"I said it all, there's really no problem, why don't you believe me?"

The World Honored of course knew that these two guys might have been arranged by Jiang Feng to come here to stare at him.

"Then if it's really nothing, we'll go first."

Hao Jian looked at Xiao Yaoxian who was still there, staring at him a little strangely. He had to shake his head and it wasn't worth what this guy was thinking about. No matter what, he must be reminded.

"Why did you pull me away just now? Why do I think this is really not right."

Xiao Yaoxian stood aside, and now he has some doubts that it might be his brother who was deliberately deceiving him.

"Brother, this is the dignified World Honored One, are you teasing me here now? If he annoyed him, he accidentally did something excessive to you 700, what should I do, why don't you even think about it? Woolen cloth?"

Hao Jian shook his head after looking at this guy. He had to kindly remind him about this matter. If there was another accident, it would be bad.

"That senior brother of yours is unreliable. I have already told you. Fortunately, this letter has not been handed over to Tiangong. Otherwise, there will be another misunderstanding."

Hao Jian looked at him and immediately gave him a roll of eyes. How could this matter be so easy? In this case, he had to take a good look first, just in case there was another trouble.

[-] "Blank" "How could it be like this. This is really something I never imagined."

Xiao Yaoxian really regretted it very much, he actually foolishly believed in his brother's flowers again and again.

"Okay, there is only Master here alone. Even if you continue to stay here, I don't think there will be any consequences. You should not worry too much here."

Hao Jian glanced at him and said seriously, as for what happened this time, he really didn't want to close it again, so he could only talk to him very seriously.

"As you can see, there is really no problem here, so your senior brother, I really think it is necessary to teach him a good lesson, otherwise, this guy doesn't know how he will do it even more in the future."

Hao Jian patted him on the shoulder, and the man had already left.

When Xu Beibei returned to the house, he didn't see Wu Yating. Seeing that the house had already become chaotic, he felt that it might not be as easy as he thought.

"Sister, where are you?"

Xu Beibei searched everywhere and couldn't find him, and suddenly felt that something really happened to him.

"Why are you so useless? The three days have come, and we still haven't found that guy."

Bai Xiong watched the man under his command go out for a trip, and he couldn't find where that man was in just one day after he came back?

"Although Xu Beibei was so arrogant last time, I think he must have no ability, so I think we will win this time, and we will definitely be able to get the support of their family."

Bai Youmu only shook his head when he saw that he was making such a fuss.

"What are you talking about, how can this matter be so simple, in short, you have to be careful about everything."

Bai Xiong looked at this guy with such a big heart, so he spoke very seriously there.As for this time, she didn't want to worry too much about it.

"Okay, let's figure it out, but uncle, I really think it's better to stop sometimes.".

Chapter 426

Bai Youmu looked at the appearance of his uncle using this matter to threaten him again and again, and then hurriedly said.

"It's no wonder that after so many years, you are just guarding this point that has been handed down from generation to generation, and the family business has no prospects at all. It's okay, just watch me here and go."

Bai Xiong shook his head after seeing what he said, and suddenly felt a little disappointed in him. What he is doing now makes people feel that it is a bit too much.

"Brother, it's really you!"

Bai Zhanxue suddenly came out, looking at what the elder brother said now, he was a little more disappointed.How did he not think that the big brother would be such a character?

"Little sister, haven't you already gone back, why did you appear here inexplicably?"

Bai Youmu still couldn't believe it when she looked at the little sister, and she was indeed a little surprised that the little sister suddenly appeared here, and her expression suddenly became more and more wrong.

"Brother, I thought you were getting more and more wrong before, but I didn't care so much at that time. I didn't expect that you really did this, why would you do this, our family is so peaceful now Get along~ Isn't it good?"

Bai Youmu quickly lowered his head when he saw his younger sister questioning him like this, and now her younger sister suddenly asked him this question, she really didn't know what to say.

"Brother, do you know that it's really easy to disappoint you like this."

In fact, Bai Zhanxue has not gone back since the last time. He has been secretly staying in the family's backyard, silently cultivating, and at the same time, he wants to see clearly, what is the plan behind his brother?

"How did Bai Xiong enter the realm of self-cultivation back then? Actually, I think you should be well aware of it. Why did you become a little confused at this time?"

Bai Youmu looked at it, and he had no choice but to shake his head there. As for this one thing, I'm afraid it's not good for him. No matter what, he must go and ask carefully. Hope he can figure it out.

"Sister, I really need someone's help. Besides, I don't think there's anything wrong with me staying here. He is our uncle. If we can let him cooperate with us, I feel very happy. OK."

(blank) [-]

Bai Youmu looked at him for a moment, and then started talking seriously. As for what happened this time, he could only talk about it carefully, just in case other dangers appeared again. Not a good thing for them.

...... 0 ...

"I've already said it, since you are still holding such an attitude, then there is no need for us to continue getting along here. Brother, you are really disappointing."

Bai Youmu looked at the way her sister said that, so she wanted to say something there, but she couldn't say a word.

"You are so deliberate, with the cultivation world, do you know what the consequences will be when you arrive at the back? As for what happened this time, why can't you understand? I have already told you so. Seriously."

