"Cousin, everyone has been busy all day today. We are all very tired. If you don't sleep, what are you doing here?"

Bai Tang looked at him and just smiled.

"Cousin, I just want to ask you. Now everything in this mine seems to have nothing to do with you. It's too suspicious that you came here alone in the middle of the night."

Bai Zhanxue saw that he actually came to the hole that had already been blocked by them, and felt even more strange, all his actions now are getting more and more wrong.

"Of course I know it has nothing to do with me, but didn't I hear a few days ago that there are a few guys running out of here to make trouble? You have been reluctant to let me back before, but this time something happened to my grandma. I'm not coming back, so I also want to come here to have a look, there should be no problem."

When Bai Tang said this, he even said it in a bold voice, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"I see that you are here, I'm afraid it's more than that simple."

Bai Zhanxue slowly approached his grandmother who was the best person for him, but he didn't know what happened now.

Chapter 386

"Cousin, you were the only one who saw my grandma's accident, and none of us saw it with our own eyes. Since this is the case, it means that this matter must be unbelievable."

Seeing him say this, Bai Tang took two steps back there.

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand."

Bai Zhanxue laughed when he saw that he was going to continue to pretend, "Don't pretend here, I will ask you honestly now, where did my grandma go and where is my grandma's grave, I think You should be well aware of this, and it is impossible for you not to know."

Bai Tang just kept going backwards without telling him.

"You hated our family so much back then, and you swore that you wouldn't come back in the future, but your attitude has suddenly changed now, don't you think your current behavior is really weird?"

Bai Tang was just said this by his cousin, and just smiled there, too lazy to continue to say anything.

"Cousin, what you said is really too strange. I really don't know what you mean by saying this, and I still don't understand it."

Bai Tang was right there as he spoke, and smiled guiltyly, for this matter, no matter what, he would never admit it here.

"You are still pretending here, I have already seen that your purpose this time is very not simple, and since this is the case, then you'd better tell me honestly what is going on, otherwise, this time I will It's definitely not going to be the end of it. I'm really angry about what happened at this time."

Bai Zhanxue smiled when he looked at this guy. He really didn't know what his purpose was now.But since he has already said so, it means that this matter is definitely not as simple as they thought.

"You'd better say it honestly, otherwise, I'll tell you, I really don't have such a good temper anymore, facing this matter."

Bai Zhanxue has become more and more indifferent when he sees that this guy has to pretend to be dark again and again. He really wants to see how long this guy wants to disguise.

(blank) [-]

"You also know that I have never been at home, but if you still don't want to say it now, I have a way for you to say it yourself, but at that time, if I already know it, then I think you are good Life shouldn't be easy, you better think about it."

When Bai Tang said this, he just took a deep breath.

...... 0

"I didn't know that I came back this time, because I ran out of money outside, so I thought of coming here and asking you for some money. Who knows that when I came back, I saw that old guy wanted to fight when he saw me. I, there is no way I can escape."

Bai Tang looked at the terrifying appearance of the people around him, and had no choice but to speak up.

"That old guy is really worthless. How could he beat me? He kept pulling me and couldn't do anything. In a hurry, I had to push him and I left. ."

Bai Zhanxue looked at his cousin, and his face became even more wrong. He didn't think that all these things really had something to do with him.

"What about the back?" Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 387 Disappearing

Bai Zhanxue really wanted to kill him now, but he also knew that he couldn't do it at this time.

"I ran away later. When I came back the next day, I found out that he was gone. When I looked at it at night, I found that she was already lying on the bed and had no breath."

Bai Tang took a deep breath when he said this.

"I just gave him a light kick that day. I don't think "[-]" until he died like this, and he died the next day. It's really none of my business."

When Bai Tang said this, Li Yan reminded him very seriously. He really didn't think about it at all. No matter what, he had to talk about it.

"I was worried, I was afraid that you would know, so I buried the old guy. Who knows, just when I carried the old guy out, he disappeared out of thin air. There is no way, I can only deceive like this. you guys."

Bai Tang took a deep breath when he said this. After all, this matter was really too strange. Even at this time, he really didn't know what was going on.

"And I really just pushed it gently. The old guy was so arrogant when he came back that day. How could he have lost his life so soon? I think this is really wrong."

Bai Tang also had some guilty conscience. He just came back and wanted some money. Who knew that such a thing would happen later.

Bai Zhanxue pinched her neck fiercely. He really didn't expect this matter to have anything to do with him. He was really angry about this matter. This guy was going too far.

"Cousin, I just want some money. The fact that grandma died has nothing to do with me, and I really don't know where grandma disappeared out of thin air."

Bai Tang was originally a timid person, so in such a situation, he really didn't know what to do, which was really strange.

"It turns out that you really did it. I'll just say, how could grandma do such a big thing for no reason? You are really despicable."

Bai Youmu had already hit him with a punch, and immediately became even more angry... 0 This guy is really despicable.

"I am going to kill you."

