"Senior, why are you staying here all the time, it seems that something is not right, is there something wrong?"

Bai Xiong saw what kind of food her brother was, and asked seriously there. His attitude now is indeed a little strange. After this point, he still felt that he had to figure it out.

"It's nothing, I just think this thing is a bit strange, so now I want to see what's going on."

Mina saw that this old man already felt that something was wrong. He smiled there. If she already felt that something was wrong, then it means that this time, things will probably only get worse. Okay, after that, he has to make it clear too.

They just stood aside and laughed, if it wasn't for this one thing, 830, how could he be staying here now?After this point, he has already determined it a long time ago, it's just a specific thing, it's not very easy to say.

Mina looked at it, and then he shook his head there. If it weren't for these things, how could he stay now?So after this point, no matter what, this must be talked about first, so as to save trouble at the end.

Jiang Feng just stood aside and laughed. If it weren't for these things, how could he be staying here now?After this point, it must be said.

Chapter 510 Jiang Feng Layout

"What's so strange about this, I don't quite understand."

Mina laughed when he said this. He really felt that something was not right about this matter. Faced with this, he must go and talk about it first, and then come out later. things.

Jiang Feng just stayed aside and became helpless.

If it weren't for this situation, he wouldn't be waiting now.

"Qing Haoran and the others have been out for a long time. What I'm worried about is that there is an accident this time."

Jiang Feng just shook his head. If it wasn't for this situation, how could he stay?Faced with this, this is really not easy to deal with.

"Didn't they have a rest?"

Jiang Feng shook his head at his guess. If it weren't for this, how could he continue to stay now?So after this time, this must be understood first.

"I'll take a look at it~¨."

Mina believed in this old man very much. As long as he said, he completely believed it, so after this point, if something really happened, then of course he thought it must be true.

"Then let's take a good look first. Although I'm still not sure about one thing this time, I think it's better for you to take a look."

Mina laughed twice when he said that. If it weren't for these things, how could he bring it with him now?

"Senior, why do you seem to know everything? This really makes me curious about you. What is your identity?"

Mina looked at it, and he said it seriously there. If it weren't for this matter, how could he stay here now? Yunnan has passed through this, so I must go and figure it out first. , to save the trouble later.

"Regardless of this matter, what is going on now, in short, you can just do as I said. We are indeed still in the face of this time, and we don't know."

Jiang Feng turned into this old man, and smiled there. If it weren't for this matter, how could he stay here now?After this situation, this must be made clear.

"々' In short, in any case, this time, you should do as I said. Under the next thing, it is indeed difficult for us to deal with many situations."

They just stayed on the side and said seriously, if it wasn't for this matter, how could he stay there now?As for the other thing, this must be made clear.

"Strange, where did they go (money is good)? Didn't they all still exist before?"

After Mina came to the place where he lived, he saw that he didn't find anyone, and he felt that something was wrong. If it wasn't for this matter, how could he stay here now?For this situation, this must be said first.

"Look around."

Jiang Feng already knew what was going on.

Chapter 511

It's just that it's really not very easy to say now. After this point, he still feels that he must find out first, just in case something happens again.

"Anyway, do as I say. There are some things that were completely out of our consideration. If it wasn't for this one thing, it would be a bit surprising now."

Mina looked at it, and then he shook his head there. If it wasn't for this matter, how could he stay now? After this point, he must go and make it clear first. Just in case something happens again.

Seeing the girl's worried appearance, Jiang Feng suddenly became a little surprised. If it weren't for this matter, he would have never thought of it now.

If it wasn't for this matter, it would indeed surprise him a little bit. After this, he still felt that he had to figure it out first, so that nothing would happen later.

"Okay, you can find it yourself, by the way, I'll go first if I still have something to do."

Jiang Feng is also trying to hone him this time. If it weren't for this matter, how could he stay here now? After these events, he must also talk about it first, just in case. Then there will be trouble again.

"Have you thought about the consequences of this?"

Jiang Feng suddenly smiled when he saw him. If it wasn't for this incident, he would never have imagined that this incident was like this. One point, he also had to explain it first.

"Don't worry, senior."

Mina looked at it, and she shook her head there. If it weren't for this matter, how could he stay there now? After this point, he must first figure it out, just in case. One, it's time for something to happen.

"Since you feel that there is nothing to do, then we will go first."

Jiang Feng looked at it, and she said it seriously there. If it weren't for this matter, how could he stay here now, so after this point, he still had to make it clear first.

Mina looked at it, and she was suddenly a little surprised. If it wasn't for this one thing, he really didn't think about it now, and it turned out to be like this later.

