeared before their eyes.

It looked around happily, then tweeted, and walked on the sea in the room.

There are no humans here, let alone any creatures that can threaten it.

This scene made Fatty feel a little anxious.

At this moment, she was really confused!

She has never been in these rooms, and she doesn't know what the rooms look like.

But, before it was, looking at these containments was more of a scary feeling.

Even the big thing in front of me feels the same way!

This is from human nature.

Can not change.

However, when he saw its state, Fatty was also confused.

Maybe it's not just humans who are afraid of them, they are also afraid of humans.

"Are the other rooms also contained?" Fatty asked.

"That's right!"

Lu Chen nodded: "The room here is only a part of the foundation!"

"We have been recording how many contents there are!"

"Are they just for survival?" Fatty's voice trembled a little more.

It was a shake.

Lu Chen shook his head: "It's not just that!"

"Many of the containment items are not for survival!"

"Some of them are hostile to all life!"

"It includes humans, even animals, plants!

"Some of them survive, just to destroy!"

"If they are not governed, they will even destroy the world!"

Hearing this, Fatty nodded thoughtfully: "Have you been facing these (cbca) things?"

"Have you been facing them in such danger?"

"I'm sorry..... I never knew, what you are facing..."


Fatty's voice choked up.

Lu Chen held her in his arms and rubbed her head.

In fact, why does Lu Chen like Fatty in his heart?

Not only because of Fatty's good looks, but also because of Fatty's inner nature.

She is always so kind.

Whether it's for people or for contained objects!

Before, Lu Chen didn't know where to start.

And Fatty's live broadcast here is actually an opportunity!

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool!"

"Moreover, under normal circumstances, it is not necessary for me to make a move!

"Moreover, the most important thing is that even if there is danger, you must make the right plan!"

"Even the Foundation!"

"After all, if no one is going to deal with the containment, then they are facing humans!"

"Humans have no ability to fight against those monsters!"

"So, even if there are sacrifices, the foundation will still go forward!"

"as always!"

"This is the Foundation!"

"Above humans!"

"Above all powers!"

Lu Chen's voice was flat.

But Fatty couldn't help watching.

In the end, she had no objection and just nodded silently, but her worry did not decrease because of this.

She watched the video.

those who sacrificed...  

Those troops!

Lu Chen seemed to see what the other person was thinking, and rubbed Fatty's forehead: "I know, what are you worried about!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen walked out of the room belonging to the 'big thing', holding Fatty's hand.

Then, walk towards the villa.

And Lu Chen also took her out of the room, and it was only in the room that Fat Di calmed down.

Lu Chen continued to speak: "Moreover, after this exposure, it can be regarded as a showdown with the country!"

"The Foundation is a rather special place!"

"In the past, I was always in the dark."

"And now, the containment has exploded!"

"More than ever before, I don't know how much!"

"So, the Foundation has been looking for information about the cause of the outbreak!"

"And this time, the cooperation with the country is mainly to facilitate the disposal of these contained objects!"

Lu Chen explained everything.

As for Fatty, he has nothing to hide.

Fatty nodded: "In this case, I support you!"

Her voice is so firm!

no hesitation , no harm


After all, this is her husband.

"My wife is so good!" Lu Chen smiled, and then walked towards the door: "Okay, this time I will go to connect with the country first! I will be back as soon as possible!"

Fat Di also waved his hand, looking at Lu Chen's back as he went away.

She spread out on the sofa, digesting everything about Lu Chen.

But, soon, her head started to smoke.

The whole person is about to explode.


Fatty shook his head: "I don't want to, I don't want to!"

"As long as my husband is not in danger!"

After saying this, Fatty picked up a bag of potato chips from the side, and let it go.

When in doubt, eat snacks!

Here are her thoughts!

Yunhai City,

out of the villa,

Lu Chen sent out the summoning information.

After dozens of minutes,

Around the villa, a large number of special people began to gather!

They wear special uniforms bearing the Containment Foundation.

Waiting quietly.

Soon, a young man in black came in front of them.

"President!" When he appeared, those people in special uniforms stepped forward.

"Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force!"

"Task Force Hammerfell!"

"Mole Task Force!"

"Last Hope Task Force!"

"Task Force Red Herring!"

"Five teams have assembled!"

"The rest of the task force, currently on mission, cannot return!"

Yiwei walks in the forefront, conveying the information of all together.

And Lu Chen nodded: "I see!"

"By the way, did you bring the people from the whole country last time?"

he spoke.

"Brought it!"

Yiwei spoke softly, and then made a gesture.

Soon, a person was escorted over.

It is none other than He Haorui!

However, He Haorui is now full of vigilance.

In the past few days, he was taken into a room and locked up directly.

And the broadcast in the room is about the typhoon!

His mental journey is complicated!

Because he is a person of the overall situation of the country, he knows the dangers of typhoons.

I also know the despair of Qingyun City.

But, more is helpless!

And just when he saw that the Foundation had the ability to move the typhoon's route, he was taken aback.

Only then did he realize how small he was.

Before knowing, how ignorant their provocation was.

"I'm sorry, I apologize for my previous attitude...Thank you!" Seeing Lu Chen instantly, he apologized directly.

As for the later thanks.

It is his sincere thanks!

"Okay, get ready, let's go!" Lu Chen glanced at the other party and did not reply.

After all, Lu Chen can clearly see what Ho Haorui did!

He didn't have such a big heart, so he just let the other party go.

Are you going to perform a mission?" Yiwei asked excitedly.

For Lu Chen, in the foundation, it is a secret that only the task force and personnel above B-level can know.

It is a great honor in their eyes to be able to perform tasks with Lu Chen at the same time!

"It is!"

Lu Chen smiled: "Mainly, the Foundation has been in the dark for too long!"

"This time, it should also be revealed in the eyes of some people!!".

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