The great commander nodded after seeing him, as long as this matter is true, as for the rest, it has nothing to do with him.

"Master Yudao, you have been living in my house for so many days, do you think you can leave? I think you have already seen that nothing happened to me here. Since this is the case. , can you go now?"

Seeing that he has been here for so long, Bai Youmu is still very unhappy in his heart, and he doesn't know how long this guy will have to wait here. 690 is really annoying.

"No, no, your Xishan is full of evil spirits. Although the door has been blocked, there may be more accidents around here. Besides, my master is also doing this for your own good, why do you have any opinions? "

Bai Youmu saw that he was still there, it had been a week, but he had reminded himself countless times here, which was enough to show that he was indeed a little guilty.

"That's not what I meant. If you want to stay here, then you can stay here. I'm just afraid that you will have something to do in the realm of self-cultivation. That's why I say that." .

Chapter 409 Nodding

Bai Youmu smiled awkwardly when he said this.

Wang Zaiyu saw that he had already said so, and then nodded there. As long as he said so, then the next thing would not be a problem at all, which was also good for him.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you take everything away before I leave. I am a competent person, so you don't have to worry too much."

Bai Youmu was about to turn black at this time, but this guy still looked like nothing had happened.

"Okay, then I'll go first if you stay here first."

Bai Youmu said that the person has already left. He stayed there this time, and he felt that something was getting more and more wrong, so no matter what at this time, he didn't know what to say.

"I can't help it. He is so powerful. Besides, the other party is the apprentice of the master of the cultivation world. I will drive him away. What do you want me to do?"

Bai Youmu looked at this guy. This guy was also a member of their Bai family back then, but he never saw him again after he entered Buddhism. It surprised him that he appeared here this time.

Bai Youmu also chose to stay with him because he believed what he said, but how could he think that this person is doing things more and more too much now, even if he wants to say something at this time Nothing is easy anymore.

"Since he can't be driven away, then kill him. Besides, people in the world have already believed that there really exists their cultivation world in the world, so why don't you want others to believe in Buddhism? I'm here this time. , the purpose is for this matter, so you do it well for me, remember, don't let me down."

Bai Youmu looked at this guy before shaking his head.

"Boss, you mean that the Li family at the foot of the mountain, their family members are asking for the blessing of the gods, and the youngest son of his family needs our help this time. We want them to believe in Xiu Immortal world?"

Xu Beibei saw that the boss had chosen to start releasing the task, and they had all been free for a long time.If this can really be solved.It really couldn't be better for them, just in case there was another trouble.

"That's right, only you can do this now. I believe that you won't let me down on this matter. You should already go down the mountain to experience the experience, otherwise the cultivation base will always be there. How could this be?"

Xu Beibei looked at them and said seriously, he was not joking about this incident, and since that was the case, he must talk about it now.

"々' Let them believe in the words of immortals. Of course, this is a very simple thing, but you can leave it to me and my senior sister."

Xu Beibei saw that the bosses had already issued tasks to them in person, which was of course the best for her. As for his (Wang Nuo's), they would just wait here. , and the rest have nothing to do with them.

"But this time, people from Buddhism will also go there. I am a family member here, and every sect will visit. However, these individuals are only under the pretense, and there is no way to cure his son. The purpose is very simple, it is to make them believe that our gods can help them heal, as for how to make them believe, it depends on your own ability.”.

Chapter 410 Zhaoming's Weakness

Xu Beibei nodded, it seems that this time there is still a long way to go.

"Okay, let's go."

Jiang Feng watched them leave before coming to the back mountain, where Mo Xiu and Mo Xuan were already cultivating.

"See the palace master!"

Seeing him coming, Mo Xuan also spoke very politely.

"You don't have to be so polite to me. Do you know if anything happened when you were cultivating in Xishan?"

Of course, Jiang Feng knew clearly that these two brothers were being used, and they were both stupid. Very, such a simple matter, the latter is completely unclear.Now I just have to ask carefully.

"We don't know. In fact, we have practiced there for so many years, and we just think that the devilish energy there is good. We never thought of harming living beings, because one day we heard someone say that the Bai family's The old lady is full of demonic nature, and is about to die, if we can pull him to practice, it will be a great benefit to our two brothers."

Mo Xiu looked at him and said seriously.

Jiang Feng laughed when he heard what he said. It seems that this was already prepared. I didn't expect these guys to be really despicable. The plan was made, but he didn't know it before. As long as he thought of this, he felt a little uncomfortable. It turned out to be the case.

"Okay, I get it."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Feng of course understood, what happened this time, and since that was the case, there was nothing wrong with him taking a good look there first.

"Would you like me to take you to see it? After all, this time, I'm afraid it's a little more troublesome than we thought."

Seeing that he suddenly asked about this matter, Mo Xuan knew that it seemed that the matter this time was not so simple. In this case, he still had to figure it out first, just in case.

Six-nine-eight-nine-two-five-eight-five-zero "blank" "No need, you two brothers can practice well here."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he turned and left.

Of course, he knew that although the World Honored had not come to deal with this matter, this matter was probably a little more troublesome than they imagined. He really did not expect these guys to be so despicable.

Bai Xiong knew that a person with such a deep obsession would be so obedient to admit his mistake. It turned out to be such a thing, but it made him a little unexpected.

"Bai Xiong, how long will you be wrong again? I've already told you this so clearly, but why can't you understand it?"

Zhao Ming came to the world and found that he actually started to use other people again, and suddenly he didn't quite understand what this person was thinking.This is really annoying.

