"You have officially become a person of Tiangong, and it is time to resign as the head of the Wudang Mountain sect."


Seeing that the big copper bell said this, Wang Ye suddenly stood up, and looked at him uncertainly, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Why, are you not willing?"

The chief commander looked at him as if he had eaten shit, and then stared at him more seriously.

"No, Commander, I used to be an idle job in Tiangong. When Brother Feng is too lazy, I will pass a message. I didn't expect that after becoming a real elder, I would have to manage so many things."

(blank) [-]

Wang Ye was originally a loose immortal. She can usually be lazy, so she naturally wants to be lazy, but now that she has officially become an elder, she has already resigned from the position of the head of the Wudang Mountain sect. , this is indeed something he can't think of, and it has already exceeded his budget.


"Why, do you still want to get two wages?"

The chief commander looked at him like this, and then shook his head there, obviously still a little disappointed with this guy.

"That's not what I mean, I just think that if I don't work as an idler in Tiangong, and everything here is under your control, naturally there will be no danger."

Jiang Feng listened to this guy's sudden remarks, so he pretended to cough twice.

Why did he already know what to do just now, and now he suddenly changed his appearance again, which really made him a little unexpected.

Chapter 382 The head of Wudang Mountain is a hot potato

"Naughty, what are you talking about? Didn't I ask you just now? Would you like to officially become an elder of the Tiangong? You agreed to it yourself. Why did you suddenly regret it?"

The expression on the commander's face suddenly became a little serious, is this guy teasing him?

"I don't mean "[-]", it's just that this happened too suddenly, like I didn't react all of a sudden."

Wang Ye suddenly understood why he was suddenly so serious just now. It turned out to be because of such a relationship. It seemed that he had completely wanted to stay in the Heavenly Palace, so he would say When this happened.It's like I've eaten dumb, I don't know what to say.

"Since what you promised, you can't easily go back and do it. Pick a day, and you can tell others your identity."

After the great commander said this, he turned around and left, and naturally he could not refuse this matter that he had already decided.

Wang Ye sat down on the floor, how could he now feel like he was.I dug a hole and jumped into it, and I didn't know what to say if I wanted to say something.

"I told you a long time ago, what do I want you to do? I've thought about it before answering. In such a situation, it's just that I lifted a stone and smashed my own home. I deserve it."

Jiang Feng looked at how he couldn't say a word there, so he coughed twice. This guy is too stupid. He still hadn't figured out the matter, so he just agreed easily. , to the point where it has now fallen, but no one can blame others.

"No. Brother Feng, the position of elder was only given to me by myself at the beginning, and you have never agreed to it. Now the great commander has said so, do I really want to give me that position in Wudang Mountain? resign?"

Wang Ye still thinks it's good to be a carefree elder of a sect. This time it has become such a situation that he doesn't know what to say for a while... 0

"I don't think there is anything wrong with this. Wudang Mountain has never been managed by you. Now someone is helping you to become the head. If you are dissatisfied, I think it is good, and there is nothing to say. "

Jiang Feng laughed when he saw the guy who was about to cry but had no tears here.

She would never refute the decisions that the chief commander usually makes.

After Wang Ye entered the Tiangong, I am afraid that there are more important things to do next. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

"I think 4.2 is pretty good. Before, Wen Mei and I were the only ones who have been managing Wudang Mountain. I'm afraid you have never come back once for so many years. There is nothing wrong with you officially joining Tiangong. it is good."

Xia Dong said it very seriously after seeing him coming back. Naturally, he felt that what he said was indeed very reasonable. Since that was the case, then he shouldn't be too concerned about it.

Chapter 383 Who?

"What's the point? There are really too many things to close in the Tiangong. I think I really want to leave here. This is already a very impossible thing."

When Wang Ye said this, he sighed. He really did his best for this matter, and he really couldn't control the rest.

"I think instead of being embarrassed here, you might as well think about it. Since you have already left, who should the position of the head of this martial art in Wudang Mountain be given to?"

Wen Mei was too stupid to look at this guy. He was also a name before. In Tiangong, although others were a little in awe of him, the people in 30 Tiangong didn't really admit what his identity was.

This time, the Great Commander directly announced to the world, and she also officially entered the Heavenly Palace.

At that time, what he does will naturally not be suspected by others.

Being able to become Jiang Feng's right-hand man, and such a powerful character hand-picked by the commander himself, I am afraid that he will be very happy if he is replaced.

But this guy is still so ignorant of happiness, which makes him laugh uncontrollably. This person is really shameless.

"What else is there to say, the two of you have been managing the position of the head of the Wudang Mountain sect for so many years. Naturally, it should be one of the two of you."

Of course Wang Ye knew that it was up to now, and it seemed that he could only do so. Since that was the case, there was nothing wrong with letting them stay here.

The most important thing at the moment is to solve the matter in front of him as soon as possible. As for the other things, he should not continue to manage them now, so as to save some unnecessary troubles.

"I think we Wudang Mountain need fresh blood, and the two of us don't want to be the head of the sect. I don't think there is anything wrong with the two of us as elders."

Wen Mei naturally felt that this head was like a hot potato.

