Bai Xiong stared at this guy before shaking his head. If it wasn't for this, how could he stay here for 4.2 now?After all this, you must go and talk about it first, just in case something happens at that time.

"It turns out that you did this thing. It really makes people never think of it."

In fact, Mina had already heard a little about what happened this time, but after this time, he was completely surprised. I really didn't think that they did this thing.

Chapter 512

"Since you already know about this matter, then I don't think there is any need for you to go on talking nonsense here with you now, anyway, under this situation, it is really not good for you at all. "

Peach Blossom Fairy is so old that these guys have to persecute them again and again. It's really too much. If it wasn't for these guys, things wouldn't be like this now, no matter what. , this must be made clear.

"First arrest them all for me. If it wasn't for this, it's really water now, and I didn't expect such 30 results, so after this point, no matter what, we still must Let's explain it first."

"You said, what are you doing here, aren't you just waiting to be killed the way you are now?"

Bai Zhanxue didn't expect this girl to come here to help. It really surprised him. After all, this girl should never appear in such a place in normal times. .This surprised him a bit.

"I only noticed something wrong with this thing before, so I just wanted to see what's going on. I didn't expect to actually meet you here."

Mina looked at them and smiled suddenly. It really made them a little unexpected about this matter. After this point, they must go and talk about it first, just in case something else happened.

"But why did you come here?"

Bai Zhanxue thought that what Jiang Wumen did to them is still a bit surprising. After this point, no matter what, she still feels that she must figure it out now, so after this point, this Guess it's been bad.

"Don't worry, I've already changed my mind long ago. Besides, I'm staying here now and living in such a good place, of course I'm too happy to be happy."

Mina nodded when he said that. These two people were too underestimated. After this point, he felt that this time he had to figure it out first, so as to save the last If something happens again, it's probably not good, and after this, he also knows.

"But how did you guys get caught? And since you all know he's the murderer, then you should deal with him. Why are you still wasting your time here? I don't quite understand." 833

Mina looked at it, and then he said it very seriously, although she was still there this time, and she didn't quite understand it, but after this point, she had to go and ask carefully. Well, after this incident, he was indeed a little unclear.

"We have been hiding it all the time. Elder Wang Ye also asked us not to tell others, and we must remain calm."

Bai Zhanxue lowered his head when he said this.

"Actually, I don't blame Bai Shimei. I blame me. It's too impulsive. If I wasn't so impulsive."

Chapter 514

"Then this matter is resolved, but this time I didn't listen to him, that's why it's like this."

Mina lowered her head as she spoke, so he really didn't know what to do with this matter.After this time, I had to go and talk about it first, except for other things.

"Okay, now is not the time for the two of you to shirk responsibility, we should think about how we left the Chiyan Divine Beast and they will soon be released by them. If they are really released by then, the consequences will be Incredible."

Bai Zhanxue took a look, and they shook their heads there, so after this incident, he also felt that he had to figure it out first. If something happened at that time, then this It is estimated that it is not good. In the face of this specific thing, he really already knows it.

"I also understand what you said, I just think you shouldn't be so impulsive when dealing with some things, even if you are so impulsive here now, if there will be a result later, we will It's really not clear, so you're taking too much risk~¨."

Mina stared at these two guys and actually did this.

It's no wonder that he felt something was wrong just now. It turned out to be such a thing. After thinking about it carefully, he realized later that it seems that under this situation, for them, now that is all It's not good anymore.After this time, of course, he has also been clear.

"Anyway, in any case, now you can do as I said this time. After this point, although I am not sure about it this time, I believe that the next thing will be clear later. already."

Bai Zhanxue looked at it, and then he nodded. If it weren't for this, he would have never thought of the momentum now.After this point, it must be explained first, just in case, this is in addition to other troubles in the end.

"The Chiyan Divine Beast, if they are really released by them, the consequences will be unimaginable, so I think after this time, no matter what, we must be careful in everything."

Mina looked at these guys and didn't know what the purpose of their doing this time was, so after this time, she still felt that she had to go and ask carefully, and she would come out later. other troubles.

"々' Let's do this, we will gather all the spiritual power in a while, and then I will break this cage quietly, and we will bring the red flame beast and the cage key."

Although Qing Haoran also knew that his cultivation was suddenly much better this time, such a powerful old man suddenly appeared inexplicably. After that, she (Qian Haozhao) didn't know what to do for a while. That's why it has become like this now, no matter what, I can only say it sincerely.

"Now it seems that this is the only way to do it this time."

Mina nodded when he said that. If it wasn't for this, it really would have made him never think of it.After all this, you must first ask to understand what will happen next.

Chapter 515 The Bai Family

"Okay, it seems that the three of us can only do this together, but I think everyone should be careful, although this one thing is not very easy to deal with now, but this time I also feel that we Be careful with everything."

Mina glanced at it, and they nodded there. If it weren't for these things, how could he stay here now?After all this, you must go and ask carefully, just in case, there is another trouble in the end.

"I hope this matter can really be like what you said. Although we are still not sure after this one situation, but if we can really figure it out next, 837 would be better. already."

Qing Haoran looked at each other, these two guys really didn't expect that they had been in a mess for so long.

Jiang Feng has now returned to the Heavenly Palace once again.

His mission has been completed, as for what to do next, then it is up to them.

"Master, you are finally back."

Wang Zaiyu has just recently returned from the Bai family in the world.

He also felt a little guilty. He didn't expect to follow him for such a long time, but when he got there, he didn't seem to get anything. If he could really get anything, of course it would be better for them. It's just this time that he feels a little ashamed to say it now.

