Chapter title: Registering as an Adventurer

「Hey, what are we doing?」

Serena asked me as soon as soon as we left the carriage association.

I guess she’s asking about how to get out of the country.

「The first thing I can think of is to join the adventurer’s guild or merchant’s guild in this country and make a name for ourselves.」

This is probably the most practical way.

It will take some time, but there is a possibility that Alicia will receive a letter and make some kind of contact with us.

In the meantime, I will work, earn money and wait, which is a good idea since we would eventually be able to return home.

「I don’t think they’ve got the whole border sealed off, do we? We can get through the forest or something, right?」

Serena whispered a loophole as I was thinking.

「No, I don’t think we should.」

「Why not?」

「There are three countries we have to cross, and not all of them will have convenient forests. There’s a good chance we’ll have to abandon the plan halfway through, so it’s risky.」

「I see……. I’m sorry I spoke something unnecessary.」

Serena’s ears droop a little when she said that. It seems that she is depressed.

I stroke Serena’s head. The smooth blonde hair and Serena’s warmth are comforting.

「You said that for my sake. It was nothing unnecessary. If you think of anything else, please keep telling me.」

There is a limit to how much one person can think on their own. It’s valuable to have someone who can make suggestions like this……


More than anything, being with Serena had somehow made me feel at ease.

「We would like to register as adventurers, please.」

We decided to work as adventurers for the time being, and opened the door of the adventurer’s guild in this city.

「Yes, there are two of you, the warrior and….. eh?」

When the receptionist saw our outfits, she first looked at me and judged me to be a warrior from the sword on my hip. And then she turned her gaze to Serena, who was standing beside me, and froze.

「What’s wrong?」

I asked, and the receptionist regained her composure. Then she…….

「Y, yes! It’s unusual for an elf to register here……..」

「Is it that rare?」

「Yes, there are a total of five elven adventurers in this country, all of whom are excellent hunters or spirit users. Your name is……」

「I’m Serena.」

After hearing her name, the receptionist continued.

「I’d like to know if you are able to use spirits or if you have divine bow skills?」

「I don’t know if I’m a very good archer, but I do have a contract with a spirit.」

The adventurers who had been listening to her words erupted.

「Wow, our city is finally going to get some elven adventurers.」

「Some requests are easier to handle with spirit magic than others.」

「And for what it’s worth, she’s beautiful. I would love to get to know her.」

I can hear them saying such things.

「So, is there any problem registering the two of us?」

In spite of the excitement around me, I proceeded with the registration without hesitation.

「Ah, no. In fact, you’re more than welcome.」

It seems that Serena is the one who is being welcomed. The receptionist and the adventurer’s gaze of goodwill is clearly directed at Serena.

「So, please fill out this form.」

Serena and I took the paper and filled it out.

「Now, let’s confirm the contents. The registrants are Elt-san and Serena-san, right? Elt-san is a swordsman and Serena-san is a spirit user. Is this right?」



I went through the details one by one.

「We’ll need 5,000 Birr per person for the initial registration fee.」

At the receptionist’s words, I handed over 10,000 Birr.

「I will issue you an adventurer’s card, so please hold your hand over the crystal.」

We did as we were told, and a card came out.

「That will be your adventurer card. Any monsters you kill in the future will be recorded on that card. You will also receive a commission fee on that card. The card can also be used as a wallet in stores affiliated with the adventurers, so please be careful not to lose it.」

It was a flowing explanation. I guess she’s used to it since he talks to so many adventurers every day.

「Elt-san and Serena-san have just registered as adventurers, so their guild rank will start at F. The adventurer rank is used as a guideline when accepting requests; 10 completed requests as an F rank will raise you to E rank, 10 requests with an E rank will raise you to D rank, and so on.」 1

As a sidenote, it seems that if you can’t complete a request of the same rank three times in a row, you’ll be demoted.

The reason for this is that without a penalty, some people might intentionally leave the job unattended.

「Next, let’s talk about parties. In low ranks, adventurers often act alone. It can be a simple request to collect herbs or to kill a low-ranked monster. However, as the rank of the adventurer increases, the rarity of the items to be killed and collected increases, and there is a risk of failure if you accept a request alone.」

「Does that mean I can partner up with just anyone?」

The receptionist shook her head at Serena’s question.

「You will be able to form a party with anyone up to two ranks away from you. When you register your party, you will be assigned a party rank. If you fail twice, you will be demoted.」

「I see, so we’re all jointly responsible for any mistakes we make.」

The receptionist nodded at my words.

「Do you have any more questions?」

I asked her a question I had on my mind.

「I’ve heard that if you get a high enough rank, you can get an ID card to go abroad.」

「If you are an individual, you can get a C rank. If you are an individual, you need to be ranked C. If you are in a party, you need to be ranked B.」

F and E ranks are treated as novice adventurers, but D rankers are considered as full-fledged adventurers. If you’re an individual, you start at rank C. If you’re in a party, you start at rank B.

When I think about it, it’s going to be moderately difficult to increase our rank in such a short time…….

As I was thinking about it.

「We need to move up our rank in a short time, is there any way?」

Serena asked.

「Basically, the fastest way would be to have you complete a certain number of requests.」

The receptionist gave the obvious answer, but then added a few more words.

「But there are exceptions.」

「What kind of exception?」

「Hunting high-ranked monsters such as the disaster class. These monsters cause a lot of damage to countries and cities. If you are able to hunt these monsters, your adventurer rank may be raised as an exception.」

We would need the approval of the guild master to do so, though, the receptionist replied. And…….

「However, a disaster class is more like a dragon or something like that, and they don’t just appear in towns and plains, so it’s of little use.」

It’s true that there have been no powerful monsters since we left the Lost Forest. When we were silent, the receptionist nodded.

「This was the explanation. Now then, Elt-san and Serena-san. The Adventurer’s Guild is looking forward to seeing the two of you in action.」

With that, she smiled at us.

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