Chapter title: Identification Card

「……I see. “You want to go to another country”, right?」

After writing the letter, Serena and I visited the carriage association.

「Yes, I really need to go to the Kingdom of Irkutu.」

「You don’t have any proof of your identity. And you, Elven girl?」

「I’ve been in the forest all this time. I don’t have such a thing.」

Serena replied in a resentful manner.

「Is there something wrong with that?」

The attendant raised an eyebrow and gave me a difficult look, so I decided to ask.

「You need an Identification Card (ID) to leave the country.」

「Why is that?」

「Like in any other coutnry, there is a border crossing point. When you go through it, you need to confirm whether or not you will receive a punishment or not and to clarify your country of origin.」

When I asked for a detailed explanation, I was told that since people of unknown affiliation may do wrong in their respective countries, all citizens going abroad are required to have an ID card.

This seems to be an agreement between countries, but it’s unfamiliar to the average person who grew up in the city and has no connection to foreign countries.

It’s common knowledge for adventurers and merchants who do business across countries, though.

「I grew up in the depths of the forest in this country, does that mean that I can’t go abroad?」

Serena looked impatient. The attendant explained to Serena what she needed to know.

「There are two things you need to cross over to another country: your guild rank. It doesn’t matter if you belong to the Adventurer’s Guild or the Merchant’s Guild, you need to belong to one of them and raise your rank to a certain level.」

This seems to be a matter of trust, and there have been incidents of inexperienced people getting lost after entering ohter countries and comitting robbery or fraud.

If this happens, the problem must be solved in the country that guarantees the identity of the person.

In order to prevent this from happening, they started issuing ID cards only to veterans with a certain track record.

「The other thing is money. It costs 120,000 Birr per person to issue an ID card.」

The inn we stayed at the other night cost us 4,00 Birr per night for two people, which is almost the equivalent of a month’s accommodation.

「Isn’t that expensive!?」

Serena shouted in surprise.

「If we make it too cheap, people who want to do bad things will easily go to another countries. It was a hard coice for the government to make.」

It’s true that people who think that all they have to do is get an ID card and can go abroad to do bad things. If you’re a guild member, you’re going to need a certain amount of insurance.

「If I raise my rank in the guild, can I get an ID card here.」

It’s a waste of time to argue here. I asked the attendant for confirmation.

「No, we can’t do that here either.」

「Where can I get one?」

The attendant answered.

「The government office in the capital. That’s the only place you can get an ID card.」

Apparently, I still had to make preparations to return home…..

Wow, that’s bullshit. But I guess this is how Alicia and Elt will meet.

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