"What happened, look at your appearance, you look so worried."

Jiang Feng looked at his apprentice, and now with this attitude, he felt something was wrong. No matter what, after this point, he had to go and ask carefully. It seems that this matter is still a problem. It's really bad, no matter what it will be like then, he must ask clearly.

"Master, I'm really sorry, the matter of the Bai family seems to have become a little strange, so even after the "Blank" of [-], I didn't give it to me. deal with it clearly."

Jiang Feng looked at it, and then he shook his head there. If he can really solve all this matter, then of course it would be better.It's just that after this point, no matter what, he feels a little guilty indeed.After all this, it is still necessary to be careful in everything, just in case, there will be other troubles at that time.

"As long as nothing really happened, then this is the best for us now. I was still a little worried about this situation before, but after this point , I feel that this one thing is completely unnecessary now."

Jiang Feng looked at his apprentice.

"Actually, you have already solved everything this time, haven't you? It's just that you disappointed me a bit when you did this. But it's not really your fault, so There is absolutely no need for you to be so worried here."

Jiang Feng took a look at her, what she, an apprentice, has done recently has indeed been very good.

Chapter 516 Satisfaction

And now he is indeed very satisfied, and there is absolutely no need to say anything else.

"Okay, in short, you really don't have to say anything more about this matter here. After this point, no matter what, I'm not joking with you. You are doing really well now."

Jiang Feng looked at his apprentice and nodded there. If it weren't for these things, how could he stay here now?As for other situations, this must be made clear first.

"In short, no matter what, after these things, you just do as I said. In some cases, this is indeed already done. It's not easy to say, then we will be here first. Just as you said~ is enough."

Jiang Feng took a look, and then he said this seriously.If it weren't for this one thing, how could he stay here?As for the other thing, it is indeed completely unnecessary-necessary.

"Master, don't you blame me, I didn't deal with this matter clearly, in fact, this matter should be done the way you said, but I didn't expect it to become like this. "

Wang Zaiyu was not worried at all when he looked at his master, and he didn't seem to blame him yet. Of course, he felt more guilty in his heart.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter."

Jiang Feng looked at it, and she shook her head there. If it weren't for this matter, why would he stay here?After going through these situations, you must first ask to understand, to save other troubles from happening.

"Anyway, this time, you must do as I say. Although there are some things I still can't handle very well, but in this case, what will this alcohol look like? I believe you should know."

Wang Zaiyu looked at it, and they shook their heads. If it wasn't for this, how could he stay here now? After this point, it must be made clear first.

"Okay, you go down."

(blank) [-]

Jiang Feng looked at it, and she reminded her seriously, hoping that he could figure out this matter first, so that if there is another situation later, this is probably already done.It's not very easy to say, after this point, he has indeed been clear.

"I hope this matter can be like what you said, but in the next situation, if this can really be understood first, it will be the best, after this point, no matter what Anyway, we still have to be careful in everything.”


Wang Zaiyu came over from the other side and said this seriously. If it wasn't for this matter, how could he be staying here now?In the next situation, it is estimated that this is not very easy to deal with.No matter what, you have to be careful.

"Master, after I went out this time, I found that Bai Youmu has really colluded with Buddhism. Although their ancestors have been Buddhists for generations, I really think that no matter what this time, we should be careful. Yes." Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 517 I Believe In The River

Wang Zaiyu saw that the master didn't seem to be worried at all about the previous incident, so he spoke very seriously there. After this incident, what will this festival be like in the future? Really don't know anymore.

"I'll leave this matter to you. I believe that you will be able to solve it clearly, so that you don't have to worry too much about "[-]" now."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he entered the room and closed the door. Since he had already dared to hand over this matter to him, no matter what, of course, he would agree to everything this time. Some unnecessary trouble happened.

"If it's really like this, then of course it's better. Although we were a little worried about it before, but after this point, I think we still have to figure it out first. Just in case."

Wang Zaiyu stood aside, and it seemed that he had to go to the world this time.

When Bai Youmu looked at their family, he really didn't think that the foundation had been established for hundreds of years. If it was so ruined because of this matter, then at that time, he would definitely think of it with guilt in his heart. Here, he felt that he didn't know what to say. Facing this matter, he suddenly felt a little anxious.

"Anyway, you can just do as I say. Besides, no matter what this matter will look like at the time, we must be careful about everything this time. It's just that something will happen later. If this is the case, I am afraid it is not very easy to solve.”

Jiang Feng looked at her like this, and nodded there. If it weren't for these things, how could he stay here now?After all this, it must also be asked to understand.

"Boss, I think that Bai Xiong can't do anything after all these years, so maybe there will be some other troubles this time. Since that's the case, should we still be careful? In case something happens again... 0"

The housekeeper looked at it, and then he said it seriously there. As for what happened this time, he really doesn't know what it looks like now.

"Bai Xiong has already controlled our economic lifeline, so even if things have become like this now, no matter what, what can I do? Are you kidding me?"

Bai Youmu looked at her like this and shook his head. If it weren't for this one thing, how could he stay here now? After all this, he must go and make it clear first, so as not to come out later other troubles.

"But if 4.2 lets him continue to do whatever he wants, I'm really worried that things will only get worse."

A few of them just stood by, if it weren't for these things, how could he stay here now?So no matter what, he still felt that he had to figure it out first, so that if there was another incident later, it was probably not good.

Chapter 518 Shaking his head

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