"Sir, I think I'm just ignorant of my knowledge.

Chapter 405

At this time, I am afraid that I will live up to your expectations if I take over the position of the head. I absolutely cannot do this. "

Seeing him, Wang Ye hurriedly shook his head. This time, the incident was too sudden, making her unable to react for a while.

"You think anyone who wants to be Nagato can be, I think you are really good, that's why I think about recommending you, after all, I believe you should have heard that if you want to be the head, you have to go through three stages test."

Wang Ye saw that he actually refused, and only then did he deliberately use the aggressive method.

"Is this really possible?"

Qing Haoran saw that they had said so, so he asked in disbelief, this is indeed a bit strange.

"Of course, you have successfully become the head of the 683 faction by virtue of your own abilities. There is nothing wrong with this, so as long as you follow my arrangements, I believe that there will be no surprises in the future."

Qing Haoran only nodded at this time, he really wanted to give it a try.

Jiang Feng looked at the scene reflected by the plane that day, and his expression became more serious. No wonder he felt something was wrong before. It turned out to be the case.

"You go to the world, and during this time, you have to keep an eye on the Bai family."

Wang Zaiyu still didn't quite understand what the master meant now when he saw that the master suddenly said this.[-] "Blank"

"Master, didn't you just come back from there? Now you're going to the disciples again. I don't understand why you're staring at them."

Wang Zaiyu looked at the master like this, so he had to ask a little curiously, this is really not right.

"You go there. As for how to get in, that's your business. You can think about everything clearly at that time. Anyway, one thing has become like this now."

"Master, don't worry, this matter is left to me."

Wang Zaiyu saw that the master had already said so, and then nodded. As for the others, he had no other relationship with him.

"Is there any problem with this Bai Youmu?"

The great commander came over and looked at him before asking a little seriously. If there is really any problem with that person, I am afraid that things will only get worse in the future. No matter what, he must figure it out.

"No problem, I'll leave it to you with two people."

Jiang Feng glanced at Mo Xuan and Mo Xiu beside him, and he turned and left.


The great commander glanced at the two people before shaking his head. If you want to solve these two people, I am afraid it is really difficult.This time, he still has to figure it out. It happened easily, and it was unnecessary for me.

"Commander, where are our brothers cultivating?"

Mo Xuan did not expect that they could actually come to the Tiangong, and wanted to cultivate seriously here. I am afraid that things will be much easier in the future, just in case something happens again.

"I think you two have good talents. You will follow me from today and become the two guardians of the Tiangong, but you still need to learn too much."

The commander took a look at these two people. Their cultivation and combat power are indeed very good, and Tiangong just needs fresh blood.There's nothing wrong with adding the two of them in.

"Thank you, Commander."

Hearing what he said, Mo Xuan nodded. He really didn't expect that he could become a latecomer here in the future.

Chapter 406 Wang Zaiyu settled in the Bai family

"you are?"

Bai Youmu saw that another Taoist friend came in, and he stared at him curiously there. He really couldn't understand what this matter was.

"It's just that my master told me before that you seem to have some other troubles here that haven't been resolved clearly. I'm here to help you this time. You think there should be no problem."

When Wang Zaiyu said this to him, he had already become very high-profile. As for what the rest will be like, he doesn't want to care about it so much now, he just wants to take a good look at it. enough.

"Haven't everyone in Xishan been arrested, it means that there is no danger in our family. Please go back and tell Engong, our family does not need to visit Taoist friends for the time being."

Bai Youmu looked at what he said, and was also very polite.

"No, this time it was my master's request, so I think you still have to be careful. Besides, if there is really any accident here, what should I do at that time? Let me stay here. Let me check it out for you, what do you think?"

When Wang Zaiyu said this sentence, he couldn't refuse it at all. No matter what he said here, he had already decided, and he must stare at him here for a while, what trouble would it happen again.

"Well, in that case, thank you very much."

When Bai Youmu saw him appear, although he was still very unhappy in his heart, he could only talk there with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Don't worry, no matter what, let's keep a low profile here and see what will happen here, that's all, and you don't have to worry too much about the rest."

After Bai Youmu arranged for him to live here, although he was still very unhappy in his heart, he could only wait a little longer now.

"Didn't I ask you to kick them all to me? Why are they here again? What is the purpose of these people?"

Bai Xiong is too stupid to look at this guy. He has already handed it over, what should this guy do, but after that, he still doesn't seem to get this thing done.

(blank) [-]

"I've tried my best. Besides, Jiang Feng is such a powerful character. You don't have any idea in your heart. You can't handle it. You let me handle it, you're teasing me."

Bai Youmu became even more angry when he saw this guy. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have to waste too much time here.


