"How could this be, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Hao Jian looked at the contents of the letter, and suddenly couldn't believe it.

"I've told you, you have to believe me if I have something, and you have to keep pestering me. Now that it has become like this, you should be happy."

Xiao Yaoxian saw that this guy was really about to be pissed off by him, he couldn't say anything, this person was really too much.

"I really don't know. If I had known earlier, of course I would not have done it."

Hao Jian saw that she was there, and smiled with a guilty conscience. This time, he really knew something was wrong.

"You know what's the use of being wrong. Now this situation can't go back at all."

Of course Hao Jian knew how dangerous it was. If something happened, things would only get worse for her, so he had to figure it out.

"We can't enter the Tiangong now, but since we can't enter, what should we do?"

Of course Hao Jian knew about such an important matter. Whether it was true or false, he must inform Tiangong that they could not solve such a problem at all.

"What else can we do? We can only go to Lihua Island in advance, and then we may be able to know what happened."

Xiaoyaoxian looked at the people who couldn't see the Tiangong, and he also understood that this was the only way to do it now.

"Junior sister, it's almost the third day, but I don't think you've been at home the whole time. What are you doing? I haven't seen you for two days."

(blank) [-]

Wu Yating knocked on the door of the junior sister's room. It was already the second day, and the three-day deadline was coming soon, but they didn't seem to have found any symptoms, so they were even more worried at this time.

"Junior sister, we still have to find the antidote for the young master. Come out quickly."

...... 0 0

Wu Yating found that there was still no sound in the room, and suddenly became a little more anxious. He was getting more and more worried about what happened next.

"You dare to come out quickly, you have been hiding inside, it's useless, we don't hurry to find the antidote, don't you want to save him?"

Wu Yating kept patting the door, but there was still no sound in the room, which made him feel a little strange, and kicked the room open immediately, who knew that there was nothing in the room.

"Junior sister, where are you?"

Wu Yating searched every corner of the room, but still couldn't find where the junior sister was. Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 422 Despicable and shameless Bai Xiong

"Oops, I won't get caught."

"I think you're about to be arrested."

Wu Yating turned around and saw Wang Hezi standing not far away.

"Why are you such an annoying bastard again? What do you want to do? This is where I live. You have the ability to run in where I live. Are you still human? You."

Wu Yating and Jiang Feng saw him last time, so naturally "Seven Zero Zero" knows him now, but just looking at this guy, he is still a little unhappy, what is the purpose of this person?He is already very clear, no matter what, he can only give a good warning.

"I'm here, I think you should be very clear, why, do I have to tell you something, do you understand, what is the antidote to rescue the young master?"

Wang Hezi looked at the girl and reminded him very seriously. If he didn't say it this time, it would be absolutely impossible to leave here. No matter what, he must remind him well.

"You guys are really disgusting. You actually chose to cheat at this time. Everyone just depends on their ability. Is it too much for you to do such a thing now?"

Wu Yating looked at the fact that this guy still wanted to cheat on the spot, and she said in disbelief, this person is really too much.

"I didn't say that you couldn't cheat. Besides, I'm just friendly now. I just want to ask you where that person is. I think there should be no problem."

Wang Hezi looked at this guy and laughed there.

"If you tell me quickly, I can spare your life. If you don't tell me, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave here this time. By the way, what about your junior sister? Why didn't I see her? ?"

Wang Hezi searched this room for a while, and then laughed meaningfully there.As for what happened this time, he also wanted to take a look.

"It wasn't there."

Wang Hezi said and directly tied him up.

"It's the same thing to catch you anyway."

Wu Yating saw that he was suddenly tied up by this guy. If he wanted to leave here, it was really getting harder and harder, so he had to watch more seriously what this guy wanted to do. ... 0

"Master, I have already captured the person, don't worry, this time we will win."

After Wang Hezi came back, he took a look, and it was even more strange that Luo Yimo was not there.

"Protection right, why are you here?"

Wang Hezi saw that the elder Bai Xiong actually appeared here, which means that this time things may not be very simple.That being the case, he just asked carefully.

"Why can't I be in this 4.2, and you are considered to be relatively smart, you are rich, and you have not followed me. It is simply stupid, starting from today, I will be your master, you will listen to me from now on. Just the command form."

Of course, Wang and Zi are still a little unclear about what they are like now, no matter what, he must take a good look at it, and there will be other troubles at the back of the province.

Chapter 423 The Old Man

"Say, where did that junior sister catch you, it seems that it is really useless at all."

Bai Xiong looked at Wu Yating, this girl didn't seem to have any ability except for the live broadcast with her mobile phone every day. In this case, she really wanted to see if this person could still do it.Enough to do?