Wudang Mountain has been idle for so many years, and the two old guys have not done anything in these years. Under such a situation, it is really good. If this is the case, then they should not be too concerned.

"What you said is quite right, but each sect has a master. If our sect doesn't have one, I'm afraid it will still have an impact when it spreads out, and it doesn't matter if one of you becomes the leader. it's not good."

Wang Ye looked at the two of them stepping there, and said it seriously. He was not joking about this matter. No matter what, he must talk about it properly.

"Let's find someone else. After this point, I don't think it's necessary to manage too much now."

Wen Mei looked at him and suddenly became very serious. No matter what happened next, it was enough for him to settle the matter here right now.

"Not at this time, where do you ask us to find such a new person to be the head, are you kidding me?"

Wang Ye became even more annoyed when he saw these two guys shirk and shirk, and he didn't know what the two guys wanted to do for a while.

"That's your problem, not ours."

After Xia Dong said this, the person left immediately. He is too lazy to care about so much now. No matter what, it is enough to explain it to him here.

Chapter 384 An accident in the Bai family

"Wen Mei, you have been in charge for so many years. I think the position of head is yours. It's up to you to see what you want. I think you are pretty good."

Wen Mei looked at him saying this, but just gave him a blank look. As for what happened this time, he couldn't be bothered to care about it now.

"You know, you've been lazy all these years, and I think I'm quite satisfied with my current position, so I'm not interested in what you told me."

Wang Ye looked at all these people, but he didn't give him any face at all. After three days, he was going to go back. In such a situation, he didn't know what to do for a while, and he suddenly wanted to cry. No tears.

"Brother Feng, take a look at this cultivation world, are there any better seedlings among these juniors who can become the leader?"

Jiang Feng took a look at this guy. At this time, he actually came here and asked him what he looked like. It seemed that he was really anxious about this matter.

"This is also the chief commander who is clearly testing you, so I think in such a situation, no matter what, you should do it yourself~¨."

Jiang Feng patted him on the shoulder, and people already hoped that he would leave as soon as possible, so as to save any other unnecessary trouble, it would be really bad.

White family—

Bai Zhanxue still didn't quite believe her grandmother's life after seeing her.

"Brother, when did this happen? How could grandma suddenly die like this? I must see grandma in person."

When Bai Zhanxue came back, he found that he hadn't even seen his grandmother's last face. Suddenly, he felt that there were various conspiracies interspersed everywhere.

"Grandma's breathless, cousin, don't be so sad, I've buried grandma."

Bai Tang walked over from one side and said very seriously, hoping that he would not be so sad about this matter, and that his condolences would become better.

"Cousin, why are you here? I remember you've been gone for many years."

Of course Bai Zhanxue knew what kind of role his form was.At this time, he appeared here inexplicably, which means that his coming here must not be so simple. No matter what, he must investigate carefully.

"I also heard that something happened to my grandma, so I came back. Who knew that such a big thing had already happened when I came back, so don't be so sad."

Bai Zhanxue looked at his form and said so, and nodded there, but he felt that his cousin was usually paid, and he didn't have any interest in family affairs at all. Actually appearing here, and doing something, everyone thinks it is suspicious.

"々' Brother, what's going on here?"

Bai Zhanxue (Wang Wang's) thought that it was just that he had just entered the realm of self-cultivation, who knew that such a big thing would happen.It's just too weird, and this thing doesn't seem quite right.

"I'm not too sure. I went on a business trip, and I went on a business trip. I heard about it after I came back. I just saw that the form was also here. When I came back, my grandmother was really gone, and so did I. I didn't even see my grandma for the last time.".

Chapter 385

Bai Youmu naturally knew that grandma usually felt sorry for Bai Zhanxue, so he had to tell him about such a big thing.

"How is this possible, and all the funerals are all handled by the big brother, big brother, do you think this matter is not that simple?"

Bai Zhanxue also felt that something was wrong. They didn't even see the last face of grandma, and they said that grandma was dead just by relying on the one-sided words of the cousin.

"I don't know what's going on, so I found you, just to let you see what's going on."

Xuan Xiaozi listened to what they said, but just laughed there. This kind of thing can be seen at a glance.It's not that simple at all.

"That Baitang, 660 I just saw him speak clearly and do things clearly, his eyes are dodging, it is enough to show that he has lied when he said this, and now the most important thing is that you must see your grandma's body as soon as possible. , As long as you see the old man's body, the truth of all these things will not be revealed."

Xuan Xiaozi laughed when he saw that there was such a troublesome situation between them. If you want to solve this matter completely, of course, it is very simple, not difficult at all.

"Master, please."

Although Bai Zhanxue [-] "Blank" has learned a little bit, but he also knows that this matter is probably not as simple as they imagined. In that case, he still has to take a good look at it. Look, save yourself the trouble.

"You're right, and since that's the case, let's wait a little longer."

At night, Bai Tang actually sneaked to the mine behind, Bai Zhanxue looked at her like this, and felt that she must be a thief with a guilty conscience.

Thinking of this, he felt more and more that this matter must not be so simple. In this case, no matter what, he must find out what is going on.


Bai Tang quickly turned around when he heard the movement behind him, only to see his cousin.

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