"And you have seen it, even if I want to do something to him, do you think I have a chance to do it?"

Bai Xiong actually came to his house just a month ago, all of which can help him to gradually make his family better and better, and even let him cultivate an immortal.

Bai Youmu never liked these things. Who would have thought that this old man threatened his own back. He also felt that if this old man could help him and carry forward their family better and better, it would be good for him. An impossible thing.

He just chose to cooperate with him. Who knew that he actually moved his grandma, so all of this was deliberately planned by them Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 407 Doubt

However, the only thing they didn't plan for was that Jiang Feng would actually appear here, so this matter still made him a little unexpected, no matter what, this matter must be figured out first.

"Anyway, you can just do as I say. Don't forget that all of this is actually what we all planned. If there is any danger in the future, you should know what it will be like. I don't want to remind you of the "six eight seven" consequences, but it's a fact."

Bai Youmu had to choose silence when he said it, and he could only choose to agree to what he said.

"Wang Zaiyu has come here, which means that he must have already begun to doubt us, so you think we can do something at this time, I don't think it's realistic."

Bai Youmu also wanted to quit, but with this guy's attitude now, if he quit at this time, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy.

"Do as I said and solve it. Don't worry, I have injected temporary spells into you. You have spells now. Anyway, we both cooperate with each other, and there is nothing wrong with our relationship. it is good."

Bai Youmu looked at him for a moment, and then reminded very seriously that if something happened later, it would only be more troublesome. No matter what, this must be said.

"You asked me to kill him, are you kidding me? He is my sister's benefactor, and he rescued my grandma at the beginning. Now that you ask me to do this, I really think you are going too far."

Bai Xiong grabbed her neck at once.

"Do whatever I ask you to do. You remember it for me. At this time, you have no right to refute it at all."

Bai Youmu smashed his mouth, this person is really too terrifying, no matter what, at this time, he had to hurriedly say it, just in case there is any danger again.

Zhao Ming came to Lihua Island and found that Bai Xiong had left.

"I have already given you a chance, the purpose is to hope that you will know your mistake. But this time, you have let me down so much."

Zhao Ming thought he could learn to be smarter. Who knew that he would lose like this this time. Even if he said more about this kind of thing, it really didn't need that much. Thinking about it, I still feel a little bit. Speechless... 0

"World Honored, why are you here?"

Just as Zhao Ming turned around, he saw that the World Honored One was standing behind him at some point.

"This old man is really obsessed. We have given them so many opportunities. I really didn't expect that he has already reached this point, and he still refuses to admit his mistakes."

The World Honored shook his head, obviously very disappointed with him.

"He went to the human world, I'm afraid it will bring us some unnecessary troubles, I'm afraid it will be really bad on the tenth."

When the World Honored said this, he reminded very solemnly that if there is any trouble again, it will only become more dangerous 4.2.

"Many of the ideas that Bai Xiong shared with each other have long been ingrained. If you tell him something at this time, I'm afraid he won't listen to it, so I think since we have already reached this point, we should try our best. ."

Zhao Ming has been cultivating seriously for so many years, and he doesn't have too many plans, but for this matter, he must think about it first, just in case trouble happens again.

Chapter 408 Publishing Tasks

"Go find him and see if you can stop him."

After the World Honored said these words, the person had disappeared, and he had no idea what would happen next.

In fact, Jiang Feng found out that something was wrong before he came back. However, if other sects didn't do things, of course, everyone would not believe that they could really cultivate immortals.

Since Bai Xiong is going to cause trouble, he should just wait here.

"You keep an eye on them, remember, don't let these 30 guys do unnecessary things."

Jiang Feng gave Wang Zaiyu a sound transmission from thousands of miles. He knew exactly what kind of role this guy was. It seemed that Buddhism was going to cause trouble after all.

"It turns out that you already guessed it was them. I thought you didn't know about it before."

The great commander just discovered it. I really didn't expect that Buddhism, he thought he would keep a low profile for the time being. It seems that this time he really thought about this sect too much and didn't think about keeping a low profile at all.

"Since you already know it, then you understand what to do. Don't worry, this matter will be left to me, and they won't be able to do anything to us at that time."

Jiang Feng also felt that the world was getting more and more boring. If there were no other sects to fight with him, he would have directly become the master in this cultivation world, and he would have no meaning at all.

"I hope Buddhism can really do what they can this time. If they really do something excessive, I will never let him go."

The Great Commander came out of this retreat because of this family, so under such a situation, how could he give up so vainly? He must find a way to solve it.

"Don't worry, everything is under control, you can just monitor a little bit."

Jiang Feng is a little curious. In this world, many of these Buddhism and various sects have actually been established with each other, but they have to fight in various ways. He really does not think it is much interesting. .

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

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