When Bai Youmu watched what his cousin was doing, he really had no ability at all, and only knew how to ask for money.

"Brother, don't be angry with him first, I think it's a bit strange, and like he said, grandma is usually in very good health, my cousin didn't do anything to him before, how could it be here? Suddenly there is no life, I think there is something wrong with this."

Bai Zhanxue hurriedly reminded after saying this, this thing does seem to be a little wrong, no matter what, it must be reminded well.

"That's right, I'm already going to bury the old guy from 4.2. Who knew he disappeared, don't you think it's strange?"

Bai Tang looked at them, and the two of them started talking very seriously. He also felt that something was wrong with this matter. No matter what, he had to talk about it properly.

"It's a little strange indeed."

Bai Youmu nodded when he said that.

Chapter 388 Xuan Xiaozi stops Bai Zhanxue

"It's useless to solve him. We still need him to take us to see where Grandma is not. Maybe we can find any clues by then."

"Yes, yes, cousin, if you just kill me like this, you won't be able to find grandma now."

"Okay, then I'll spare you, but I really want to see what you can do next."

Bai Youmu looked at this guy before nodding there. As for the others, he can't control so much now. Anyway, things have become like 30.

"But I advise you, you'd better not play tricks, I don't have that much patience."

Bai Youmu glanced at her cousin, and suddenly felt a little disappointed in him, what kind of person he is, and what he will do next, no one can guarantee it.So in such a situation, he must also be reminded.

"Cousin, will I deceive you? Of course what I said is true. You must believe me. I have never deceived you."

Bai Tang saw that the word had finally escaped the disaster, and he was relieved. He was a little worried. If he continued to stay here just now, it is very likely that he would have lost his life if he was not careful.

"Mr. Li explained, where are you going to bury your grandma?"

Bai Zhanxue glanced at it, and he said it very seriously, this matter is indeed something wrong, and since this is the case, then he still feels that it must be.Figure out that if there is any danger later, things will only get worse.

"It's in the woods on the west mountain."

Bai Tang saw that he no longer cared about himself, so he hurriedly said that he was not joking about this matter.

"But sister, do you think what this kid is saying now is deliberately deceiving us?"

Bai Youmu followed behind him, and still spoke anxiously.

"Cousin is usually stupid and timid when he does things. How could he have done other excessive things at this time, so don't worry, I believe he doesn't dare to do anything."

Bai Zhanxue looked at this guy and said it seriously. He was not joking about this matter. If something happened next, it would be really bad. In this case, he had to hurriedly A reminder or two, just in case there is trouble again.

"I said, you two don't look like you are suspicious of me here, all of what I'm saying now is the truth."

Bai Youmu looked at the appearance of this guy walking in front, stepped there and shook his head, no one can be sure whether what he said now is true or not.

"It's here that Grandma disappeared and 660 disappeared, and I searched many places and couldn't find Grandma."

Bai Zhanxue glanced at him and said it very seriously. He was not joking about this matter, so there is no guarantee what will happen next.

"This place can be regarded as our grave. How could grandma disappear here? This is too wrong. I think it's better to figure it out."

Bai Zhanxue looked at the surrounding environment, and then said seriously, there is indeed something wrong with this nearby thing, no matter what happened, she still has to figure it out, but this thing is really strange .

Chapter 389 Something is wrong

"I also felt something was wrong. After I moved it here that day, he suddenly disappeared, and I wanted to find her very much later, but I went around here and I didn't find him. Feeling that something is wrong, now you can't blame me here, I'm real. I've tried my best."

Bai Tang looked at the two of them with such serious expressions.He just said it very seriously. As for what happened, he is really unclear now. As for what will happen next, he doesn't want to worry about it so much.At this point, as long as you make it clear, you'll be fine.

"I've searched everywhere, but I really haven't found where my grandma is."

Bai Tang stayed aside and had to speak seriously. As for what happened this time, he really didn't know.

"Brother, do you see anything wrong with this? I took a look around here, and there seems to be nothing wrong here~¨."

Bai Zhanxue looked around for a while, staring at him seriously, this is too strange.

"If it's really like what he said, then it means that nothing happened to grandma this time. Let's look for it again, maybe we can find something, so don't worry too much."

Bai Youmu's eyes also became very serious.It was true that none of them could guess what was going on.That being the case, it's better to figure out a little bit, just in case any trouble arises again.

"Why did you two come here? If it wasn't for me, do you know what would go wrong? Hurry up and leave."

Xuan Xiaozi came over quickly, dragging the two of them to leave from here.

"Master, why are you here?"

Bai Zhanxue had already arranged a residence for the master, and he had let the master rest well. He didn't expect the master to appear here at this time, but he was a little surprised.

"This forest is full of evil spirits. If I show up later, the two of you will probably die. How could you choose to come to such a place? It's too dangerous here. In the future, you two will die. Better not come."

After Xuan Xiaozi came out, he seriously reminded him that he had already realized that there was a lot of trouble here, so he came here to help him in person. What will happen next.

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