"In short, no matter what, we still have to be careful. After this point, I am afraid it is not easy. No matter what, this must be clarified."

Mina took a look, if it wasn't for this matter, how could he be staying here now? In the face of this incident, he must first explain it clearly, just in case, it will come to the end. Other troubles have arisen.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Jiang Feng saw that the matter was almost resolved, and the person turned around and left.

If it weren't for this one thing, he would never stay here any longer, and he must also figure out this specific thing.

"Why did you come back so soon, didn't you say you were going out?"

The commander looked at it, and then he started to speak out of curiosity. His current attitude really made him feel a little wrong. No matter what, he had to ask carefully about it first.

Jiang Feng smiled when he looked at this guy. If it wasn't for this matter, how could he stay here now? After this point, it must be made clear.

Chapter 512 Back

"Don't worry, they can do it themselves, no matter what, we must make it clear first."

Jiang Feng shook his head as he spoke, he had already prepared for this matter.

Since Mina has already gone, he still feels that he must be careful. After this time, no matter what, he still has to figure it out first. If something happened again after the birth, then he can. It's not good anymore.

After this point, no matter what, in the face of this incident, she still felt that she must go and talk about it first, so that if there is another situation later, it will only get worse.

"Don't worry, they can handle it."

Mina is such a smart medicine. If it weren't for this matter, he wouldn't be worried here now, so after this time, he must go and talk about it first, so as not to have trouble later. .

"Although it is true that this time we are still not the main force, but after this point, we still have to be careful about everything. There is one thing in front of us, which is really not easy to say."

They just stood aside and started talking seriously. If it wasn't for this situation, he would have solved it long ago.After this point, it must be made clear.

Look at the commander, he has already appeared this time. If it weren't for this matter, he would never stay here now. Faced with this writing, he would have known it a long time ago.

"In short, no matter what, you can just do as I say now. As for the other thing, how could this possibly stay there-?"

The great commander smiled when he said this. If it weren't for this time, how could he stay here? After all this, it's really hard to say.

"I hope they can really solve this matter sooner. Facing this time, I'm really struggling to deal with it now, so I still have to be careful."

The commander just stood aside and shook his head. If it wasn't for this one thing, how could he be staying here now?Faced with this, it must be said.

(blank) [-]

Jiang Feng felt a little speechless when he saw that the old man was already there.If it wasn't for this, how could he continue to wait now?After this point, this must also be said.


Mina kept walking towards the front, but found that he still hadn't seen the other party at all. This time things made him feel that something was wrong. After this point, he still felt that he had to ask and understand it first.

"What are you doing here?"

Those few people had already walked over from the other side at this time, and looked at this matter seriously now, which really made him feel that something was not right.After this point, it must be said first.

Mina looked at it, and then he shook his head, and if it wasn't for this matter, how could he be here now?After this point, you must go and take a good look at Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 513 Accident

"I advise you, it's better not to meddle in your own business here, otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen to you."

Mina just stayed there. If it weren't for this matter, how could he wait here now? After this point, he still felt that he had to ask clearly first, and save trouble later. .


Bai Xiong looked at how this guy came to "[-]" to meddle in his business, so he shook his head, if it wasn't for him, how could things have become like this now, after this point, he must also say for a moment.

"Although I'm still struggling to deal with one thing this time, after this point, I believe you should have already figured out what the consequences will be, so you still come here with me. It's no use talking nonsense."

Mina looked at the old man and suddenly felt a little speechless.If it wasn't for this matter, how could he be staying here now?After this point, you must talk about it first, and save the time and cook things later.

"I hope this time things can be as you said, otherwise we don't know what to do this time."

Mina looked at these guys, and it seemed that Qing Haoran was caught by him.

"Mina, hurry up!"

Bai Xiong couldn't believe it when he stared at this guy. If it wasn't for this guy, how could he be wasting time here now?

"Why are you still here? I haven't said it before. It is indeed very dangerous here, so you still have to be careful."

Mina looked at it, and then he shook his head there. If it weren't for this, he really didn't think it would turn out like this this time. After this point, he must first Go have a good talk.

"It turned out to be together. Since we are here to die, don't blame me for being rude."

Bai Xiong looked at it, and then he shook his head there. If it wasn't for this matter, how could he be staying here now? In case something happens again.

"Hurry up and stop him. You absolutely cannot let him let go of the Chiyan Divine Beast. If he lets go of this thing, the consequences will be disastrous... 0"

Qing Haoran was already a hurried reminder by just standing aside. If it wasn't for this, how could he have stayed here now?After these things, it really should be said first, just in case there is any trouble.

"Although this matter is indeed difficult for us to deal with, after all this, we still have to be careful no matter what."

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