"You old man, I have already guessed before. You must be incompetent. I didn't expect it to be like this. You are so shameless."

Bai Xiong only shook his head after watching this guy for 30 years. For this one incident, it really surprised him. No matter what else happened, he really wanted to see how many people there were. ability.

"What nonsense are you talking about here, I just want to come and ask you, if you don't want to say it, then forget it."

Bai Xiong was suddenly struck by such a junior, and suddenly he didn't dare to continue to stare at him.

"If you want to win us, you can just use an open and honest method to win us. It's really shameless to use such a method."

Bai Xiong didn't think anything was wrong when he saw the girl say this, he just laughed.

"To deal with people like you, I only need to use this despicable method. What's the use of using some other methods?"

Bai Xiong said this because he was a little unsure. No matter what, he really wanted to take a look. In this case, he had to remind him just in case.

"It's so despicable."

Wu Yating saw what the old guy wanted to ask him all the time, and then she said it seriously. As for this time, if he still wanted to remind him, he really didn't think it was necessary.

"If you don't say yes, you will just wait here obediently. Anyway, as long as you don't show up tomorrow, I'll see what you can do when the time comes."

Bai Xiong sneered as he said, "I'll find his junior sister soon, absolutely cannot let his junior sister appear tomorrow."

Wu Yating was trapped in this room and wanted to continue struggling, but she couldn't.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find her, don't worry."

Wang Hezi nodded, and the people had already left.

After Luo Yimo returned home, he saw that his apprentice actually ate a plate of food and took refuge in the right guardian, and suddenly said in disbelief, this is really too strange, no matter what, He must also figure it out.

"Why did you take refuge with that person? Do you know that if you take refuge with him, you will have 700 consequences? I have already washed my hands with gold, why do you still do this?"

Wang Hezi laughed when the master said this.

"Isn't it bad for the master to follow him? But why did you suddenly choose to go in the opposite direction for no reason? I don't think there is anything wrong with the things that the right protector does, so of course I am willing to follow him."

Wang Hezi looked at the master's appearance, and shook his head helplessly there. This time, he still had to take a look at it first, just in case.

"Since you've already made up your mind, I don't want to say anything. In short, you can take care of yourself this time."

Chapter 424

Luo Yimo looked at him, and felt a little disappointed with his apprentice. As for what happened this time, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with him now.

"You're right. Since you've already thought so, I don't care so much. You can do it yourself."

When Luo Yimo said this, he shook his head at her. As for the other thing, he really doesn't want to care about it now.

"I hope this time things can be like what you said. After all, this time, it's really not that simple for us. We still have to figure it out anyway."

After Wang and Zi said goodbye to him, they had already chosen to leave. As for the other matter, it really had nothing to do with him.

"Xiaoyaoxian, don't you think there is something strange around here? Why do I feel that something is wrong?"

Hao Jian looked at the surrounding environment and said in disbelief that this was really wrong.

"How could it be? I always feel that this matter is not as simple as we think~¨."

They just stood aside and said this very seriously. As for this time, he could only take a good look at it first, just in case.

"Since it's all here, where's the reason to back down now?"

Xiao Yaoxian looked at this guy and couldn't help but gave him a roll of eyes. This time the incident was created by him. I didn't expect him to follow him here, but he was still so timid and fearful, and he was speechless for a while. up.It's not just what this guy thinks, as for the other thing, it doesn't matter to him.

"Let's think of a way first. There is fog everywhere. I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave here."

Xiaoyaoxian saw that every time he entered here, it became very troublesome. If he wanted to leave from here, the situation became more and more dangerous, and this matter was even worse for them.

"What are you doing here?"

The World Honored just came out and saw these two guys sneaking around here. He came here to see what would happen, but when this person came here, it is estimated that the situation is not quite right.

"We just want to take a look, World Honored, why are you in such a place alone?"

Xiao Yaoxian asked more curiously when he saw that he was actually staying here. It seems that this matter is not as easy as they thought, no matter what, he must understand it first, just in case.

"々' It's nothing, but I think this place must be destroyed. Bai Xiong has been doing other things here before, and now is the time to end it."

The World-Honored One took a look, and these two guys (Zhao's) suddenly stopped joking with him.No matter what, he must go and take a good look first. As for this time, I am afraid it has become more and more troublesome.

"So that's it, are you really sure there's nothing wrong here?"

Xiaoyao first saw that he seemed to have nothing, and then asked a little more strangely.No matter what happened this time, he had to figure it out.

Chapter 425

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