"I don't think what you said before is really reasonable. I'm not here to watch it now. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Why don't you have an opinion?"

Zhao Ming looked at this guy, how long has it been, and he still has the heart to say such a thing, he is really watching the fun, and he doesn't think it's a big deal.

"Can you stop making trouble, I asked you to come here to take a look before, not because how did this matter get into your mouth, and all the situation changed?".

Chapter 411

Zhao Ming's original intention was to let him come here to see a series, everyone in this world has something they believe in, but this guy seems to have deliberately misinterpreted his meaning.

"I think it's pretty good, there's no problem. Since the World Honored One is unwilling to do this, and no matter what he does, he's timid, so let me handle it now, and I don't think there's any problem with it."

Zhao Ming glanced at him and reminded solemnly, as for what will happen next, she doesn't want to close it now, and this time it is really not that simple for them.

"You're just making a fool of yourself, can you please stop~?"

Zhao Ming watched this guy not only kill himself, but even kill their Buddhism.

"My decision has been made. Why, do you want to fight against me? You have figured it out clearly, but the two of us joined Buddhism together. Don't forget your own surname."

Bai Xiong didn't want to break it, but what this guy did really made him angry. If he continued to wait, I'm afraid this person would only stop him more and more.That being the case, he still felt that it was more and more unnecessary.

"You are really going too far."

Zhao Ming has been deliberately hiding his identity, but he didn't expect that at this time, this guy actually said that to himself directly. I'm afraid it's a little bit unacceptable for this kind of thing.

"If you're stopping me, don't forget what you did to get into Buddhism. Don't think that you are pretending to be a good person, and you can make up for it. Don't forget."

Zhao Ming thought about what happened back then. Hearing him say this, his expression became more and more wrong. What he said now is also the truth.

"I won't stop you, so you want to watch you kill the World Honored One?"

Zhao Ming looked at him like this, and his expression became more and more wrong. What he was doing now was really too much.

"I've never said such a thing, but I'm just doing it for his great cause. Look at these people now, some of them don't believe in gods and Buddhas, and even if they believe in them, they're all people in the realm of self-cultivation. Captured, does this still have our Buddhist position?"

(blank) [-]

Of course, Bai Xiong knew that even if the boss didn't let her do it, she had to do it. Otherwise, what was the use of what he had planned so carefully for so many years, it would be very disappointing.

"Anyway, you'd better not stop me. You should know what the consequences of that incident will be. I'm afraid you won't be able to stand between Buddhism and the realm of self-cultivation. The reason why I have been To help you hide it, it's because you have the same surname as me, Bai."

...... 0

After Bai Xiong said this, he sneered, turned and left with the Buddha shovel in his hand.

Zhao Ming suddenly became a little speechless when he saw that he had left. Of course what he said was the truth. As long as he thought about the events of the past, he still felt that he didn't know what to do. After all There are some things, as long as you do something wrong, there is no way to make up for it. He really regrets it very much, but he is a little helpless. Eight.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 412 Competition for the Li Family

"I said that you are true. If I hadn't discovered it in time, would you have entered the realm of self-cultivation? Your ancestors have believed in Buddhism for generations, but your younger sister has become a cultivator. Isn't this a public slap in the face?"

Bai Xiong was angry on the other side, and he was even more angry with Zidu. After all, this incident really made him feel very faceless.

"[-]" "I said, my sister has wanted to cultivate immortals since she was a child, so there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Bai Youmu saw that the old man was so old-fashioned at this time, so he said it very seriously. As for the rest, it has nothing to do with himself. No matter what, he still must say it carefully, Just in case something else happens, it's only going to get worse.

"You are clearly slapping your face. If I didn't find out in time, have you ever thought about the consequences? After this incident, I was really disappointed, and I don't even know what to say. How are you?"

Bai Youmu stared at this guy more and more indifferently. Regarding this incident, he still felt that he had to give a good warning, just in case.

"Last time, your sister already noticed something wrong with you, but you dare to appear here this time. I think you are really good at it."

When Bai Youmu said this, he lowered his head even more reluctantly. As for what will happen next, he really doesn't know what to do. As long as you take a good look, that's right. .

"I've already said that, my bottom line is that you are not allowed to touch my sister. Since you all understand that you are a member of our family, then you should know what the consequences will be if you touch my sister. , I really don't have a good temper, I am willing to listen to you now."

Seeing how excited he was, Bai Xiong knew that what he said just now was indeed a bit heavy, so he smiled there.

"I also know that you are more honest now, but you'd better learn to be smarter, there are some things you should do and some things you shouldn't do, I think you should know, don't let me down by doing something in the end Yes, then I will be very angry, you must be smart... 0"

"By the way, this time I will go to the Li family in person. This family is quite powerful. If we can make them all in Fengcheng, then it may not be a good thing for us. , I think you should know how to do this, and I don't need to say anything more."

Bai Youmu saw that he finally stopped staring at himself with all his goals, so he nodded there.

"Don't worry, of course I will believe everything you said this time, so you can rest assured that there will be no more accidents this time, you don't have to worry."

Bai Youmu glanced at him in 4.2, and then hurriedly said, this person staring at him again and again here really makes him very annoyed. As long as he can leave quickly, what he wants to do next Anything is relatively simple.

"If that's the case, then you'd better be honest."

Bai Xiong said that he was ready to leave.

Chapter 413 Buddhist Elders

"You are?"

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