"Little sister, this is the last time I will help my uncle, and I will not continue after this last time.

Chapter 427 The crisis is coming!

"Do something more, so please believe me this time."

Bai Youmu looked at him for a moment, and hurriedly said there.As for what will happen this time, he can only talk about it properly, just in case there is trouble.

"Xu Beibei and the others are my classmates no matter what. I absolutely can't watch "Seven Zero Three" take Uncle Bai to deal with them, and he still uses such a despicable method."

Bai Zhanxue looked at the others and turned to leave.

The Lee family—

Bai Xiong saw that it was almost noon, and the people from the cultivation world still hadn't come, so he sneered there.Sure enough, something must have happened to this guy, otherwise how could he be?It's not here for some reason. Thinking of this, he felt a little funny.

"Patriarch Li, I don't think the other party will come. In that case, let's go first."

Although Bai Xiong could not guarantee that this young master's illness would be cured this time, he dared to guarantee that the young master's condition would never recur within a year.

"People in the cultivation world, I think something must have happened. Otherwise, they don't seem to be the ones who will break their appointments. It seems that they won't come this time."

Bai Xiong felt very comfortable in his heart.

"In that case, let's get started."

Seeing that they still didn't come, Li Yang nodded. As for the rest, he doesn't want to take care of it anymore. It's really not bad for them, so let's take a look first. , and then make a decision.

"Wait a minute, who said it won't come, it's just a step late."

Bai Zhanxue suddenly appeared at the door at this time.

"Xue'er? What are you doing here, shouldn't you just stay and cultivate? This is not the place you should come, so hurry back."

Bai Xiong looked at her niece, and he actually wanted to come here to cause trouble this time, so he quickly reminded him that he would never allow her niece to continue talking nonsense here.

"Uncle is really thanked for your advice. I turned out to be a person from the cultivation world, so of course I have to do my part for the cultivation world... 0 is also right for those little actions that my uncle did in the back. ."

Bai Zhanxue looked at him, this uncle was really annoying, if it wasn't for him, the eldest brother wouldn't be bad all of a sudden.

"Xue'er, what do you mean? I'm your uncle. Of course I won't hurt you. What you're saying now makes me a little confused."

Bai Xiong smiled awkwardly when he said that, feeling a little bit for a while.There is no room for pride.

"What I mean, you should know clearly in your heart. I'm really, really sorry, Patriarch Li, I'm here on April 4.2nd, but I believe Senior Sister Xu should be here soon."

Bai Zhanxue laughed when she saw them.

Bai Xiong was so angry that his teeth were itching now, but he could only hold back forcibly. He had known for a long time that this girl would definitely come to sabotage his important affairs, but he never thought that she would actually appear here.

“Since you are all here, let’s get started.”.

Chapter 428

Patriarch Li saw that there was such an obvious fight between them. He didn't bother to care so much. He just hoped that they could solve this matter as soon as possible. That's enough.

"Ling Lang's condition is actually curable. As long as he eats the elixir that is unique to Buddhism in my discipline, it will be immune to all poisons in the future."

In order to gain the support of this family this time, Bai Xiong has already worked hard for such a medicinal pill. In fact, if mortals take it, they will live longer.It's only been a year, but now he knows that it's just a stopgap solution, and he also praises Qian for not finding a good solution.

"Uncle, it's not right for you to lie like this, you elixir, you have the ability to eat it yourself, I think you should start from the root, not the elixir, you can solve it, you just need to stick the elixir After eating it, I am willing to believe you, but if you don’t dare to eat it yourself, don’t lie here.”

Bai Xiong's face turned blue and white for a while, and he really did not expect that this guy would be so rude to him now, so he had to laugh a little embarrassedly, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Uncle, this kind of elixir has already been very worthless. Besides, what age is this, and you still use this kind of thing to deceive people, it's really too much."

When Bai Xiong said this, his expression became more and more wrong. No matter what he said, he still had to go and understand it first. This time, things may not be easy.

"You don't dare to eat it yourself, and you dare to give it to others."

Li Yang just sat there, looking at what happened this time, it surprised him.I really never thought that a Buddhist would actually be such a character, which is really unthinkable.

"Okay, I see Buddhism this time, I really thank you for your help, but now that everything is almost ready, if you come here to help, I really can't help or anything. In that case, Then you should go."

Li Yang did not expect that this guy would actually use such a method to deal with them.This is absolutely not allowed, no matter what, he must also remind.

"Thank you for this immortal friend. If it wasn't for you, my son's illness wouldn't be healed so quickly."

Li Yang watched his son wake up after a while, and then said hurriedly there. This time, what happened this time really surprised him a little. No matter what, he must hurriedly take a look. What's going on here.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a matter of hand labor. 703."

Bai Zhanxue has learned medical skills for so long, and this is the first time he has come here, and he has also helped others to cure him, which is already a very good thing for him.As for the others, he didn't want to close them any more, just in case.

"Thank you for this girl."

After the young master woke up, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that he really had nothing to do. Otherwise, he was a little worried about what would happen this time.

"Okay, if there is no problem, then I will go first, you can do it yourself.".

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